following report is a complimentary offering from MEMRI's Jihad and
Terrorism Threat Monitor (JTTM). For JTTM subscription information, click here. A page from the Koran Table of Contents I) Introduction II) Jaish-e-Muhammad's Teaching Of Jihadist Verses In Pakistani Towns III) Pakistani Militant Maulana Masood Azhar's Interpretation Of Verses On Jihad IV) The Interpretation Of The Koranic Verses Regarding Battle V) The References To Koranic Verses On Suicide BombingsVI) The Justifications For Bombings Of Churches, Synagogues, And Mosques VII) The Verses Regarding Moderation/Compulsion In ReligionVIII) The Targeted Killings Of Shi'ite Muslims In The Name Of Islam IX) The Interpretation Of Verses On Media Jihad X) The Interpretation Of Verses Regarding Financial Jihad I) Introduction This paper examines how jihadi organizations are using verses from the Koran to advance the cause of jihad and influence Muslim youth. In doing so, it sheds light on how liberal arguments regarding Islam, jihad, and Prophet Muhammad's historical role are being countered by the jihadi organizations, which cite verses from the Koran and early Islamic traditions in their support. In an editorial published in July 2013, Daily Outlook Afghanistan, a Kabul-based newspaper, warned that the Taliban are using Koranic verses to influence and prepare child suicide bombers. It observed: "Over the last decade, children, who are as innocent as angels, have increasingly been used for executing terror attacks in Afghanistan, mainly for suicide attacks. The trend, which was actually initiated by Al-Qaeda, has gained greater focus of the Taliban in the recent years. The Taliban insurgents in Afghanistan are bribing starving children as young as eight-years-old to plant deadly roadside booby traps, be decoys in ambushes, and even act as suicide bombers… "There are 224 children in prisons in just Helmand and Ghazni who were arrested by government forces for planning or carrying out attacks. Here is another example of how the Taliban brainwash the children to use them in launching suicide attacks: they are given amulets containing verses from the Koran by Taliban commanders, who tell them they will be protected from the explosion."[1] In April 2013, the Al-Saadiqeen Production Center of the Toora Bora Front, a constituent of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan (the Taliban umbrella organization led by Mullah Mohammad Omar), released a video of jihadi commander Ustad Khwaja Maqsood Mukhlis, who urged Muslims to take part in "jihad against Jews and Christians."[2] He stated: "Allah Almighty has ordered us [in the Koran], as for prayers, fasting, and Hajj, to be ready to fight against enemies of Islam, and get knowledge of every technique [in fighting] more than the infidels, because the war between Islam and kufr [unbelief] will continue until doomsday…"[3] |
We are a grass roots organization located in both Israel and the United States. Our intention is to be pro-active on behalf of Israel. This means we will identify the topics that need examination, analysis and promotion. Our intention is to write accurately what is going on here in Israel rather than react to the anti-Israel media pieces that comprise most of today's media outlets.
Saturday, June 28, 2014
The Terrorist Groups' Interpretation Of The Koranic Verses Regarding Jihad
06/27 Links Pt2: Pollard’s release is a matter of justice; Obama seeks $500M to arm Syrian rebels
Elder of Ziyon
Alan Dershowitz, Irwin Cotler: Pollard’s release is a matter of justice
Alan Dershowitz, Irwin Cotler: Pollard’s release is a matter of justice
US President Barack Obama’s response to President Shimon Peres’s request for executive clemency for Jonathan Pollard was to refer the matter to US Attorney-General Eric Holder.Lib Dem Friends of Palestine promote Atzmon
Indeed, as it happens, a group of American constitutional and criminal law scholars and practitioners, including six Harvard law school professors, Obama’s alma mater, have written to the president (full disclosure – we are two of the signatories and organizers of the letter) requesting the commutation of Pollard’s sentence to time served. In our letter we argue that “such commutation is more than warranted if the ends of justice are to be served, the rules of law respected and simple humanity secured.”
Even though Gilad Atzmon’s vile views have been widely condemned by anti-racists, including many pro-Palestinian activists, Lib Dem Friends of Palestine have promoted his racist attack on Ed Miliband’s speech to the LFI on their Facebook page.
"As the Brits were expressing their disapproval of ‘Red Ed’ and his clumsy politics, the Labour leader found the time to socialise with the Jewish Lobby. The following is Ed Miliband’s speech to LFI (Labour Friends Of Israel), the same Zionist Lobby group that funded Blair’s government as it drove Britain into a criminal war in Iraq.
In his speech, Ed Miliband affirms his deep Zionist affiliation. The verdict on his reign is clear, Miliband should never have been the leader of a major British political party. He would have been better suited for a position as a local Rabbi or a part time job as an Israeli consular.
Israel Finds Allies in the Balkans
C. Hart
Albania received good news that it will soon begin succession talks
towards EU integration. Albania is a close friend of the U.S. and has
always been a good friend to the Jewish People. It is now establishing
friendship ties with Israel. A successful visit to the Jewish State this
week by an Albanian delegation, including Foreign Minister Ditmir
Bushati, helped in solidifying this new relationship.
