by Itamar Marcus and Nan Jacques Zilberdik

PMW bulletin, May 8, 2013:
"We as yet don't have a nuke, but I swear that if we had a nuke,
we'd have used it this very morning."
we'd have used it this very morning."
[PA TV (Fatah), April 30, 3013]
Reporting the refusal to allow Rajoub to enter, the Israeli daily Ha'aretz website posted links to two PMW videos as examples of Rajoub's incitement: 
[PA TV (Fatah), May 17, 2012]
PMW bulletin, Dec. 13, 2012:
invades our territory, will leave in a wooden plank (i.e., in a
coffin). This land is our land... Out of loyalty to your blood, Yasser
Arafat, you who died during this month, we will not return the sword to
its sheath until there is a state... Resistance is Fatah's strategic
right - in all its forms... We are ready - if there's shooting, we'll
shoot. If there are demonstrations, we'll demonstrate."

[PA TV (Fatah), Nov. 29, 2012]
Meretz Party had invited Rajoub to attend a party conference in Israel.
Israeli TV Channel 2 reported that Israeli Defense Minister Moshe
Yaalon explained his decision with the words:
"Jibril Rajoub incites [against Israel]. I'm not prepared
when someone spits on me to say that it's rain." [Channel 2 News
(Israel), June 7, 2013]
Meretz chairwoman, MK Zahava Gal-On, criticized the decision saying:
"This is an attempt at silencing one of the outstanding peace-seekers on the other side." [Haaretz website, June 6, 2013]

The following are other statements by Jibril Rajoub, Member of the Fatah Central Committee, Chairman of the Palestinian Football Association and head of the Palestinian Olympic Committee, in which he promotes hatred, honors terrorists and justifies violence:
Rajoub defending violence and glorifying terror:
Rajoub attended sports tournament named after terrorist Abu Jihad:
Headline: "The Boxing Association ends the Martyr (Shahid) Abu Jihad Tournament with great success."
huge success and excellent organization, the events of the third
classification tournament for youth and men, the 'Martyr Abu Jihad
Tournament', organized by the Palestinian Boxing Association, ended in
the Al-Istiqlal University in Jericho (The Palestinian Academy for
Security Sciences)... The championship was attended by [Member of Fatah
Central Committee] and Chairman of the Al-Istiqlal University board,
Tawfiq Tirawi... and Yusuf Lafi, representing [Member of Fatah Central
Committee] and Chairman of the Olympic Committee, Jibril Rajoub."
[Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, Feb. 22, 2013]
Abu Jihad (Khalil Al-Wazir) was a founder of Fatah and deputy to Yasser
Arafat. He headed the PLO terror organization's military wing and
planned many deadly Fatah terror attacks, including the most lethal in
Israeli history, the hijacking of a bus and killing of 37 civilians, 12
of them children.
Rajoub declares violence is legitimate until a Palestinian state is formed:
invades our territory, will leave in a wooden plank (i.e., in a
coffin). This land is our land... Out of loyalty to your blood, Yasser
Arafat, you who died during this month, we will not return the sword to
its sheath until there is a state... Resistance is Fatah's strategic
right - in all its forms... We are ready - if there's shooting, we'll
shoot. If there are demonstrations, we'll demonstrate."
[PA TV (Fatah), Nov. 29, 2012]
Rajoub expresses support for "all forms of struggle," including "the rifle":
is a popular struggle. We still believe in all forms of the struggle.
No one has removed the rifle from the equation. However, for us, the
struggle is a means, and the end is freedom and independence."
