We are a grass roots organization located in both Israel and the United States. Our intention is to be pro-active on behalf of Israel. This means we will identify the topics that need examination, analysis and promotion. Our intention is to write accurately what is going on here in Israel rather than react to the anti-Israel media pieces that comprise most of today's media outlets.
Saturday, March 01, 2014
Interfaith dialogue in Nigeria: Muslims torch three churches, murder three nuns
Friday, February 28, 2014
Can Israel defy a second-term president?
The assumption that
second-term U.S. presidents are omnipotent and can bulldoze their way
through anything -- including the exertion of insurmountable pressure on
Israel -- ignores the most fundamental elements of the U.S. political
system: limited government, separation of powers, checks and balances,
and the centrality of the constituent, deliberately designed to avoid an
all-powerful executive.
Second-term presidents
may wish to extricate themselves from the strict constitutional
constraints demonstrated by the power of the U.S. constituency and the
equal, co-determining Congress, both of which have been systematically
The mystique of the
second-term imperial presidency tends to smother Israeli policy-makers
and public opinion molders, who misunderstand the U.S. political system,
which is dramatically different from the Israeli and European systems.
Bereaved Parents to White House: Free Pollard Now
by Tova Dvorin
Bereaved families, whose relatives' murderers were released as a "gesture" to Palestinian Authority (PA) Chairman Mahmoud Abbas in the context of ongoing peace talks between Israel and the PA, have turned to the White House to return the favor with Jonathan Pollard, Ma'ariv reports Friday.
Several families signed a letter demanding Pollard's release, which they are sending to President Barack Obama via the US Embassy in Tel Aviv, according to the daily.
"We can only ask you the most elementary request: to limit Pollard's sentence," the petition notes. "After you caused the Israeli government to release 80 murderers of wives and children to create a 'good atmosphere' [for negotiations], you no longer have a place for arguments and explanations. Enough - release Jonathan [Pollard]."
02/27 Links Pt2: Scarlett Johansson Breaks Her Silence on SodaStream; “Sky Shield” Tested
From Ian:
Scarlett Johansson defends herself for first time since Super Bowl SodaStream ad which saw her dropped as Oxfam ambassador for breaching charity's Israeli boycott
Scarlett Johansson defends herself for first time since Super Bowl SodaStream ad which saw her dropped as Oxfam ambassador for breaching charity's Israeli boycott
She quit her role as Oxfam ambassador in a row over her controversial Super Bowl advert for SodaStream - and chose to keep her links with the Israeli fizzy drink firm.
Now speaking for the first time since she severed her ties with the humanitarian group, Scarlett Johansson insists she never saw herself as a role model in the first place.
In an interview with Dazed magazine, Johansson did not directly address the row with Oxfam, but said: 'I don’t see myself as being a role model; I never wanted to step into those shoes.
The 29-year-old actress said she had a 'fundamental difference of opinion' with the charity after it said it opposed all trade from Israeli settlements because they say it is illegal and denies Palestinian rights
Thursday, February 27, 2014
The case of Jonathan Pollard: A legal analysis
Mordechai Kremnitzer - February 23, 2014
Though he was neither charged with nor convicted of treason, there is no
dispute that Jonathan Pollard committed serious offenses and that he
deserved to be punished severely. However, it is doubtful that Pollard
received a fair trial and whether the sentence imposed on him – life in
prison without parole – was appropriate. Even if this were the case, it
seems that at this stage Pollard’s incarceration does not serve a rational
How Eric Holder fixed the FALN pardons
Michelle Malkin
Repost from 2009
The Los Angeles Times, mirabile dictu, breaks from the Obamedia pack and does some digging into Attorney General nominee Eric Holder’s past history as a political fixer for the Puerto Rican FALN terrorists (hat tip – Debra).
Attorney general nominee Eric H. Holder Jr. repeatedly pushed some of his subordinates at the Clinton Justice Department to drop their opposition to a controversial 1999 grant of clemency to 16 members of two violent Puerto Rican nationalist organizations, according to interviews and documents……President Clinton’s decision to commute prison terms caused an uproar at the time. Holder was called before Congress to explain his role but declined to answer numerous questions from angry lawmakers demanding to know why the Justice Department had not sided with the FBI, federal prosecutors and other law enforcement officials, who were vehemently opposed to the grants.