Since the U.S. has started coordinating its foreign policy with the EU, it means that countries accepted for succession talks, which also happen to be friendly with Israel, could become future advocates. For example, eventual integration into the EU by Albania suggests that when Israel needs Albania in critical moments of diplomacy, especially within international forums… that’s what friends are for.
Bushati elaborated in an interview with this writer: “Nowadays, there is not a conflict looming on the horizon, and all Balkan countries are sitting at the same table…. So, if there is one spot in the world that someone can measure the success of US and EU policy, this would undoubtedly be the Balkans.”
Since the breakdown of the peace process, and the development of the Fatah-Hamas unity government, the Palestinians are racing towards greater international recognition for Palestinian statehood. At the same time, Israeli leaders are stepping up their approach, as a counteroffensive, extending a hand of friendship to any interested country -- large or small -- that wants to do business with the Jewish State. Israeli diplomats know this could be one more vote in favor of Israel within the EU or the UN, which is one less vote of hostility.
Since the Pope’s visit in May 2014, Israel has received a stream of high-level delegations on official visits from Holland, Slovakia, Italy, Romania, Montenegro, Albania, Moldova, and other nations.
Since the U.S. has started coordinating its foreign policy with the EU, it means that countries accepted for succession talks, which also happen to be friendly with Israel, could become future advocates. For example, eventual integration into the EU by Albania suggests that when Israel needs Albania in critical moments of diplomacy, especially within international forums… that’s what friends are for.
Bushati elaborated in an interview with this writer: “Nowadays, there is not a conflict looming on the horizon, and all Balkan countries are sitting at the same table…. So, if there is one spot in the world that someone can measure the success of US and EU policy, this would undoubtedly be the Balkans.”
Since the breakdown of the peace process, and the development of the Fatah-Hamas unity government, the Palestinians are racing towards greater international recognition for Palestinian statehood. At the same time, Israeli leaders are stepping up their approach, as a counteroffensive, extending a hand of friendship to any interested country -- large or small -- that wants to do business with the Jewish State. Israeli diplomats know this could be one more vote in favor of Israel within the EU or the UN, which is one less vote of hostility.
Since the Pope’s visit in May 2014, Israel has received a stream of high-level delegations on official visits from Holland, Slovakia, Italy, Romania, Montenegro, Albania, Moldova, and other nations.
50,000 Christians flee Iraqi city as ISIL approaches
Robert Spencer
world will little note nor long remember the suffering of Christians in
Iraq or other Muslim countries. As long as no “Islamophobia” is being
committed, all is well.
“50,000 Assyrians Flee Fighting in North Iraq,” AINA, June 16, 2014 (thanks to The Religion of Peace)
“50,000 Assyrians Flee Fighting in North Iraq,” AINA, June 16, 2014 (thanks to The Religion of Peace)
(AINA) — Nearly all of the population of Qaraqosh, 50,000 Assyrians, has fled the city amid fighting between ISIS and Kurds. Syrian Catholic Archbishop Mar Youhana Boutros Moshe attempted to negotiate with ISIS and the Kurds to convince them to leave the city, but the negotiations failed. ISIS and the ‘Revolutionary Tribes’ (Sunnis) are set to storm the city.
According to Bishop Yousif Habash of the Syriac Orthodox Church in New Jersey, Qaraqosh (also known as Baghdede) is now almost completely abandoned. A source reporting from Qaraqosh told AINA the population has fled to Arbel, Dohuk, Alqosh, Tel Kepe, Telsqop and Ankawa. Monasteries and churches are filled with displaced Christian refugees from Baghdede. There is an urgent need for food, water, medical aid and blankets.
Friday, June 27, 2014
US military personnel forced to submit to the sharia during Ramadan
Our troops must adhere to the sharia during the Islamic month of
Ramadan in Bahrain and other Muslim countries. Subjected to dawah
(proselytizing) by an a base Islamic cultural adviser at the Naval
Support Activity, soldiers are forced to sit through lessons on Islam.
No eating, drinking, alcohol, smoking during the month of Ramadan.
This is what the Obama administration and the US military are obsessed with as armies of jihad tear through the Middle East.
Military newspaper Stars and Stripes report:
“It actually made me want to do a lot more research into the religion,” said Petty Officer 1st Class James Ramirez.
Really? How about equal time for the Jewish faith? The Christian faith? The Hindu faith?
US military are encouraged “to experience Iftar in a Ramadan tent.”
This is what the Obama administration and the US military are obsessed with as armies of jihad tear through the Middle East.
Military newspaper Stars and Stripes report:
“It actually made me want to do a lot more research into the religion,” said Petty Officer 1st Class James Ramirez.
Really? How about equal time for the Jewish faith? The Christian faith? The Hindu faith?
US military are encouraged “to experience Iftar in a Ramadan tent.”
