YouTube accuses PMW of "spreading hatred" and threatens to close down PMW's YouTube account
by Itamar Marcus and Nan Jacques Zilberdik

The following day, YouTube blocked access to PMW's video, defining it as

In the past, YouTube has closed PMW's account or frozen PMW's account for exposing PA religious leaders promoting genocide of Jews. This is the first time YouTube has defined a broadcast on PA children's TV as hate speech, and blocked PMW from exposing it.
PMW does not promote hate speech, but exposes it. PMW believes that the only way to stop the Palestinian Authority's ongoing Islam-based hate speech and terror glorification is to expose it. By preventing PMW from exposing PA hatred, YouTube is actively impeding our ability to fight the PA's hate promotion.
YouTube has even threatened PMW with termination of its YouTube account should PMW continue exposing this hate speech:
violations may result in the temporary disabling of your ability to
post content to YouTube and/or the permanent termination of your
PMW has requested that YouTube return the video.
PMW has no direct line of contact with YouTube administrators, other
than their standard appeal option on their website. Therefore, we ask
anyone who has contacts at YouTube to please help encourage YouTube to
make our video accessible again.For now, we have uploaded the children's TV video to a different server and it can now be viewed here.
The following was the original bulletin last week:
Religious hate speech for children on PA TV
Child recites poem:
Jews - "Allah's enemies, the sons of pigs"
"murdered children," "cut off their limbs,"
"raped the women in the city squares"
and "defiled Allah's book"
and "defiled Allah's book"
by Itamar Marcus and Nan Jacques Zilberdik

Click to view
The suggested response to Jews and Zionists offered in this hate poem is military and Islamic:
"Where is the nation of Islam?
Where are the nation of Islam and the Jihad fighters?"
At the end of the recital of the hate poem, the young program host applauded enthusiastically and said:
"Bravo, applause, applause, applause to Hadeel."
The poem also included a tribute to Mahmoud Abbas' Fatah organization and Arafat:
"From between the whistles of the bullets I sing:
'Long live the nation of Fatah and Yasser Arafat.'"
Islam-based hatred that in the past was associated exclusively with
Hamas is now appearing in mainstream PA children's education as well.The following is the text of the hate poem recited by a young girl on PA TV's children's program:
Girl: "Allah created me and formed me
He made me prouder and made me a Palestinian
He made defiance flow like blood in my veins
And I made the revolution burst forth like clay stones
I raised the flags of certain victory:
Allah's book [the Quran] and the tradition of the most esteemed among prophets [Muhammad].
I called in the voice of hidden justice
I lit a fire like volcanoes under their feet
I refused to be submissive and degraded
I rejected [everything] but dying with the honor that will give me life
From a nation that has forgotten the Muslims' heroism
- Omar ibn al-Khattab and Saladin - [Muslim fighters who conquered Jerusalem]
from between the whistles of the bullets I sing:
'Long live the nation of Fatah and Yasser Arafat'
Allah's enemies, the sons of pigs (i.e., Jews, in Islamic tradition)
Destroyed and uprooted the olive and fig trees
They murdered children with guns, like snakes
They cut off their limbs with stones and knives
They raped the women in the city squares
They defiled Allah's book [the Quran] in front of millions
Where is the nation of Islam?
Where are the nation of Islam and the Jihad fighters?
Where is the fear of Allah in Jerusalem, which has been defiled by the Zionists?"
PA TV host: "Bravo, applause, applause, applause to Hadeel."
[PA TV (Fatah), March 22, 2013]
PMW has documented the PA's promotion of Antisemitic messages. PMW has documented the PA's promotion of libels and lies about Jews and Israelis.
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