Editor’s Note: This is excerpted from Begin’s address on Israel’s independence day on the Irgun’s radio station. His words are worth remembering in this time of unprecedented challenges to Israel’s right to exist.
Citizens of the Hebrew Homeland, Soldiers of Israel, Hebrew Youth, Sisters and Brothers in Zion! Today is truly a holiday, a Holy Day, and a new fruit is visible before our very eyes. The Hebrew Revolt of 1944-1948 has been blessed with success — the first Hebrew revolt since the Hasmonean insurrection that has ended in victory. The State of Israel has arisen in bloody battle. The highway for the mass return to Zion has been cast up. The foundation has been laid — but only the foundation — for true independence.
Editor’s Note: This is excerpted from Begin’s address on Israel’s independence day on the Irgun’s radio station. His words are worth remembering in this time of unprecedented challenges to Israel’s right to exist.
Citizens of the Hebrew Homeland, Soldiers of Israel, Hebrew Youth, Sisters and Brothers in Zion! Today is truly a holiday, a Holy Day, and a new fruit is visible before our very eyes. The Hebrew Revolt of 1944-1948 has been blessed with success — the first Hebrew revolt since the Hasmonean insurrection that has ended in victory. The State of Israel has arisen in bloody battle. The highway for the mass return to Zion has been cast up. The foundation has been laid — but only the foundation — for true independence.
Multiculturalism's Child Brides
Mark Durie
Quadrant Online
Recent reports of under-age marriages in Australia are evidence that
the authorities need to do more to enforce marriage laws in Western
nations, and in particular to restrict the practice of unregistered
'clandestine' religious marriages, particularly Islamic marriages.
Two cases recently came to public attention of NSW girls being married to older men in unregistered religious ceremonies, allegedly with the approval of their guardians. The first case was of a 14-year-old girl who reported she was deceived into marrying a 21-year-old. After being subjected to years of sexual and physical abuse she fled the relationship. Her case came to light in October, 2013, when she needed to pursue custody of her daughter through the courts.
Quadrant Online
Two cases recently came to public attention of NSW girls being married to older men in unregistered religious ceremonies, allegedly with the approval of their guardians. The first case was of a 14-year-old girl who reported she was deceived into marrying a 21-year-old. After being subjected to years of sexual and physical abuse she fled the relationship. Her case came to light in October, 2013, when she needed to pursue custody of her daughter through the courts.
Wednesday, February 26, 2014
Jews Who Abandon Judaism Abandon Israel
Ronn Torossian
Michelle Goldberg of The Nation, the self-described flagship of the left, wrote a piece this week entitled, “Pro-Israel Freakout,”
claiming that “The Israel lobby appears to be panicking.” Goldberg
details how New York’s Museum of Jewish Heritage cancelled a talk by New
Republic senior editor John Judis about his new book, “Genesis: Truman,
American Jews, and the Origins of the Arab/Israeli conflict” and then
also cancelled a speech by BDS supporter Judith Butler. Rather than
using these points to show the strength of the traditional American
Jewish community, the author claims “Supporters of the Israeli right are
right to worry.” She couldn’t be more wrong.
Israeli Foreign Ministry report on PA incitement with links to the PMW reports
Confusing self-criticism with self-debasement
Isi Leibler
I have just finished reading Ari Shavit's tour de force "My Promised Land." It left me deeply disappointed and angry.
Shavit is one of
Israel's most talented and erudite columnists. He is a passionate
Zionist and proud Israeli whose patriotism cannot be challenged.
His superb portrayal of
history and life in Israel has received extraordinary acclaim which
even extended to the anti-Israel-orientated liberal media. His book was
selected as one of the Notable Books of 2013 by The New York Times Book
To qualify for this
endorsement he paid a regrettable price. He included one chapter which
is so far out of kilter with his otherwise laudable book that one
suspects it was deliberately written to achieve endorsement from the
liberal glitterati for whom debasement of the Jewish state has become a
key component of their liberal DNA.
Tuesday, February 25, 2014
PM Netanyahu's remarks at the press conference with German Chancellor Merkel
MFA Newletter
Obtaining a workable peace between us and our Palestinian neighbors is something we are both seeking to achieve. The formula is simple: two states for two peoples, a nation-state for the Palestinian people and a nation-state for the Jewish people.

