Tuesday, March 27, 2012

European Muslim Brotherhood Calls On All European Muslims To Support Global March to Jerusalem

The Federation of Islamic Organizations in Europe (FIOE) has issued a statement calling on all Muslims and Islamic organizations in Europe to dedicate the last week in March to “intensive activities in support of the city of Jerusalem (al-Quds) and the blessed al-Aqsa Mosque” including supporting the upcoming Global March to Jerusalem. According to the FIOE statement: The Federation of Islamic Organisations in Europe (FIOE) invites Muslims, and the management bodies of organisations, Islamic centres, and mosques across the European Continent to dedicate the last week in March 2012 to intensive activities in support of the city of Jerusalem (al-Quds) and the blessed al-Aqsa Mosque, given the escalating Israeli threats to the city, its holy sites, and the Palestinian inhabitants. This initiative comes as part of worldwide efforts to support the just cause of Jerusalem, including the ’Global March to Jerusalem’ on 30 March 2012 in opposition to Israeli occupation and prevailing for the values of truth, justice, liberties of peoples, and human dignity. The Federation of Islamic Organisations in Europe (FIOE) voices its deep concern regarding the situation in the city of Jerusalem, and the violations of the sanctity of the blessed al-Aqsa Mosque, and Muslim and Christian holy sites by the Israeli Occupation and its extremist groups. Furthermore, the Federation affirms its solidarity with the Palestinian people, demanding they be allowed to regain their stolen rights, and realise their legitimate demands. The Federation emphasises the importance of universal, concerted effort and cooperation to confront the arrogance of the Israeli occupation persisting in its unrestrained and aggressive policies against the city of Jerusalem and its inhabitants, as well as engaging in effective action to bring an end to these flagrant violations. The Federation of Islamic Organisations in Europe (FIOE) urges organisations, groupings, Islamic centres, and mosques across the continent to undertake a number of activities and initiatives in this regard, among them, for example:

Read the rest here.

A post from the end of February discussed a FIOE statement that referred to unidentified “disgraceful acts” by Israel at the Al-Aqsa Mosque. Other posts have discussed similar statements by Global Muslim Brotherhood leader Youssef Qaradawi and by Hamas. A detailed analysis of the Global March to Jerusalem, including its ties to the Global Muslim Brotherhood, was recently published by the Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs (JCPA).

A report on FIOE by the NEFA Foundation describes the organization as follows:

The Federation of Islamic Organizations in Europe (FIOE) claims to be an independent organization representing the interests of Muslims in Europe. In reality, the FIOE is an umbrella group that comprises the global Muslim Brotherhood in Europe. Strong links connect FIOE’s leadership central institutions and member organizations to the Brotherhood, as well as to Saudi Arabia. Funding for the FIOE is derived largely from Gulf sources, including some of the ruling families of the United Arab Emirates. The FIOE has strong ties to Hamas and Hamas fund-raising organizations, and some FIOE member organizations show evidence of links with Al-Qaida. The FIOE recently opened a headquarters office in Brussels and has had some success in positioning itself as a “dialog partner” for the EU and other important institutions.

A post from February discussed a trip to Gaza by FIOE President Chakib Ben Makhlouf where he visited Hamas facilities, praised Palestinian “martyrs, and visited the grave of Hamas spiritual leader Sheikh Ahmed Yasine who was killed by Israel.

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