Maurice Ostroff
influence on post-apartheid South African politics would make an
interesting subject for a serious, dispassionate academic study free
from subjective or emotional involvement .
In a lecture delivered to the Muslim Institute in London, (republished by the Voice of the Cape radio
station that serves the Muslim community) Faizal Dawjee quoted Nelson
Mandela’s tribute to South African Muslims who died while in detention
because of their resistance to apartheid; Babla Saloojee; Imam Haron;
Ahmed Timol; and Dr Hussein Haffejee. Mandela said:
represent the involvement of the Muslim community in the struggle for
justice and freedom, as does the presence of Muslims as Cabinet
Ministers and in the highest office of our judiciary, in the new
democratic political dispensation of our country
Credit is due too to Ahmed Kathrada who was jailed with Neslon Mandela on RobbenIsland.
However Mr. Dawjee admitted that during the apartheid era the
established Muslim orthodoxy (the Ulama) had declared considerable
loyalty to the apartheid government, adding that for many Muslims there
was neither the need nor the capacity to change the status quo or to
initiate resistance against apartheid. He said
“..the established orthodoxy, i.e. the Ulama, of all communities shared two attitudes: they generally were conservative and showed little preparedness for change, and they declared considerable loyalty to the government in power, being responsive to co-optation.For many Muslims there was neither the need nor the capacity to change the status quo or to initiate resistance against apartheid, even more so because religious practice was not restricted. Almost all Ulama and this is true for the Western Cape, Natal, and Transvaal alike were complacent, silent, and even apolitical with regard to the political landscape, especially in the course of the 1960s and 1970s”.
Mr. Dawjee’s admission confirms a report by the Afrikaans newspaper Die
Burger of October 29, 1985 that praised the Muslim community for its
cooperation with the apartheid government as follows:
“Moderate Muslim theologians (geestelikes) in the Peninsula are of the opinion that not even civil disobedience is permissible for the Muslim minority in South Africa where they are to obey the law and are under obligation to negotiate if they consider the political system to be unjust or oppressive.”
It is remarkable that, despite the Muslim community’s accommodation with
the apartheid regime, it nevertheless exerts a disproportionate
influence on post-apartheid South African politics considering that it
represents only approximately 1.5% of the population..
858 Mosques and Sharia committees already monitoring the products and
activities of banks, Mr. Dawjee describes the many madrassahs and
mosques as an impressive religious infrastructure in all the towns and
cities in which Muslims live and he discusses the high visibility of the
Muslim community and its political and societal participation with many
ministerial offices and other significant positions and professions.
cabinet ministers have included Kader Asmal (Water Affairs), Valli
Moosa (Environment), Abdullah Omar (Justice), and Naledi Pandor
(Education). Aziz Pahad was a deputy minister of foreign affairs, Essop
Pahad was a special advisor to President Mbeki; Ebrahim Rassool was
premier of the Western Cape and currently severs as ambassador to the US
and Justice Ismail Mohammed occupied the most senior legal position in
the country until his death. The present Auditor General is Shaukat
Fakie in addition to many Muslim MP’s and officials at national as well
as local government level.
question naturally arises as to what extent South Africa’s growing
unfriendly attitude to Israel is due to Muslim influence. Last year
Deputy Foreign Minister Ebrahim Ismael Ebrahim called on South Africans
to avoid visiting Israel and a planned trip to Israel by KwaZulu-Natal
mayors and officials was called off because of pressure from the
pro-Palestine lobby.

Typical Muslim demonstration outside Parliament in Cape Town with usual
inflammatory, anti-Israel speeches and posters. (Photo by David Kaplan)
It is ironic that this anti-Israelism occurs despite the fact that Jews
were disproportionately active in opposing the apartheid regime from the
earliest days. When Mandela started his career, it was a Jewish lawyer
Lazar Sidelsky who did what no other White lawyer would then do; engage a
black man as an articled clerk.
with the report in the Burger about the Muslim community’s
accommodation with apartheid, Afrikaans newspapers regularly accused the
Jews of subverting the apartheid regime, pointing to the high
percentage among the whites detained by the police. Comprising only 0.6%
of the population, a very high proportion of South African Jews
actively opposed apartheid. Of the 23 Whites charged in the 1956 Treason
Trial, no less than 14 (60%) were Jews. The legal defense team was led
by Israel Maisels, and included Sydney Kentridge, both well-known
leaders of the Jewish community
were prominent in the famous 1963 Rivonia Trial that resulted after the
ANC established underground headquarters at the farm home of the late
Arthur Goldreich who had served in the Israel army in the 1948 Israel
War of Independence. Mandela stayed there in the guise of a farm worker
and it was there that Umkhonto we Sizwe was conceived. Significantly,
all the whites arrested there were Jewish: Arthur Goldreich, Rusty
Bernstein, Dennis Goldberg, Bob Hepple, and Dr Hilliard Festenstein. The
legal defence team led by Israel Maisels included Harry Schwarz, Arthur
Chaskalson and Joel Joffe.
In his s statement from the dock Mandela said
“I naturally found Rivonia an ideal place for the man who lived the life of an outlaw..For obvious reasons, I had to disguise myself and I assumed the fictitious name of David. We [Goldreich and I] discussed ideological and practical questions, the Congress Alliance, Umkhonto and its activities generally, and his experiences as a soldier in the Palmach, the military wing of the Haganah [the Israel army]“
Mandela`s book, Long Walk to Freedom reveals that mostly Jews were
responsible for hiding him during his underground days. For example he
hid with WW2 veteran, Wolfie Kodesh and wrote that Kodesh’s knowledge of
warfare and battle experience were extremely helpful.
Click here for more.
far back as 1962 South Africa’s apartheid government sharply criticized
Israel for voting in favor of UNGA resolution 1761 condemning SA’s
apartheid. Significantly, the USA, UK and France voted against the
resolution while Norway, Sweden and Finland chose to abstain
premier Golda Meir said it would have been contrary to Jewish morality
for Israel to have failed to raise its voice against the “shameful
iniquity” of South Africa’s apartheid policy.
is known about the important Israeli support of Black resistance to
apartheid like the extensive program carried out covertly by MASHAV at
teaching facilities in Israel during the darkest days of apartheid;
training Black South Africans for future leadership in a variety of
fields. Click here for a story on this subject by David Kaplan
anomaly that despite the acknowledged cooperation with the apartheid
government, Muslims now exert disproportionate influence in
post-apartheid South African politics, would certainly make an
interesting subject for a dispassionate socio-political academic study.
Read more: Muslim influence on South African politics | Maurice Ostroff | Ops & Blogs | The Times of Israel
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