PM Netanyahu at press conference with Chancellor Angela Merkel. Photo: GPO/Chaim Tzach
Prime Minister Netanyahu: Chancellor Merkel, my dear friend Angela, it's a pleasure to welcome you and your delegation to Israel. We had a very enjoyable and productive dinner last night in which we covered a breadth of issues, maybe the most important issues that relate to Israel's security interests and our quest for peace. And I appreciate your understanding and your consideration. And we had today an exceptional meeting of our two governments – exceptional because first of all, we stuck to the schedule. We were on time. Second, we stuck to the agenda and I think a lot of areas were covered and we can learn a great deal from each other. I must say that I learned quite a few things, including how to cut bureaucracy and streamline regulations, which is a revelation for me. So we intend to deepen these exchanges because this is part of our common policies. So I extend a warm welcome to you and your entire delegation.
Obtaining a workable peace between us and our Palestinian neighbors is something we are both seeking to achieve. The formula is simple: two states for two peoples, a nation-state for the Palestinian people and a nation-state for the Jewish people.

PM Netanyahu at press conference with Chancellor Angela Merkel. Photo: GPO/Chaim Tzach
Prime Minister Netanyahu: Chancellor Merkel, my dear friend Angela, it's a pleasure to welcome you and your delegation to Israel. We had a very enjoyable and productive dinner last night in which we covered a breadth of issues, maybe the most important issues that relate to Israel's security interests and our quest for peace. And I appreciate your understanding and your consideration. And we had today an exceptional meeting of our two governments – exceptional because first of all, we stuck to the schedule. We were on time. Second, we stuck to the agenda and I think a lot of areas were covered and we can learn a great deal from each other. I must say that I learned quite a few things, including how to cut bureaucracy and streamline regulations, which is a revelation for me. So we intend to deepen these exchanges because this is part of our common policies. So I extend a warm welcome to you and your entire delegation.
New BESA study debunks myths about water in PA
Missing Peace
The Truth Behind the Palestinian Water Libels
by Prof. Haim Gvirtzman
The complete BESA study can be read here:
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: Water shortages in the Palestinian Authority are the
result of Palestinian policies that deliberately waste water and destroy the
regional water ecology. The Palestinians refuse to develop their own
significant underground water resources, build a seawater desalination
plant, fix massive leakage from their municipal water pipes, build sewage
treatment plants, irrigate land with treated sewage effluents or modern
water-saving devices, or bill their own citizens for consumer water usage,
leading to enormous waste. At the same time, they drill illegally into
Israel’s water resources, and send their sewage flowing into the valleys and
streams of central Israel. In short, the Palestinian Authority is using
water as a weapon against the State of Israel. It is not interested in
practical solutions to solve the Palestinian people’s water shortages, but
rather perpetuation of the shortages and the besmirching of Israel.
by Prof. Haim Gvirtzman
The complete BESA study can be read here:
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: Water shortages in the Palestinian Authority are the
result of Palestinian policies that deliberately waste water and destroy the
regional water ecology. The Palestinians refuse to develop their own
significant underground water resources, build a seawater desalination
plant, fix massive leakage from their municipal water pipes, build sewage
treatment plants, irrigate land with treated sewage effluents or modern
water-saving devices, or bill their own citizens for consumer water usage,
leading to enormous waste. At the same time, they drill illegally into
Israel’s water resources, and send their sewage flowing into the valleys and
streams of central Israel. In short, the Palestinian Authority is using
water as a weapon against the State of Israel. It is not interested in
practical solutions to solve the Palestinian people’s water shortages, but
rather perpetuation of the shortages and the besmirching of Israel.
Anti-Israel Blogger Praised by Media Goes on Crazy Racist Rant Over Pro-Israel Black Woman
Daniel Greenfield

A little tip for Richard Silverstein, you don’t get to shout “Uncle Tom” or try to sound like a cartoon version of a black 60s radical when you’re whiter than cottage cheese.
You just don’t.
Perhaps proud black man, Richard Silverstein would consider Martin Luther King who said, “When people criticize Zionists, they mean Jews, you are talking anti-Semitism” another Uncle Tom.
A little tip for Richard Silverstein, you don’t get to shout “Uncle Tom” or try to sound like a cartoon version of a black 60s radical when you’re whiter than cottage cheese.
