Hillel Fendel
A7 News
Supreme Court Chief Justice Dorit Beinisch issued sharp criticism of the government Wednesday for not uprooting and destroying civilian outposts in Judea and Samaria (Yesha).
During a court session on the matter on Wednesday, Beinisch said, “We’ve been hearing for years about municipal demolition orders, but [they are not implemented a the answers we hear every time are general and not specific.”
The issue at hand is a court petition by the 'Peace Now' organization demanding that the State destroy allegedly illegal structures in two Yesha neighborhoods -- Hayovel and Harsha.
A threat to world peace? Life at Harsha neighborhood in Eli. (Israel news photos: Flash 90)
A month ago, the State Prosecution said it had renewed for another year a restraining order against the destruction of six Yesha civilian outposts. However, the Supreme Court said it wants to be updated within 90 days – i.e., by August – on the status of the attempts to create a dialogue with the residents, and to hear an explanation as to why the neighborhoods were not razed.
The six outposts in question include: Givat Assaf near Beit El – 20 families, eight years old; Maaleh Rechavam, in eastern Gush Etzion – 5 families, 10 singles, eight years old; and Ramat Gilad near Karnei Shomron – 11 years old. The other three are Givat HaRoeh near Shilo, Mitzpeh Yitzhar and Mitzpeh Lachish.
Ketzaleh Responds Sharply
MK Yaakov Katz (Ketzaleh), head of the National Union party, responded unusually sharply to what he sees as Beinisch’s “hatred” for the Jewish sector in Judea and Samaria.
“I am shocked at her inability to hide her hatred for 350,000 Jews living in Judea and Samaria,” Ketzaleh said, “including tens of thousands of their children whom she would like to throw out into the street. If Beinisch would talk that way about the children of the Darfur refugees or the Bedouin in the Negev, the world would be up in arms.”
“Even though she’s Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, I would expect her, as a Jewish mother, to take interest during the court case about what will happen, physically and psychologically, to the children of these communities after she uproots them and brings upon them the destruction that she wishes for.”
“We can now hope that with the entry of healthy-thinking Knesset members to the Committee for the Appointment of Judges, judges will be chosen who have love and compassion even for the children of settlers.”
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