[PA TV (Fatah), Nov. 5, 2012]
Rajoub says that remembering Israeli athletes murdered by Palestinian terrorists at 1972 Olympics would be "racism":
"Rajoub expresses appreciation for Rogge's position [rejecting a moment
of silence commemorating Israeli athletes murdered in 1972 Olympics]
and emphasizes that sports are meant for peace, not for racism"
are a bridge to love, interconnection, and spreading peace among
nations; it must not be a cause of division and spreading of racism between
them.' With these words the President of the Palestinian Olympic
Committee, Jibril Rajoub, began a special letter which he sent to
president of the International Olympic Committee, Jacques Rogge. He
expressed appreciation for [Rogge's] position, who opposed the Israeli
position, which demanded a moment's silence at the opening ceremony of
the Olympic Games in London. He said that his position not to
politicize sports, and his determination to implement the International
Olympic Charter represents a victory for freedom in sports."
[Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, July 25, 2012]
2005, Hamas terrorists crossed the border into Israel and killed 3
Israeli soldiers and kidnapped Gilad Shalit, who they held hostage for 5
years. Hamas demanding the release of thousands of terrorist murderers,
including many who were in jail for planning suicide bombings which
killed dozens of Israeli civilians. In October 2011, the Israeli
government gave in to Hamas and agreed to release 1,027 Palestinian
imprisoned terrorists in exchange for Shalit.At a ceremony honoring these released terrorists, Rajoub spoke in the name of Mahmoud Abbas expressing highest praise to both Hamas and the released terrorists:
Moderator: "We shall now hear the address by the representative of the President [Mahmoud Abbas], to be delivered by Jibril Rajoub."
Rajoub, representing Abbas: "I say in the name of the Fatah movement -- we
salute those who dug the tunnel [to capture Shalit]; we salute those
who captured the captive, and salute those who guarded the captive until
this deal was completed [Applause] ... I salute our courageous
prisoners and I say `to you -- [I cannot] describe you, neither as
heroes, nor as courageous, nor anything else. There are no words [of honor] in the Arab dictionary, nor in any other dictionary, to describe you, but this modest reception is [our] utmost honor to you, your history, and your families."
[PA TV (Fatah), Oct. 30, 2011]
Rajoub compares throwing a hand grenade to building a school:"Building a school and throwing a hand grenade, in my opinion, are resistance. I build the school in order to strengthen the reasons for my people's resolve, as one of several aspects of the resistance, and when there is a need to throw a grenade [or launch] a rocket, I'll do that as well."
[PA TV (Fatah), May 12, 2010]
Boxing tournament attended by Rajoub named after terrorist Ali Hassan Salameh:
"In the presence of [Jibril] Rajoub [Head of Palestinian Olympic
Committee] successful conclusion to the Second Palestine Boxing
"[It] was named by the Palestinian Boxing Association after Shahid Ali Hassan Salameh, the 'Red Prince.'"
[Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, Aug. 9, 2010]
Hassan Salameh was a commander of operations of the Black September
terror group. He planned the murder of 11 Israeli athletes in the Munich
Olympics in 1972.
Rajoub: "The Sixth Fatah Conference affirmed... the armed struggle"
the [Sixth Fatah] Conference, we affirmed the struggle in all its
forms, including resistance and the armed struggle... We agreed on it
unanimously about both the movement's aims and its principles, including
the resistance and the armed struggle. The [armed] struggle, as we see
it, is not an aim; it is not a hike or a pleasure cruise. [Armed]
resistance has circumstances, considerations, and factors - whether
national, regional or international. It must cause pain to the
occupation; it must be connected to a political platform."
[PA TV (Fatah), Aug. 6, 2010]
Rajoub says Palestinians are not restricted in battle against Israel:
have a resolution of the [2009 Fatah] Congress that our battle with the
Israelis is open, and our options are not limited to popular
[PA TV (Fatah), April 2, 2010]
Rajoub opposes any normalization with Israel:
Rajoub completely rejects "joint meetings or games" with Israelis:
of the [Palestinian] Football Association [and member of the Fatah
Central Committee and Chairman of the Palestinian Olympic Committee],
Jibril Rajoub met with economic Vice President of the Barcelona Football
Club, Javier Faus. He discussed a few issues related to organizing the
Catalonian team's future visit to Palestine, in addition to ways of
strengthening cooperation between the Palestinian Association and the
old club. Rajoub reiterated his complete objection to holding joint
meetings or games of any kind that would be attended by Israeli players
or administrators."
[Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, May 23, 2013]
supports boycott of Adidas shoes for sponsoring Jerusalem Marathon,
saying "Jerusalem will remain Arabic - Islamic and Christian":
"Arab Sports Ministers decide to boycott 'Adidas', which sponsors the
Israeli marathon in occupied Jerusalem...Jibril Rajoub, announced:
'Jerusalem will remain Arabic - Islamic and Christian, and any element
that supports the Israeli occupation in this city will be boycotted by
all Arabs.' He added, 'This resolution [to boycott Adidas] was passed in
accordance with a request submitted by Palestine.'"
[Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, April 5, 2012]
Rajoub opposes normalization with Israel "in all its forms," including sports:
of the Palestinian Olympic Committee and the Palestinian Football
Association, Jibril Rajoub, once again yesterday expressed his
opposition to normalization in all its forms, including normalization in
the realm of sports.'"
[Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, Jan. 8, 2012]
Rajoub: "Normalization [of relations with Israel] does not exist in the Palestinian sports lexicon"
Headline: "Rajoub calls to remove Israel from international sports associations"
of the Football Association and head of the Palestinian Olympic
Committee, Jibril Rajoub, called to remove Israel from all world Olympic
associations and committees if it continues to act stubbornly and not
honor international agreements and conventions. In his speech
yesterday... he emphasized that he is prepared to lead this move
himself, but with the support and assistance of the Arab states. He
emphasized that the term normalization [of relations with Israel] does
not exist in the Palestinian sports lexicon."
[Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, May 18, 2012]
Rajoub opposes normalization of relations with Israel through sports:
response to a question about recent reports concerning normalization,
[Jibril] Rajoub said: 'Normalization [of relations with Israel] is when
there's a friendly match between some player or some sports team [with
an Israeli player or team], whether in the territories occupied in '48
(i.e., Israel) or in '67...' He noted that the Palestinian teams that
are under the responsibility of the Olympic Committee have not played,
and will not play under any circumstances, inside the Green Line (i.e.,
in Israel)."
[Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, Jan. 16, 2012]
Rajoub does not recognize Israel's right to exist:
Fatah official Jibril Rajoub: "Hey [Netanyahu], you dog, you invader"
- all his projects are in trouble, and he's under pressure. He goes
around barking in Efrat. Hey [Netanyahu], you dog, you invader: this is
Palestinian [land] whether you like it or not! We were born here. We are
the people of this land, and we are the salt of this earth - not you!"
[PA TV (Fatah), Aug. 30, 2012]
Rajoub's peace message to Israelis in Hebrew in 2010:
Jibril Rajoub: "I am your partner."
"Jibril Rajoub, a leading figure in the Palestinian Authority, became a
public figure following 17 years in the Israeli prison.
- [He] took part in negotiations with Israel and served as National Security Adviser in the Palestinian Authority.
- Married and father of four."
"I believe we have an historic opportunity for you and for us. We have a
Palestinian leadership headed by Abu Mazen (Mahmoud Abbas), and his
government headed by Salam Fayyad, committed to a solution of two states
for two peoples and the consensus within the Arab world is to recognize
the existence of the State of Israel in exchange for ending the
occupation. In my opinion, the international atmosphere is positive and
supportive of achieving peace and mutual recognition with a political
solution for our conflict. I am telling you that we have an opportunity
here. You have a serious partner. You have a Palestinian leadership that
is committed to and believes in a two state solution. We are partners.
Are you?
Text on screen: "Yes to an agreement. The Geneva Initiative."
[Heskem TV, uploaded to YouTube Sept. 14, 2010, ]
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