You just don’t.
Perhaps proud black man, Richard Silverstein would consider Martin Luther King who said, “When people criticize Zionists, they mean Jews, you are talking anti-Semitism” another Uncle Tom.
Monday, February 24, 2014
Congress considers limiting aid to the PA unless PA incitement is curtailed
The Whitewashing of Hate
PMW responds to the recent report
on Palestinian and Israeli schoolbooks
on Palestinian and Israeli schoolbooks
It is hard to imagine a more flawed analysis of Palestinian Authority schoolbooks than the recent report of the Council of Religious Institutions of the Holy Land, led by Sami Adwan, Bethlehem University and Daniel Bar-Tal, Tel Aviv University.
The report's inaccuracies start with its methodology of systematically citing all quotes from Israeli and Palestinian schoolbooks under the same headings - forcing the appearance of symmetry even when none exists. Another major flaw is giving as much weight to the fringe, ultra - Orthodox school system in Israel as it does to mainstream state schools. This artificially inflates the number of problematic examples on the Israeli side to support the report's misleading attempt to demonstrate equivalence.
But the ultimate failing of the report is that it intentionally masks the hate and violence promotion that are central to the Palestinian Authority educational system. This hatred, together with the hate and terror glorification expressed by the daily actions and messages of the PA leaders and through their controlled institutions, is rapidly condemning the next generations to continued conflict.
What did the Adwan-Bar Tal report hide from the world?
The overall message that permeates the PA's teachings about Israel throughout the school system is its total rejection of Israel's most fundamental right - its right to exist.
Hundreds of demonstrators call on US to release Pollard
Imprisoned spy Jonathan Pollard has paid his
debt and it is time to let him go, say MKs at rally outside U.S. Embassy
in Tel Aviv • Esther Pollard says husband's life sentence is "out of
Esther Pollard at Sunday's
protest in Tel Aviv
Photo credit: Yehoshua Yosef |
Hundreds of people demonstrated on Sunday
evening outside the U.S. Embassy in Tel Aviv, calling on the U.S. to
release imprisoned Israeli spy Jonathan Pollard.
The demonstrators held signs reading "Free Pollard" and "29 years, that's enough."
Credit: Koby Amehiri
A number of Knesset members took part in the demonstration, including Moshe Feiglin and Tzachi Hanegbi (both Likud), Shuli Mualem-Rafaeli (Habayit Hayehudi) and Nachman Shai (Labor).
"We are appealing to the Americans and telling
them, 'Enough,'" Shai said. "It's been almost 30 years. This man has
paid everything he owes to American society and American law. Let him
BDS Lie Week
Lena Abayev Bakman
Dozens of events will
take place worldwide this week as part of the 10th annual "Israeli
Apartheid Week." These events include lectures and panel discussions on
academic campuses in the West, with the stated goal being "to raise
awareness about Israel's apartheid policies toward the Palestinians and
to build support for the growing Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions
In short: to expand the political war against Israel.
This is not a few
individuals getting together. Nongovernmental organizations that claim
to stand for human rights but that actually support the demonization of
Israel are active in it. Some are even funded by European governments.
Groups such as the Coalition of Women for Peace (funded, in part, by the
European Union and the Netherlands), the Electronic Intifada
(Netherlands), and the Israeli Committee Against House Demolitions
(Ireland) have participated in previous apartheid weeks.
Moreover, films,
reports and publications put out by other organizations that do not
officially take part in the week (like Israel's Breaking the Silence)
provide ammunition.
Americans: Israel is the MVP
Ambassador (ret.) Yoram Ettinger, "Second Thought: a US-Israel Initiative"
"Israel Hayom", February 21, 2014, http://bit.ly/1da0GGY
At a time when the White House is pressuring Israel to make dramatic concessions, the Jewish State enjoys an all-time high popularity among Americans, and therefore among their representatives in the US House of Representatives and the US Senate.
According to a February 18, 2014 Gallup Poll, Israel is the MVP (most favorite player) in the Middle East – 72% very/mostly favorable - leading all other Middle East countries by a dramatic margin: Egypt – 45%, Saudi Arabia – 35%, etc.
Israel's popularity is at the highest since 1991, when Gallup first polled Americans on foreign countries, compared to 2009 (63%), 2010 (67%), 2011 (68%), 2012 (71%) and 2013 (66%).