Jordan’s borders with Iraq secure despite ISIS advance—senior official
Majid Al-Amir
Karama border crossing, Jordan, Asharq Al-Awsat—The rising
Islamist insurgency in Iraq and Syria has sent Jordanian authorities
scrambling to boost border defenses in order to contain looming security
Earlier this week, Amman took the decision to unilaterally close its borders with Iraq and mobilize military forces after Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) advanced to within a few kilometers of Jordan’s eastern border.
Jordanian military forces on high alert as Amman bans men of military age from travelling
File photo of Jordanian Border Guards at Karama Border Crossing on the Jordanian–Iraqi border. (Asharq Al-Awsat)
Earlier this week, Amman took the decision to unilaterally close its borders with Iraq and mobilize military forces after Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) advanced to within a few kilometers of Jordan’s eastern border.
Connecting the dots of the boiling Arab Street
Ambassador (ret.) Yoram Ettinger, "Second Thought: a US-Israel Initiative"
"Israel Hayom", June 27, 2014,
"Israel Hayom", June 27, 2014,
According to the Saudi Arabian-based newspaper, Arab News, "the Arab Spring is not about seeking democracy, it is about Arabs killing Arabs… about hate and
sectarian violence…. The Arab Spring is an accumulation of years of
political corruption, human rights violations, sectarianism and poor
education systems. It showed that the Arabs were never united and are
now divided beyond anybody's imagination. We hate each other more than
we hate the outside enemy. Syrians are hurting Syrians and the Israelis
are the ones who treat the Syrian wounds [in an Israeli field hospital built on the Golan Height]."
Connecting the dots of the increasingly boiling Arab Street highlights the 1,400 year reality of intense intra-Arab violent intolerance,
hate education, transient (one-bullet) regimes, tenuous policies,
non-compliance with intra-Arab agreements which are usually signed on
ice and not carved in stone, explosive unpredictability, lack of
intra-Arab peaceful coexistence and a savage violation of civil
liberties. In 14 centuries, the Arab street has never
experienced freedom of religion, speech, press, association or movement,
which constitutes a prerequisite for free elections and peaceful
Wake Up to Reality: Palestinian Authority a Terrorist Organization
While some argue that freedom of
speech is sacred, it seems the only freedom of speech the PA allows is
the one that incites terrorism.
By Mudar Zahran
Israel prays for the safe return of three Israel teenagers kidnapped by
terrorists last week, although Palestinian Authority [PA] President
Mahmoud Abbas tepidly defended the search for the teens -- comments for
which many Palestinians attacked him -- the official PA daily wrote that
"Israel itself is behind the 'kidnapping'," alleging that the three
boys were soldiers when in fact they were students, two in high school,
and the kidnappings were celebrated by people, glorifying the kidnappers
and passing out sweets.The Fatah Facebook page then published a cartoon showing the three kidnapped teenagers as rats bearing the star of David with the caption "The Master Stroke".
Keep in mind that the PA exerts extreme monitoring and control over social media used by Palestinians in the West Bank. A Palestinian man was jailed for six months for "liking" an anti-PA post on Facebook. The PA, therefore, is fully responsible for encouraging the celebrations of the kidnappings over Palestinian social media.
Pollard’s release is a matter of justice
US President Barack Obama Photo: REUTERS
US President Barack Obama’s response to President Shimon Peres’s request
for executive clemency for Jonathan Pollard was to refer the matter to
US Attorney-General Eric Holder.
Indeed, as it happens, a group of American constitutional and criminal law scholars and practitioners, including six Harvard law school professors, Obama’s alma mater, have written to the president (full disclosure – we are two of the signatories and organizers of the letter) requesting the commutation of Pollard’s sentence to time served. In our letter we argue that “such commutation is more than warranted if the ends of justice are to be served, the rules of law respected and simple humanity secured.”
Our letter sets forth 10 compelling legal considerations for the exercise of executive clemency by Obama – and which should commend themselves to Attorney-General Holder – including: First, Pollard was charged with, and pleaded guilty to, one count of conveying classified information to a foreign government, in this instance, Israel, an ally of the US.
The usual sentence for this offense is no more than six or eight years, with actual jail time before release averaging two to four years. Pollard is now serving his 29th year of an unprecedented life sentence – an excessive, grossly disproportionate, unfair and unjust sentence.
Indeed, as it happens, a group of American constitutional and criminal law scholars and practitioners, including six Harvard law school professors, Obama’s alma mater, have written to the president (full disclosure – we are two of the signatories and organizers of the letter) requesting the commutation of Pollard’s sentence to time served. In our letter we argue that “such commutation is more than warranted if the ends of justice are to be served, the rules of law respected and simple humanity secured.”
Our letter sets forth 10 compelling legal considerations for the exercise of executive clemency by Obama – and which should commend themselves to Attorney-General Holder – including: First, Pollard was charged with, and pleaded guilty to, one count of conveying classified information to a foreign government, in this instance, Israel, an ally of the US.
