Monday, February 18, 2013

Response from US Jlm Consulate


After many inquiries, and nudging, the Consulate has officially responded:-

U.S. Consulate General Jerusalem
Why the U.S. Consulate General in Jerusalem Posts Predominantly in English and Arabic
There have been a number of inquiries asking why we post in Arabic and not in Hebrew on our Facebook page; for those who have sent us private messages on the subject we’ve worked to answer you directly but for those who have posted public comments we’d like to take this opportunity to address this issue. 
Regarding consular services such as renewing passports or issuing visas, the Consulate General is responsible for providing these services to American citizens in Jerusalem, the West Bank, and the Gaza Strip, as well as visa services for both Israelis and Palestinians in our consular district (Jerusalem, the West Bank, and Gaza). For information on consular services, please visit our website ( Content on that site is being made available in English, Hebrew, and Arabic.
Regarding political, economic and cultural affairs, there is a division of responsibility between the Consulate General in Jerusalem and the Embassy in Tel Aviv. The U.S. Embassy in Tel Aviv is charged with advancing U.S. relations with the Israeli government and Israeli citizens – this includes Israelis living in Jerusalem. We encourage everyone interested to visit the Facebook page of the U.S. Embassy as well as its website to learn more (links below). The Embassy maintains the American Center in Jerusalem, which organizes cultural and educational events, primarily in Hebrew and English, for people living in Jerusalem.
Just as the U.S. Embassy in Tel Aviv focuses on advancing U.S. relations with the Israeli government and Israeli citizens – including in Jerusalem – the U.S. Consulate General in Jerusalem is the U.S. Government’s principal representation to Palestinians and the Palestinian Authority, as well as representing the U.S. Government to the Municipality of Jerusalem and to many of the religious and other institutions in the city. An important part of our mission is to build relationships and conduct outreach to Palestinians with the aim of furthering U.S. interests, which include advancing the prospects for a two-state solution. Facebook is one tool at our disposal and we use it to communicate with ordinary Palestinians, including by posting in Arabic. The U.S. Consulate General is responsible for the America House, which organizes events primarily in English and Arabic.
In advancing U.S. interests, both of our missions work toward the common goal of a just and lasting peace between Israelis and Palestinians. 
Here are the addresses to the websites we referenced above:
Embassy Facebook Page: Embassy Hebrew Webpage: The American Center in Jerusalem webpage:

However, there are 360,000 Israelis resident in Judea and Samaria and of that numbers at least 20,000 American citizens.

We deserve American attention, equal opportunity to services, promotions, shows, workshops and programs and shared facilities.

That's called American democratic tradition and even law.

For example:

February 8 

Our Consulate General photographer hosted a photography workshop at America House on Thursday. Students were treated to an analysis of good photography, practiced some of the new concepts, and then had their photography reviewed and critiqued. 

February 4

Last week, the U.S. comedian Palestinian Mohammed (Mo) Amer offer comic wonderful audience Palestinians in Al-Kasaba Theatre in Ramallah.

February 3

In the West Bank, 80% of cultivated land covered with olive trees. One of the biggest and most successful companies operating in this area are of Canaan Fairtrade Foundation, which includes more than 1,700 olive farms. And is the largest buyer of Canaan Foundation is the U.S. company's Magic Soap d. Brunner. For more information about Canaan, visit...

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