Israel is more popular than most Western democracies, while the Palestinian Authority is ranked among the least favorable (19% favorability), along with North Korea (11%), Iran (12%), Syria (13%) and Iraq (16%). Thus, when President Obama delivered the 2014 State of the Union Address, he was greeted with indifference when stating: "American diplomacy [aims] to achieve dignity and an independent state for Palestinians." However, the president triggered resounding applause when continuing: "…and lasting peace and security for the state of Israel – a Jewish state that has known that America will always be at their side."
The Gallup findings reveal that the more experienced and mature Americans are, the higher is Israel's favorability: 81% among those 55 or older (who tend to be more knowledgeable about international relations, in general, and Israel in particular), 72% among those in the 35-54 age group and 64% among those between the ages of 18-34.
The Gallup data highlights the fact that Americans in general, rather than US Jewry, are the main source of intense identification with the Jewish State. That is also the case on Capitol Hill, where the key US-Israel initiatives have been conceived/led by Christian legislators (most notably, the late Senator Daniel Inouye). In fact, the vast majority of Americans has embraced the idea of a Jewish State since the 17th century Pilgrims – long before the integration of the Jewish community into American society, and many years before the founding of AIPAC.
Such determination was underlined by the October 3, 2013 Pew Research Center: 55% of America's Christians (and 82% of Evangelicals) - compared with 47% of American Jews - asserted that Israel was given to the Jewish People by God. The April, 2010 Quinnipiac Institute poll documented an overwhelming majority of Americans (66%:19%) urging President Obama to be more supportive of Israel.
"Israel Hayom", February 21, 2014, http://bit.ly/1da0GGY
At a time when the White House is pressuring Israel to make dramatic concessions, the Jewish State enjoys an all-time high popularity among Americans, and therefore among their representatives in the US House of Representatives and the US Senate.
According to a February 18, 2014 Gallup Poll, Israel is the MVP (most favorite player) in the Middle East – 72% very/mostly favorable - leading all other Middle East countries by a dramatic margin: Egypt – 45%, Saudi Arabia – 35%, etc.
Israel's popularity is at the highest since 1991, when Gallup first polled Americans on foreign countries, compared to 2009 (63%), 2010 (67%), 2011 (68%), 2012 (71%) and 2013 (66%).
Israel is more popular than most Western democracies, while the Palestinian Authority is ranked among the least favorable (19% favorability), along with North Korea (11%), Iran (12%), Syria (13%) and Iraq (16%). Thus, when President Obama delivered the 2014 State of the Union Address, he was greeted with indifference when stating: "American diplomacy [aims] to achieve dignity and an independent state for Palestinians." However, the president triggered resounding applause when continuing: "…and lasting peace and security for the state of Israel – a Jewish state that has known that America will always be at their side."
The Gallup findings reveal that the more experienced and mature Americans are, the higher is Israel's favorability: 81% among those 55 or older (who tend to be more knowledgeable about international relations, in general, and Israel in particular), 72% among those in the 35-54 age group and 64% among those between the ages of 18-34.
The Gallup data highlights the fact that Americans in general, rather than US Jewry, are the main source of intense identification with the Jewish State. That is also the case on Capitol Hill, where the key US-Israel initiatives have been conceived/led by Christian legislators (most notably, the late Senator Daniel Inouye). In fact, the vast majority of Americans has embraced the idea of a Jewish State since the 17th century Pilgrims – long before the integration of the Jewish community into American society, and many years before the founding of AIPAC.
Such determination was underlined by the October 3, 2013 Pew Research Center: 55% of America's Christians (and 82% of Evangelicals) - compared with 47% of American Jews - asserted that Israel was given to the Jewish People by God. The April, 2010 Quinnipiac Institute poll documented an overwhelming majority of Americans (66%:19%) urging President Obama to be more supportive of Israel.
Sunday, February 23, 2014
When it comes to speaking out about Israel’s legal grounds in Judea and
Samaria, there is no giving up. There is only persistence in moving
As some of you are already aware, progress is being made on the Legal
Grounds campaign that I co-chair with Jeff Daube. We are now calling it
Legal Grounds: The Campaign for Promoting Israel’s Rights, rather than a
campaign to promote the Levy Report, because this approach is more
broad-based. The Levy Report is encompassed within that broader
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