Hillel Fendel
Palestinian terrorists in Hamas-run Gaza fired a rocket at Sderot on Sunday, causing a fire and one injury. Arab rock attacks increase in Judea and Samaria.
For the first time in two weeks, Arab terrorists in Hamas-run Gaza fired a rocket at the Negev city of Sderot. The Color Red warning alarm sounded on Sunday afternoon, frightening many residents but giving them 15 seconds to take shelter. The rocket landed in a field in town, setting a fire and sending one person to Barzilai Hospital in Ashkelon to be treated for trauma.
Meanwhile, IDF sources say that there has been a worrisome rise in Palestinian terrorism against Jews in Judea and Samaria - as well as a rise in Jewish disturbances. The IDF spokesman said that both sides are involved in "very violent" activity. The army said it views all such activity of this sort in a most grave manner, and will enforce the law to the utmost in every such incident.
Incidents of Arab Molotov firebomb attacks and rock-throwing at Jewish-driven cars have increased over the past several days. Sunday afternoon, several such incidents were recorded: outside the village of Sinjil, near Shilo, where a car was damaged; at three buses just north of Jerusalem; and at a bus south of Hevron.
Beit El, in Binyamin, was attacked with several firebombs over the weekend and on Sunday; no one was hurt and no damage was caused. An Arab was apprehended shortly after infiltrating Kedumim last week, and a similar terrorist attempt in Kfar Etzion the week before ended with no injuries.
Late Saturday night, three residents of the hareidi-religious city of Elad were injured when Arabs threw rocks at their car on the Kvish-Shesh toll-road highway. A year ago, a driver was injured in the same area by a shooting emanating from the western Samaria Arab city of Kalkilye - though the shots may have been fired accidentally.
Over the weekend, two female tourists were lightly injured when their bus was stoned near Tekoa, in eastern Gush Etzion. On Friday, an IDF force was attacked with rocks by an Arab mob, as was an Egged bus slightly to the north.
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