Shoula Romano Horing
After his trip to Israel, it is clear that President Obama's strategy
in regard to Israel has changed but his goal remains the same. He is
still trying to convince the Israelis to take suicidal risks and
agree to the establishment of a Palestinian state in the pre-1967
borders, which includes dividing Jerusalem.
It is true that we are a nation that feels isolated,
unaccepted, and hated in our neighborhood and are condemned and
boycotted almost daily by the world. But are we so psychologically
damaged and insecure as a people that after one speech and two days
of flattery, adoration and reassurances by the president we are
willing to give up all of Judea and Samaria and divide our capital
for another Hamastan?

Obama with Abbas in Bethlehem (Photo: MCT)
Can we trust a president who earlier in the same day of his
Jerusalem speech, spoke at a joint news conference with Palestinian
President Mahmoud Abbas, at the Muqata presidential compound in the
West Bank city of Ramallah, with the father of terrorism Yasser
Arafat's huge picture in the background? Any true friend of Israel
would have demanded the picture of the one responsible for so much
Jewish suffering and bloodshed to be removed or covered or would
have spoken in another room.
Obama in his Jerusalem speech to young Israelis talked about
the benefits and miracle of peace. All Israeli Jews agree that a
true peace is in their best interests. The young Israelis should not
have been the audience of such a speech, which should have been
delivered to young Palestinians. We, as Jews, have been praying in
our daily prayers and every holiday for peace. Peace is being
glorified at schools, in poems, in books, and at places of worship.
In contrast, anti -Jewish and anti- Israeli incitement to hatred and
violence and martyrdom is being taught daily in Palestinian schools,
textbook, media, and mosques.
Barack Obama told the crowd that a peace agreement is the
only path to true security. In an ideal world such a claim is true
especially if your neighbors are Mexico and Canada. It is not true
when your neighbors are Hezbollah, Hamas, Iran, Syria, Egypt, the Muslim Brotherhood,
al-Qaeda and other jihadists, who repeatedly call for your
destruction. In the Middle East the only true security is military
strength that deters war.
Obama told us that Abbas is a true partner for peace
negotiations. However, he is a weak leader who rejected Israeli
Prime Minister Olmer's 2008 offer for peace and has taken unilateral
steps to establish a state without negotiations.
The president stated that Israel is not alone as long as
it has the US. However, Jews learned from history that we can only
trust ourselves. Obama's refusal to stop the slaughter of the Syrian
people does not help to reassure us.
Finally, Obama asked the young students to pressure their
leaders to take risks for the "hope" of peace. But as he has done
throughout his administration, he asked nothing from the
Palestinians except to return to the negotiations without
preconditions, which Abbas has done many times under President
George W. Bush.
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