Cropping up in all of the familiar places, and will eventually filter into the right if not properly checked
The churches most easily influenced by
Palestinian Liberation Theology, are those who follow the Leftist path
more than their own faith. Tony Campolo,
one of the firebrands of the movement, told me in written mail some 15
yrs ago or so in response to a letter of mine challenging his
anti-Israel views (he said he didn’t do email at the time), that all the
emphasis on the Christian world developing relations with Israel, is
coming at the expense of the Muslim world ”which is more vast than the
tiny state of Israel.”
Being more ”Muslim Arab orientated”
according to Tony Campolo, is then more of a benefit to Christianity
than maintaining strong ties with the Jewish state (he holds to the view
of winning Muslims to Christianity, the Jews are proving to difficult
to convert).
UPDATE: Yisrael Medad has the following: ”It
was Hanan Ashrawi in Madrid in 1991 who declared at one of her press
conferences I attended that “Jesus was a Palestinian”, despite
“Palestine” as a name for the country began in 135 CE, a full century
after his crucifixion.”

‘Jesus Was a Palestinian’: The Return of Christian Anti-Semitism
Square was bedecked with huge photomontages of classic artworks
featuring Christian imagery superimposed with images from the
Palestinians’ modern reality. Caravaggio’s “Ecce Homo” merged with a
photograph of Palestinians crossing an Israeli checkpoint on their way
to Jerusalem, equating Palestinians with Jesus and his suffering.
—The New York Times, May 25, 2014, reporting on Pope Francis’s visit to the West Bank
the Protestant world, many churches are deeply hostile to the State of
Israel. They present the Palestinians as victims of Israeli oppression
while ignoring the murderous victimization of Israeli citizens at their
hands. This much is generally known. What is less known is the even more
disturbing fact that this perverse animus is increasingly fed not by
the politics of the present moment but by theology.
is all the more striking because millions of evangelical Christians are
among the most passionate supporters of Israel in America and
elsewhere. These Christian Zionists believe the Hebrew Bible’s account
of how God chose the Jewish people to form a kingdom of priests and
promised them the land of Israel. That religious belief has turned
Christian Zionists themselves into a key target for evangelization on
the part of those churches that have Israel in their crosshairs—and
those evangels are bearing fruit.
Christian world likes to forget it, but the history of its relationship
with the Jews is terrible. In medieval Europe, the Catholic Church used
blood libels to incite the population against the Jews, converted them
at knifepoint, and murdered them in great number.
pogroms were driven by a particular demonology called replacement
theology, also known as supersessionism. Going back to the early
Christian father Origen (182–254 C.E.), this idea holds that, because
the Jews denied the divinity of Jesus, all the promises God had made to
them now belong to Christians. Exiled from God’s love, the Jews had
become the party of the Devil.
Auschwitz, this vicious theology unsurprisingly disappeared from view.
But it turns out that it only went underground. For now it has returned
with a fresh geopolitical impetus furnished by “Palestinian liberation
theology,” itself a fusion of Palestinian political aspirations and
Christian thinking.
is a variant of liberation theology, the doctrine propounded in the
1960s to suggest that socialist revolution was the proper fulfillment of
the Christian duty to the poor. In this iteration, Jesus becomes a
Palestinian persecuted by the Jews while Jesus’s descendants—who knew he
had any?—become today’s Palestinians, crucified in the very land that
was promised to them. Their liberation would, of course, require the
dissolution of the Jewish state.
malevolent concepts, spreading from Palestinian Christians to churches
in the West, are rooted in an audacious strategy adopted by the
Palestinian Authority to deny Israel’s right to exist by changing Jewish
history to suit its own end. Part of this strategy involves denying
that Jesus was a Jew from Judea and turning him into a Palestinian who
preached Islam.
this is a tall order: Rome didn’t change the name of Judea to Palestine
until 136 C.E., and Islam first surfaced in the seventh century C.E.
Nevertheless, the Palestinian leadership repeatedly claims that Jesus
was a Palestinian.
his Christmas message last year, the Palestinian Authority president,
Mahmoud Abbas, described Jesus as a “Palestinian messenger.” In the same
month, the PA’s chief negotiator, Saeb Erekat, who had described Jesus
as “Palestine’s first martyr,” said that Jesus was “the first
Palestinian after the Canaanite Palestinians.”
NOTE: Read also Pamela Geller’s interview with Bat Ye’or on the Palestinization of Europe.
PG: Europe’s soul changed. That’s important; an important quote.
BY: Yes. Because it has to support the Palestinian war, jihad against Israel.
PG: It has to support barbarism.
BY: Which is support
barbarism, which is to support jihad ideology which is, as well, as much
anti-Jewish as anti-Christian, and which is legitimized by the evilness
of the Jews and Christians or of the infidels also. It is based on
that, so when Europe support this and legitimize it intellectually, and
also with its heart, its soul and heart support the destruction of the
state of Israel, it supported also its own evilness and its own
destruction. And since this moment it follows therefore the Palistinization
of Europe, of the whole mentality of Europe — the whole vision and
interpretation of history and of events according to the Palestinian
vision , which is the eternal evilness of its enemy Israel, which is
linked also to the Christian and the West. So Europe destroyed itself. It
destroyed its own, first of all, Christianity, and give in to the
Palestinians to attack the Christianity in Lebanon. Because the
Palestinian war was not only against Israel. The Palestinian, you have
to see them as a tool or as an instrument of the Arab world to destroy
Israel, and also as a channel to penetrate into Europe and Islamize
Europe. It is exactly what they have done.
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