The usual sentence for this offense is no more than six or eight years, with actual jail time before release averaging two to four years. Pollard is now serving his 29th year of an unprecedented life sentence – an excessive, grossly disproportionate, unfair and unjust sentence.
Thursday, June 26, 2014
Majority of Palestinians now oppose two-state solution, new poll finds
A JEWISH man walks on a hilltop overlooking a suburb of Ramallah. Photo: reuters
WASHINGTON – A clear majority of Palestinians in the West Bank and the
Gaza Strip oppose a two-state solution to end their struggle with
Israel, according to a poll released on Wednesday.
Sixty percent of those polled, including 55% in the West Bank and 68% in Gaza, reject permanently accepting Israel’s existence and instead suggest their leaders “work toward reclaiming all of historic Palestine, from the river to the sea.”
Two-thirds of those polled support continued “resistance” against the Jewish state. Consequentially, those who say they support a two-state solution view such a move as “part of a ‘program of stages’ to liberate all of historic Palestine later.”
Sixty percent of those polled, including 55% in the West Bank and 68% in Gaza, reject permanently accepting Israel’s existence and instead suggest their leaders “work toward reclaiming all of historic Palestine, from the river to the sea.”
Two-thirds of those polled support continued “resistance” against the Jewish state. Consequentially, those who say they support a two-state solution view such a move as “part of a ‘program of stages’ to liberate all of historic Palestine later.”
First, understand the war and the grief
passion is tangible as she begs for support of an organization bringing
together the families of terror victims from among Palestinians and
Israelis who “have chosen a path to reconciliation”.
Can you be a caring person and still oppose what Parents Circle represents?
It Took Three Mothers to Strengthen the Government’s Spine
Lori Lowenthal Marcus
The mothers of the three kidnapped boys, Iris Yifrach (R), Bat Galim Shaar (C), Rachel Frenkel (L), seen at the Knesset during a meeting with Knesset members, on the 13th day of ongoing searches for them in the Disputed Territories on June 25, 2014.
Photo Credit: Hadas Parush/Flash90
In a stunning slap of the face reversal of what had been the all-out
rooting through the rats nests for the kidnapped Israeli teenagers, the
Israeli government sent out smoke signals yesterday that it was scaling
back its efforts to recover the kidnapped boys. Thank goodness the
firm, courageous and principled statements of the mothers of those boys
apparently moved the hearts and minds of the decision makers back to
where they should have been.
But the initial decision had been made and was already being acted upon.
Not because all the terrorists have been caught and punished. And certainly not because the boys are home, safe and sound, or at least found. No. Two reasons were given, the second one more likely the real one.
The first reason was that most of what the IDF thought it could find had already been found as far as leads to who the kidnappers are and where the boys are being held. But that means the main objects of the search, in other words, the boys and the actual kidnappers, have not been found. Is that the time to wind down?
Published: June 26th, 2014
The mothers of the three kidnapped boys, Iris Yifrach (R), Bat Galim Shaar (C), Rachel Frenkel (L), seen at the Knesset during a meeting with Knesset members, on the 13th day of ongoing searches for them in the Disputed Territories on June 25, 2014.
Photo Credit: Hadas Parush/Flash90
But the initial decision had been made and was already being acted upon.
Not because all the terrorists have been caught and punished. And certainly not because the boys are home, safe and sound, or at least found. No. Two reasons were given, the second one more likely the real one.
The first reason was that most of what the IDF thought it could find had already been found as far as leads to who the kidnappers are and where the boys are being held. But that means the main objects of the search, in other words, the boys and the actual kidnappers, have not been found. Is that the time to wind down?
Wednesday, June 25, 2014
Saddam’s WMDs: The Left’s Iraq Lies Exposed
Arnold Ahlert
The recent turmoil in Iraq brought on by the rise of the Sunni extremist group known as the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) has ironically struck a blow to the American Left’s endlessly repeated narrative that there were no weapons of mass destruction (WMDs) in Iraq prior to the war. The State Department and other U.S. government officials have revealed that ISIS now occupies the Al Muthanna Chemicals Weapons Complex. Al Muthanna was Saddam Hussein’s primary chemical weapons facility, and it is located less than 50 miles from Baghdad.
The recent turmoil in Iraq brought on by the rise of the Sunni extremist group known as the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) has ironically struck a blow to the American Left’s endlessly repeated narrative that there were no weapons of mass destruction (WMDs) in Iraq prior to the war. The State Department and other U.S. government officials have revealed that ISIS now occupies the Al Muthanna Chemicals Weapons Complex. Al Muthanna was Saddam Hussein’s primary chemical weapons facility, and it is located less than 50 miles from Baghdad.
The Obama administration claims that the
weapons in that facility, which include sarin, mustard gas, and nerve
agent VX, manufactured to prosecute the war against Iran in the 1980s,
do not pose a threat because they are old, contaminated and hard to
move. “We do not believe that the complex contains CW materials of
military value and it would be very difficult, if not impossible to
safely move the materials,” said State Department spokeswoman Jen Psaki.
