by Itamar Marcus
Palestinian Authority TV dedicated a program to terrorist Nasser Awais, who is serving 14 life sentences for murder in multiple terror attacks. These include an attack on guests at a Bat-Mitzva celebration and the killing of a baby. Throughout the program, the PA TV moderator refers to Awais as "the heroic fighter" or the "heroic prisoner." The PA TV broadcast featured a short music video in his honor. The following words appeared next to the terrorist's picture:
Through your patience and resilience
you achieved the most outstanding heroism. Heroic prisoner Nasser Awais, from the Balata refugee camp, Nablus, you are towering like the steady mountains."
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Palestinian Media Watch has documented the ongoing PA policy of glorifying terrorists. To view more examples, click here.
The following is the full transcript of the segment:
PA TV host:
"We dedicate this program to our brothers, the prisoners, and of
course, to the heroic fighter, prisoner Nasser Awais. We also dedicate
the program to the prisoner Ahmed Abu Khader. They were arrested the
same day, for their valor and for defending the homeland, Palestine."
Text under terrorists' photos: "Heroic prisoner, Ahmed Abu Khader" "Heroic prisoner, Nasser Awais"
PA TV host: "Viewers and our brothers, the prisoners, the following is information about the heroic fighter, prisoner Nasser Awais."
Text under terrorist's photos:
"Heroic prisoner, Nasser, arrested on April 13, 2002, sentenced to 14
life sentences, 50 years and 6 months. Through your patience and
resilience you achieved the most outstanding heroism. Heroic prisoner
Nasser Awais, from the Balata refugee camp, Nablus, you are towering
like the steady mountains."
[PA TV (Fatah), June 30, 2012]
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