The BBC, true to its constant practice and standard journalistic form, never identifies what kind of terrorism these two men were traveling to Syria to engage in. It is left to the reader to know, and of course, most will, though some of the leading lights in the British intelligentsia no doubt believe the Syrian anti-Assad "rebels" to be plucky freedom fighters and that anyone who thinks otherwise is a racist, bigoted "Islamophobe."
Anyway, it's a good thing that British authorities banned Pamela Geller and me from entering the U.K., eh? If we had gone there, Muslims might have become so enraged by our "Islamophobia" that they would have gone to Syria to engage in jihad and then returned to Britain to wage more jihad. Now that we are banned, huzzah! The jihad terror threat in Britain is a thing of the past!
But were these patriotic British Muslims actually plotting a jihad terror attack in Britain, or just innocently flying in to Heathrow to hurry back to their homes and businesses? Oh, the Islamophobia! How dare British authorities rush to judgment and condemn these pious Muslims who were no doubt simply intending to engage in the peaceful Islamic concept of jihad, i.e., get their kids to school on time, blow milk bubbles through a straw, etc.
Theresa May, call your office! Scotland Yard needs to be sternly reprimanded, if not dismantled altogether, and these two Muslims immediately released, with apologies, guaranteed incomes, and appointments to Her Majesty's Commission to Eradicate Islamophobia.
"'Syria terror' arrests: Two men charged, police say," from the BBC, January 17 (thanks to Alan of England):
Two men have been charged on suspicion of travelling to Syria for terrorism, West Midlands Police have said. Yusuf Sawar and Mohammed Ahmed, both 21, from Handsworth, Birmingham, were arrested at Heathrow on Monday after returning to the UK from Turkey.
They will appear at Westminster Magistrates' Court on Saturday.
Separately, a 21-year-old man from the Sheldon area of Birmingham was arrested at Gatwick on suspicion of attending a "terrorist training camp" in Syria.
He was detained by counter-terrorism police after returning from Istanbul, West Midlands Police said.
Police had earlier said the arrest was not connected with the two men held at Heathrow earlier in the week.
The pair are suspected of travelling to Syria in May last year.
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