Tuesday, June 24, 2014
PA Donors' Money Promised to Hamas
Malcolm Lowe
June 24, 2014
Now it has emerged that the entire personnel of the Hamas regime in Gaza is about to be put on the PA payroll. According to a report in YNet News:
June 24, 2014
In view of the prospect that US money will soon go to Hamas personnel via the PA, the US Congress has every right to stop that financial aid. We still think, however, that it would be smarter to condition such aid money on a Palestinian commitment to remove all the rockets from Gaza under international supervision. Getting rid of those rockets would revolutionize the prospect of advances in negotiations between Israel and the Palestinians.A previous article pointed out that the new Palestinian "unity government," since it rules Gaza as well as the West Bank, has made itself responsible for the existence of thousands of rockets in Gaza that are aimed at Israel. At the very least, the article argued, all aid money going to the Palestinian Authority [PA] should now be made conditional on a commitment of that government to surrender all those rockets to international control. The elimination of Syria's chemical weapons provides an obvious model.
Imagine the prestige that would accrue to Secretary of State John Kerry if, within his term of office, the US succeeded in removing rockets from Gaza as well as chemical weapons from Syria.
Now it has emerged that the entire personnel of the Hamas regime in Gaza is about to be put on the PA payroll. According to a report in YNet News:
The Early Roots of Anti-Israel Lawfare
Andrew Harrod On June 24, 2014
lawfare actually has a longer pedigree than usually imagined, dating
from a seemingly obscure lawsuit arising from Israel’s 1948 re-birth. Sreemati Mitter,
an Ernest May Fellow at the Belfer Center of Harvard University’s
Kennedy School and Harvard history Ph.D. candidate detailed the matter
in a May 20 lecture. About forty mostly middle-aged and older
pro-Palestinian individuals at the like-minded Jerusalem Fund think tank heard Mitter.
Mitter recounted the June 12, 1948 freezing by the newly reborn state of Israel of all bank accounts belonging to Arab refugees from Israeli-controlled territory during the country’s independence war. She focused on the Palestine branches of Barclays and the Ottoman Bank in London, the two of which held deposits from the Arab Bank, a “Palestinian nationalist bank.”
Mitter recounted the June 12, 1948 freezing by the newly reborn state of Israel of all bank accounts belonging to Arab refugees from Israeli-controlled territory during the country’s independence war. She focused on the Palestine branches of Barclays and the Ottoman Bank in London, the two of which held deposits from the Arab Bank, a “Palestinian nationalist bank.”
Muslim Terrorists in Iraq Issued A Decree Ordering All Families to Send Their Unmarried Women to Participate in “JIHAD BY SEX”
Shoebat Foundation
On June 12, only two day after
capturing Mosul and other territories in Iraq, the Islamic State of Iraq
and Syria issued a decree ordering the people to send their unmarried
women to “jihad by sex.” In the proclamation ISIS threatens to impose
Sharia law on all who fail to comply with the decree.
Here’s a translation of the decree, followed by the original in Arabic.

The word for marriage in Arabic is zawaj. The word Nikah literally means “legal copulation”. Jihad Nikah is simply sending the girls for “legal copulation” in order to have sex with Jihadists.
Here’s a translation of the decree, followed by the original in Arabic.
In the Name of Allah the MercifulHere is the original proclamation in Arabic:
Subject: Mandate LOGO The Islamic State of Iraq and Syria
The State of Nineveh
In the Name of Allah the Merciful
After liberation of the State of Nineveh, and the welcome shown by the people of the state to their brotherly mujahideen, and after the great conquest, and the defeat of the Safavid [Persian] troops in the State of Nineveh, and its liberation, and Allah willing, it will become the headquarters for the mujahideen. Therefore we request that the people of this state offer their unmarried women so that they can fulfill their duty of jihad by sex to their brotherly mujahideen. Failure to comply with this mandate will result in enforcing the laws of Sharia upon them.
Allah we have notified, Allah bear witness.
Sha’ban 13, 1435
June, 12, 2014
ISIS decree calling on women to report for “jihad by sex” duty.
Translated for by Dr. Samir Johna.
The word for marriage in Arabic is zawaj. The word Nikah literally means “legal copulation”. Jihad Nikah is simply sending the girls for “legal copulation” in order to have sex with Jihadists.
Has ZOA Awakened to the Ugliness of Political Reality?
Steven Shamrak
The US attitude toward Israel
is simple - pressure Jews, in Israel and the US
, and provide endless diplomatic and financial support to enemies of the Jewish state.
Zionist Organization of America issued a harshly worded condemnation of
the kidnapping of the three Israeli teens Eyal Yifrach, Gil-Ad Shaer
and Naftali Frenkel, and slammed the
US' policy as "nothing less than a diplomatic Kristallnacht."
the statement, the group described Hamas, which Prime Minister Benjamin
Netanyahu has said is responsible for the kidnapping, as "Nazi-like".
