Christians and Jews are "inferior" and "despised"
"Our enemy, Zion, is Satan with a tail"
by Itamar Marcus and Nan Jacques Zilberdik
In addition, Palestinian Media Watch reported last month that in April, PA TV broadcast a young girl reciting a poem
that included the words: "Our enemy, Zion, is Satan with a tail."
One month later, PA TV broadcast an even younger girl reciting the poem
with the same hate speech, adding that the child had already recited it
at the opening of a Palestinian exhibition of educational tools.
Click to view latest broadcast of "Satan with a tail"-poem
Click to view first broadcast of "Satan with a tail"-poem
Palestinian Media Watch has documented that hate speech and demonization of Israel and Jews is common in the PA and the structures under its control.
The following are the transcripts of the poems recited on PA TV:
Jews and Christians as "inferior and smaller, more cowardly and despised"
PA TV host: "You are going to recite a poem, which also teaches us responsibility and belonging."
Girl: "... The occupier stole my land and my grandfathers' land...
Where is your sword, Khaled (Arab warrior)?
Where is your courage, Saladin (Muslim conqueror)?
But no one answered me.
is my weapon? I found it - a stone. I took it and threw it at the
enemies of destiny. I taught the world that the Muslim in the name of
Allah cannot be defeated...
challenge us with the White House, and we challenge them with the
[Islamic] awakening and the Kaaba [in Mecca]. They aren't stronger than
Khosrau and Caesar (rulers of Persian and Byzantine Empires).
[Christians and Jews] are inferior and smaller, more cowardly and
despised. They are remnants of the [Christian] crusaders and Khaibar
(i.e., Jewish village destroyed by Muslims in 629)...
Oh Muslims of the world: Awaken, you have slept too long.
Your fathers and your sons are being massacred, your Al-Aqsa [Mosque] is defiled and destroyed."
Host: "Bravo! Applause for our friend Lara."
[PA TV (Fatah), May 11 and June 2, 2012]
"Our enemy, Zion, is Satan with a tail." (1)
Host: "Lina, how did you participate in the exhibition [of educational tools]?"
Lina: "I recited a poem."
Host: "A poem."
Co-host: "Lina opened the exhibition."
Lina: "When I was young, I was taught that Arabness is my honor...
and that our lands extend from one end to the other,
and that our wars were for the Al-Aqsa Mosque,
and that our enemy, Zion, is Satan with a tail..."
[PA TV (Fatah), May 8, 2012]
"Our enemy, Zion, is Satan with a tail." (2)
Host: "Laila, what do you want to recite next?"
Laila: "When I was young I was taught that Arabness is my honor...
and that our lands extend from one end to the other,
and that our wars were for the Al-Aqsa Mosque,
and that our enemy, Zion, is Satan with a tail...
Our division is by your hands [Arab rulers]. May your hands be cut off.
We are fed up with our division, while all people are uniting."
Host: "Bravo, bravo, bravo."
[PA TV (Fatah), April 7, 2012]
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