Bergdahl, who was taken prisoner by the Taliban in 2009 after being found wandering a road alone and cursing America, became accepted by his captors to the point where he was allowed to fire an AK-47 during target practice, played soccer with them and was permitted to carry his own firearm.
Daily Mail Psychologists who spoke to Fox News’s James Rosen about the purported eyewitness accounts of Bergdahl’s imprisonment said the documents illustrated a possible case of Stockholm Syndrome – the condition which causes hostages to sympathize or even join the cause of their captors in order to survive. (CRAP! He wasn’t captured, he went voluntarily)
However, the documents reveal that Bergdahl, who was returned to American custody during a POW exchange over the weekend, endured a checkered relationship with his Taliban captors. In late June 2010, he is said to have escaped for five days and on his recapture was confined to a specially designed metal cage, where he was kept ‘like a caged animal’.
Looks pretty healthy to me!
At other times during his five-years of internment with his Haqqani captors, Bergdahl conversed in friendly terms with them and would frequently use the word ‘Salaam’, which is the Arabic word for peace. This information was obtained by and seen by Fox News provided by the secretive Eclipse Group.
It is a top-secret private firm of former intelligence operatives subcontracted by the Defense Department to obtain ground reports from every corner of the globe. Using a source within the 200 or so Taliban captors who kept Bergdahl, the former spies compiled reports for the US Central Command, or CENTCOM, which is headquartered at MacDill Air Force Base in Florida, from November 2009, to May 31, 2010.
Eclipse is operated by Duance R. Clarridge, who used to be a senior operations officer for the CIA in the 1980s. Using his groups assets, Clarridge compiled 13 situation reports or SITREPs, which were sent to Brig. Gen. Robert P. Ashley Jr. – who in April 2010 was named the director of intelligence at the J-2 level at CENTCOM.
It was SITREP # 3023, dated August 23, 2012, that provided information from Clarridge’s Haqqani sources, which makes the claim that that Bergdahl had declared himself a ‘mujahid’. This was allegedly provided to Brig. Gen. Robert P Ashley, who is now commanding general at the U.S. Army Intelligence Center of Excellence and Fort Huachuca.
The documents seen by Fox News date from October 2009, which is around three-months after Bergdahl walked away from his base in Afghanistan to August 2012. They paint a picture of a turbulent period in captivity – which included bouts inside a metal cage after his failed June 2010 escape.
Other reports reveal that Bergdahl would play soccer with his Taliban captors and was granted the use of an AK-47 for target practice. Bergdahl was also allowed to carry his own firearm during certain times of his imprisonment.
His filthy leftist parents, one of whom prays to Allah
SITREP #3023 was compiled using a source close to Mullah Sangeen, the Haqqani commander charged over the past five years with the care of Bergdahl. Eclipse admit in the report that he was not 100 percent trusted by the group but ‘does have plausible access to the information reported and claims to have seen Bergdahl personally in Shawal’ – which is in North Waziristan.
In a prior report, seen by Fox News, it outlines how Bergdahl and his captors changed their behavior after his June 2010 escape attempt. ‘Conditions for Bergdahl have greatly relaxed since the time of the escape. Bergdahl has converted to Islam and now describes himself as a mujahid,’ cites the report.
Traitor Bergdahl during Taliban exchange. Not looking too malnourished to me.
‘Bergdahl enjoys a modicum of freedom, and engages in target practice with the local mujahedeen, firing AK47s. ‘Bergdahl is even allowed to carry a loaded gun on occasion. Bergdahl plays soccer with his guards and bounds around the pitch like a mad man. ‘He appears to be well and happy, and has a noticeable habit of laughing frequently and saying ‘Salaam’ repeatedly.’
‘He is conversing with medical staff and becoming more engaged in his treatment plan. He is resting better,’ Pentagon spokesman Colonel Steve Warren said Thursday.
USA Today reports that Bowe’s father Robert Bergdahl sent a video message to his son earlier this week and recorded a portion of the tape in Pashto, the language of his son’s captors. That would have been Mr Bergdahl’s first communication with his son in five years and there is no way he would have known anything about his son’s linguistic abilities.
Traitor’s prarents with the Traitor-in-Chief
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