Taking cue from the official government position, the group also said it
views Abbas as responsible for the kidnapping."
Zionist Organization of America condemned the kidnapping, as well as
Mahmoud Abbas' Palestinian Authority (PA) for its obscene and incendiary
newspaper cartoon celebrating and trivializing this horrendous,
appalling crime," the statement said, referencing a caricature published
on the
Fatah's paper Facebook page.
Monday, June 23, 2014
AFDI's Truth About CAIR Ad Defaced: Anti-Semitic Vandalism
Pamela Geller
Our new Truth About CAIR ad campaign is running on Washington DC buses, train dioramas and New York subway platforms.
AFDI's Truth about CAIR advertisements
have been defaced with anti-Semitic vandalism, including hammers and
sickles and the phrases "No to Zionism" and "Long live Palestine."
Supporters of the Hamas-CAIR terror-aligned organization are flagrant
anti-semites. The vandalism demonstrates yet again the
desperate insecurity and authoritarian tendencies of the foes of the
U.S., Israel and freedom.

We are rolling out this campaign in as many cities as we can. Please CONTRIBUTE HERE.
is very telling that their vandalism is anti-Semitic. The supporters of
Hamas-tied CAIR and the Palestinian jihad cannot answer our arguments
or refute our assertions. They cannot debate, so they destroy. All that
is left to them is to try to silence us forcibly by vandalizing our
printed messages and smearing and defaming the messenger. It is the
tactic of thugs and fascists, and should be opposed by all free people.
printed up a stack of these posters, knowing how the destroyers
operate. The defaced ads have been replaced, as will any others that are
defaced, and we have made an even bigger CAIR-truth buy in other US
cities, including San Francisco and Philadelphia.
Hamas TV entertains children with sound of rockets
"to encourage and excite our audience,
our children friends"
Hamas official: "Hamas will continue to build rockets...
until it defeats the enemy...
We will continue on the path of Jihad and Martyrdom"
by Itamar Marcus and Nan Jacques Zilberdik
In its latest episode, Hamas TV's children's program Tomorrow's Pioneers chose to teach young viewers what a rocket sounds like "when it is launched from us" and "when it reaches them [the Israelis]." [Al-Aqsa TV (Hamas), June 20, 2014]
As the child host on the program encouraged the program's guest, an adult mimic, to do "a last imitation of the sound of our rockets," the man-sized bee puppet Nahul requested he make "the sound of the explosion." These sounds were "to encourage and excite our audience, our children friends," the child host explained. Upon hearing the mimic make a rocket sound, a child in the studio identified it as "the M-75" rocket. After the mimic explained that this was the sound of a rocket being launched, the child host requested he imitate the sound a rocket makes "when it reaches them [the Israelis]." Nahul the bee then eagerly made the sound of an exploding rocket.
Hamas Indoctrinates Palestinian Youth after Kidnapping
Pro-Hamas students glorified the kidnapping of three teenagers last
week during two graduation ceremonies in Judea and Samaria. Just days
later, the terrorist organization showcased a Hamas summer camp that provides military training to Palestinian children in Gaza.
Last week’s events highlight Hamas’ extensive efforts to involve Palestinian youth in its terrorist activities. The organization uses Palestinian universities, summer camps and schools to spread its ideology of terror. The educational institutions are part of the ‘Dawa’ network, a social-welfare system that fuels support for Hamas violence.

Massive banners at the ceremony paid tribute to terrorists including Ahmed Jabri, the former Hamas military chief who directed hundreds of terror attacks against Israel. In a second ceremony at Al-Quds university in Abu Dis, engineering graduates marched with signs reading “the Engineering Brigade of Al-Qassam,” a reference to the Hamas military wing. Like students at An-Najah, families of convicted terrorists held up three fingers in support of last week’s kidnapping.
A short time after its attack against three
Israelis, Hamas encouraged Palestinian youth to embrace its ideology of
hatred and terrorism.
Last week’s events highlight Hamas’ extensive efforts to involve Palestinian youth in its terrorist activities. The organization uses Palestinian universities, summer camps and schools to spread its ideology of terror. The educational institutions are part of the ‘Dawa’ network, a social-welfare system that fuels support for Hamas violence.
Celebrating terror at Palestinian universities
During a graduation ceremony last Monday at An-Najah
National University, thousands of attendees waved green Hamas flags in
support of the terrorist organization. Dozens of graduates posed for a
picture at the ceremony, holding up three fingers to represent three Israeli teens kidnapped by Hamas. The symbol has spread quickly throughout Palestinian communities as a sign of pride for the recent terror attack.
Massive banners at the ceremony paid tribute to terrorists including Ahmed Jabri, the former Hamas military chief who directed hundreds of terror attacks against Israel. In a second ceremony at Al-Quds university in Abu Dis, engineering graduates marched with signs reading “the Engineering Brigade of Al-Qassam,” a reference to the Hamas military wing. Like students at An-Najah, families of convicted terrorists held up three fingers in support of last week’s kidnapping.
