Monday, February 18, 2013

Londonistan: Muslim ‘Young Mayor’ of Islamic Enclave Posts Violent Twitter Threats

via New Young Mayor of Tower Hamlets posts violent Twitter threats – Politics – East London Advertiser.
Mahdi Alam, who campaigned on a pledge to tackle youth crime and violence, took to the social networking site on Friday to launch an unexplained tirade, visible to all of his followers.
The tweets – which were later deleted – said: “Even if you beet me up, I’ll still be young mayor. So what do you achieve.. [sic]
“To be frank. You’ll always be the looser [sic]. As my boys will pretty much kill you. Pahahaa.”
Mahdi, who attends Stepney Green School, was unveiled as the winner of the young mayoral election at a Town Hall ceremony on January 31.

The 16-year-old, who is due to be inaugurated later in February and should serve a two year term, later took to Twitter to apologise for the threats.
“Last week I posted in frustration about my feelings on certain matters.
“I realise that this was an inappropriate way to comment about my feelings and apologise if I offended anyone.
“I am new to this role and now fully understand my responsibilities…”
The tirade follows Mayor of Tower Hamlets Lutfur Rahman proclaiming the success of the elections in engaging young people with local politics.
A council spokeswoman said officers were to review the situation before deciding on what action to take.
“The role is a high profile one and all candidates are reminded that high standards of personal conduct are required of them during their election campaign and when they are in office”, she added.
And his corrupt Muslim boss is under fire too, Government accuses Lutfur Rahman of ‘divisive community politics’ and ‘mismanagement of council staff and resources’
The extremist-linked mayor of Tower Hamlets, Lutfur Rahman (above), is under deepening pressure on all fronts today. His attempt to abuse the local government standards code to hound one of his most effective opponents, Cllr Peter Golds (see my account of it here) has humiliatingly collapsed, leaving council taxpayers tens of thousands of pounds out of pocket.
From the Labour side, the party’s leader in Tower Hamlets, Josh Peck, today attacked the council as a “basket case” suffering a “massive failure of governance, with some seriously worrying things happening.” Even Lutfur’s newly-crowned Young Mayor of Tower Hamlets, 16-year-old Mahdi Alam, has got himself into bother after posting threats to kill on Twitter. The lad’ll fit right in!

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