Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Are BDSers Hypocrites, Antisemites, or Both?

Uh-oh. Does the CuBox-I computer go on the boycott list or not?
The next revolution in personal computing could very well come from the northern Israeli town of Yokne’am, where SolidRun…has developed a $45 PC that can do almost anything a “big boy” computer can do – with all design and manufacturing done in Israel.
“Our goal is to supply anyone anywhere who needs one with a low-cost, high-capability computer that has a low carbon footprint and can do just about anything the average person would need,” said [the] CEO of SolidRun. “That’s been our dream for a long time, and with our new CuBox-I computer, that dream is becoming a reality.”
The Cubox-I can be used for all sorts of things a regular PC can be used for – dedicated or general purpose – and save loads of energy, because it can replace computers that require a lot more power.
So the Israel-haters will want to ensure that this product is boycotted, right?
One slight problem, though.

The company is run by, and the computers manufactured by, Israeli Arabs.
Uh-oh. Does the CuBox-I computer go on the boycott list or not?
If it does, then the boycotters are hurting “Palestinians,” and they are proven to be hypocrites.

If not, then the boycotters are admitting that their entire movement is really only aimed at Jews, not Israelis, and they are proven to be antisemitic.
I’ve already shown that Israeli-Arab owned businesses that are in “the territories” don’t seem to be listed as problematic by the BDSers, Since they are only boycotting Jewish-owned businesses, this proves that they are antisemitic.
On the other hand, BDSers happily use Israeli technology and innovations every time they turn on their computers and cell phones, which proves that they are hypocritical.
On the third hand, BDSers are also against Palestinian Arab farmers making a living if their products are exported by Jews, which is both antisemitic and hypocritical.
That’s the answer!
The oh-so-moral BDS supporters are provably both hypocrites and antisemites.

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