Sunday, June 22, 2014
Soldiers Find Network of Underground Tunnels in Hevron Area
Dozens of tunnels were hidden behind furniture, washing machines; IDF looking for volunteers to help search for kidnapped teens.
First Publish: 6/22/2014
In the meantime, the army said, the intense searches in the Hevron area have yielded a great deal of information and new discoveries – such as the discovery of a network of tunnels in the Hevron area that the IDF did not know existed.
In an e-mail message sent out to organizations that sponsor hikes and outdoor activities in the Hevron area, officials wrote that “now is the time for action. We need volunteers to help find our missing boys.” The message stresses that those who answer the call are responsible for their own personal safety.
Keeping a crocodile
We live side by side with a vile monster that has malicious intentions and limited abilities. We could slay it or chase it out, but we refrain from taking such action because of the human values we uphold. Those values are foreign to the monster next door, and it certainly doesn’t feel obliged to uphold them.
The situation is similar to keeping a baby crocodile in your home. The croc would like nothing better than to eat you, but it can’t because it’s too small. The most it can do is take a little bite here, or draw a little blood there. As the years go by, the reptile grows bigger. It still can’t eat you, but it is already a threat to children.
That’s when you have to understand a basic fact of life: you don’t live with a creature that wants to eat you.
relative of Palestinian member of Hamas' armed wing Ibraheem al-Arqan
holds a weapon as others mourn during his funeral in Gaza City. Photo: REUTERS
If they were capable of doing to us what we are capable of doing to
them, none of us would be here. They would annihilate us all: Left and
Right, religious and secular, industrialists and farmers – each and
every one of us.We live side by side with a vile monster that has malicious intentions and limited abilities. We could slay it or chase it out, but we refrain from taking such action because of the human values we uphold. Those values are foreign to the monster next door, and it certainly doesn’t feel obliged to uphold them.
The situation is similar to keeping a baby crocodile in your home. The croc would like nothing better than to eat you, but it can’t because it’s too small. The most it can do is take a little bite here, or draw a little blood there. As the years go by, the reptile grows bigger. It still can’t eat you, but it is already a threat to children.
That’s when you have to understand a basic fact of life: you don’t live with a creature that wants to eat you.
It's time to stop infantilising the Palestinians
Alan Johnson
The jubilant reaction of many Palestinians to the kidnapping of three
Israeli teenage boys has been met in the West with a bit of a shrug.
The official daily PA newspaper Al-Hayat Al-Jadida has published cartoons mocking the three students and celebrating their capture. The Fatah Facebook page featured a cartoon of three rats dangling from a line. Sweets have been handed out on the streets (a traditional gesture of joy and celebration). Many children have been photographed by their parents, holding up three fingers and smiling. An internet campaign
gathers pace and “popular support for the abduction has continued to
proliferate on Palestinian social media” according to the journalist
Elhanan Miller. Hamas, of course, is exultant. Yes, Abu Mazen has
condemned the kidnap and there have been some brave Palestinian voices
raised in defence of the three youngsters, but their voices are
isolated; Palestinians calling for the return of the three students have
been threatened.
And yet, despite all this whooping and cheering about the trauma and possible death of Naftali Fraenkel and Gilad Shaar, both 16, and Eyal Yifrach, 19, the Palestinians will likely pay a very small price in the international community or global public opinion. Why?
In part, because an anti-Zionist mindset that has taken root in the West, and at its heart is unexamined assumption – that Israelis and Palestinians are different kinds of people. Israelis have agency, responsibility and choice, Palestinians do not. In short, the world treats the Palestinians as children – ‘the pathology of paternalism’ it has been called
The unarticulated assumption of anti-Zionism is that Palestinians are a driven people, dominated by circumstances and moved by emotions; qualities associated with the world of nature. Israelis are the opposite; masters of all circumstances, rational and calculating; qualities associated with the world of culture.
And yet, despite all this whooping and cheering about the trauma and possible death of Naftali Fraenkel and Gilad Shaar, both 16, and Eyal Yifrach, 19, the Palestinians will likely pay a very small price in the international community or global public opinion. Why?
In part, because an anti-Zionist mindset that has taken root in the West, and at its heart is unexamined assumption – that Israelis and Palestinians are different kinds of people. Israelis have agency, responsibility and choice, Palestinians do not. In short, the world treats the Palestinians as children – ‘the pathology of paternalism’ it has been called
The unarticulated assumption of anti-Zionism is that Palestinians are a driven people, dominated by circumstances and moved by emotions; qualities associated with the world of nature. Israelis are the opposite; masters of all circumstances, rational and calculating; qualities associated with the world of culture.
