Wednesday, March 28, 2012

The Jews and Palestine


Of all the bigotries that savage the human temper there is none so stupid as the anti-Semitic.

In the sight of these fanatics, Jews of-today can do nothing right.

If they are rich they are birds of prey. If they are poor they are vermin. If they are in favour of war, that is because they want to exploit the bloody feuds of Gentiles to their own profit. If they are anxious for peace they are either instinctive cowards or traitors. If they give generously-(and there are no more liberal givers than the Jews)-they are doing it for some selfish purpose of their own. If they don’t give – then what would one expect of a Jew! If labour is oppressed by great capital, the greed of the Jew is held responsible. If labour revolts against capital-as it did in Russia-the Jew is blamed for that also. If he lives in a strange land he must be persecuted and pogrommed out of it. If he wants to go back to his own (land) he must be prevented…

It will be long ere Canaan becomes once more a land flowing with milk and honey. The Jews alone can redeem it from the wilderness and restore its ancient glory.

They belong to a race, which for at least 1,900 years has been subjected to persecution, pillage, massacre and the torments of endless derision; a race that has endured persecution, which for variety of torture – physical, material and mental – inflicted on its victims, for the virulence and malignity with which it has been sustained, for the length of time it has lasted, and, more than all, for the fortitude and patience with which it has been suffered, is without parallel in the history of any other people.

Is it too much to ask that those among them whose sufferings are the worst shall be able to find refuge in the land their fathers made holy by the splendour of their genius, by the loftiness of their thoughts, by the consecration of their lives and by the inspiration of their message to mankind!

Wallace Edward Brand posted the following on ‍‍17 December, 2011 - כא כסלו ה תשעב at 18:30.

Lloyd-George in his paper “The Jews and Palestine” was right about the Jews returning Palestine to a land of milk and honey but was wrong about how long it would take.. The story is best told by George Gilder in “The Economics of Settlement” in a long excerpt from a paper by the head of the US Soil Conservation service, telling about the miracle the settlers worked in correcting the damage done to Palestine by 400 years of rule of the Ottomans. The details of how the ruin cam about is told in Joel Migdal, “Palestinian Society and Politics.” But he is really talking about the Arabs local to Palestine, not “Palestinians”. The Palestinians are an invented people, invented by the Soviet dezinformatsia in 1964 when the PLO Charter was written in Moscow. It was affirmed by 422 newly appointed members of the Palestinian National Council, contemporaneously formed, each hand picked by the KGB. We are indebted for this story to Major General Ion Pacepa, the highest ranking defector from the Soviet bloc who had personal knowledge of the matter. See Brand: Soviet Russia, the Creators of the PLO and the Palestinian People. Newt Gingrich recently stirred up a hornets nest when in one of his remarks in the Republican primary campaign for President in 2011, he noted that the “Palestinians” were an invented people.

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