Israel Claims $3B in Cyber Exports; 2nd Only to US
Netanyahu: 'We Have a Land Flowing With Milk and Cyber'
Cyber Champion: Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, showing a mobile phone during his opening speech at the CyberTech 2014 international conference Jan. 27 in Tel-Aviv, has made it a personal and national goal to elevate Israel's status as a global cyber power. (JACK GUEZ/AFP/Getty Images)
HERZLIYA, ISRAEL — Israeli exports of
cyber-related products and services last year reached $3 billion, some 5
percent of the global market and more than all other nations combined
apart from the United States, according to Israel’s National Cyber
Bureau (NCB).
Officials here say the latest data, cited last week at an international conference here and presented in detail at a closed briefing of the Israeli Cabinet in late February, clearly ranks Israel as the second leading cyber exporting nation.
“As far as industry goes, Israel is a superpower indeed,” Tal Steinherz, NCB chief technology officer, told participants at a June 9 session of the annual Herzliya Conference here.
“Our part of the international market equals the entire world apart from the United States... We’re talking 5 percent of all world exports,” he said.
Officials here say the latest data, cited last week at an international conference here and presented in detail at a closed briefing of the Israeli Cabinet in late February, clearly ranks Israel as the second leading cyber exporting nation.
“As far as industry goes, Israel is a superpower indeed,” Tal Steinherz, NCB chief technology officer, told participants at a June 9 session of the annual Herzliya Conference here.
“Our part of the international market equals the entire world apart from the United States... We’re talking 5 percent of all world exports,” he said.
Perry - "Settlements" Legal
My Right Word
Re-post from 2011
Re-post from 2011
On CNN via progressive website:
As I pointed out, in 1997, Secretary of State Madeleine Albright already stated the Jewish communities are legal in an interview with Matt Lauer on NBC’s "The Today Show" on October 1, 1997, and asked in relation to building in Yesha and said: “I wasn't happy…I felt that going forward with those kinds of buildings was not helpful. Mr. Lauer pressed her and stated: “ It's legal. “, and Albright admitted: “It's legal.”
And following that, let's note this:
Republican Presidential hopeful Texas Gov. Rick Perry broke with more than 40 years of bipartisan U.S. policy and issued a statement of blanket support for Israeli settlements in the Occupied Palestinian Territories...
CNN’s Wolf Blitzer asked Perry:
Since ’67, every U.S. president, Democrat and Republican, have called Israeli settlement activity in the occupied territories, in the West Bank, illegal under international law. Would you continue that activity?
PERRY: …No I wouldn’t. I consider the Israeli settlements to be legal, from my perspective, and I support them.
BLITZER: Even if they’re in the West Bank?
PERRY: Where there is arrangements that have been made, where the Israeli’s are clearly on Israel’s land that they have hard fought to win and to keep, absolutely.
...Blitzer also asked if Perry would move the U.S. embassy in Israel, which is currently located in Tel Aviv, to Jerusalem. “Absolutely,” replied Perry. “As soon as I could. I would clearly say, if you want to work for the State Department of the United States, you need to be packing your bags and move to Jerusalem as soon as you can.”
As I pointed out, in 1997, Secretary of State Madeleine Albright already stated the Jewish communities are legal in an interview with Matt Lauer on NBC’s "The Today Show" on October 1, 1997, and asked in relation to building in Yesha and said: “I wasn't happy…I felt that going forward with those kinds of buildings was not helpful. Mr. Lauer pressed her and stated: “ It's legal. “, and Albright admitted: “It's legal.”
And following that, let's note this:
1. State Department, September 17, 1997
The United States has been in contact with the Israeli government with regard to the Ras al-Amud housing project. The move of settlers into this project [formerly an entirely Palestinian neighborhood in East Jerusalem] is not helpful...We don't think this is a question of law...Remember, this is about property rights, people purchasing property and then trying to build on that property, dealing with local governments, dealing with national governments. It's really an Israeli internal matter; that's precisely why I said we weren't in a position to micromanage it.
Hillary’s Evenhandedness Means Blaming Israel for Failed Peace Talks
her new memoir, the former Secretary of State is
calculating, cautious, and balanced—and that’s what’s
By Noah
Clinton and Benjamin Netanyahu in Jerusalem, November
2012. (Baz Ratner-Pool/Getty Images)

The End of the Jewish Left
theorist Michael Walzer and others argue about the
death of the century-long Jewish-Leftist alliance
By Adam
Left For Dead
Israeli left has collapsed in the last decade. But
the right, despite its successes, is dying, too,
brought down by Russian-imported maximalism and
American-imported political consultants.
hasn’t the Obama Administration been able to reach a
peace accord between Israel and the Palestinians?
Reading Hillary Clinton’s new memoir,Hard
Choices, you’d think the blame should be
apportioned about equally between the two parties, with
a little falling on the administration as well. It’s
nice to be evenhanded—to downplay differences, to be
charitable and high-minded, to preserve future options.
But it also can be wrong, especially when doing so
implicitly casts opprobrium on someone undeserving of
sections of Clinton’s book that deal with the peace
process are full of such blame, and it is not always so
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