Tuesday, May 06, 2008


Helen Freedman

Member of Knesset Dr. Arieh Eldad, Brigadier General (Res) and former Surgeon General in the IDF Medical Corps, drew upon his medical experience to diagnose the illness that permeates Israel today. Speaking at the Safra Synagogue in New York City on Tuesday evening, April 29, MK Dr. Eldad explained that the disease is not territorial. If treated as such, there can be no cure for Israel’s ailment. No amount of land give-aways to the PA terrorists will cure their appetite for Israel’s demise. The war being fought in Israel today is a cultural, religious war. Only by diagnosing it as such can there be hope for saving Israel. MK Dr. Eldad is promoting a new right wing secular National Zionist party, HATIKVAH. He is also creating a new secular Zionist youth movement, AMICHAI. When asked why he believes Israel needs yet another political party, he explained that secular right wing Zionists have no party which meets their needs. Today, right wing parties are identified with the Orthodox. He wants to change that. Eldad also believes there is no weakening of the right by adding another party. He reminds us that when the National Union and the National Religious parties ran as separate entities, they garnished more Knesset seats than when they united into one party.

When asked how his HATIKVAH party would deal with the present situation in Sderot, he came up with a number of concrete proposals: The Philadelphi route would once again come under Israeli control to stop the flow of weapons from Egypt. A buffer zone would be created in the northern part of the Gaza strip, where the Gush Katif communities of Nissanit, Dugit and Elei Sinai once existed. Israel would take over this buffer zone and rebuild the destroyed settlements. Finally, Gaza would be taken by military force, if necessary.

MK Dr. Eldad went on to dispute the misleading numbers of Arabs given by demographers trying to prove that Jews would quickly be outnumbered by Arabs simply by their birth rate. He spoke about the real possibility of voluntary re-settlement of Arabs into Jordan with a generous benefits basket, especially since 70% of Jordan’s population is already “Palestinian.”

He believes a PA state must be prevented. He points out that the only occupation of land in Israel is that begun by the Arabs in the 7th Century. Calling Judea and Samaria “occupied” territory which must be cleansed of Jewish settlements, is a dangerous rewriting of history. He points to the disastrous situation in Gaza today, following the painful and misguided expulsion of the Jews from Gush Katif. Egypt supports the smuggling of weapons through the Sinai into Gaza. Thousands of Kassam rockets have been landing in Sderot for the last seven years. With Iran’s supply of longer range rockets, Ashkelon, Ashdod, Netanya and Tel Aviv become likely targets.

MK Dr. Eldad’s response to the problem of a Fifth Column in Israel, exemplified by the Arab MK’s who openly reject Israel’s right to exist, was that every citizen should take an oath of loyalty to the State of Israel. Those who refuse may remain as residents, but would have no rights of citizens.

Israel’s electoral system must be changed so that MK’s would have responsibility to a constituency, NOT to their party. Under the present system, there is no representational government. The procedures for selecting Supreme Court judges must also be changed. At the present, sitting judges select their own successors. This fiasco leads to horrific miscarriages of justice.

A question was asked about Israel’s robust economy. Eldad surprised many in the audience by stating that 75% of the wealth of the nation belongs to 25-30 families who are all connected to the government. This leads to a depth of corruption that is an existential threat to Israel.

MK Dr. Arieh Eldad’s answer to Israel’s disease is his new political party – HATIKVAH – hope. Believing that one must face the truth about the cultural and religious aims of the Islamo-fascists, MK Dr. Eldad gives us hope for Israel’s future. For additional information about the HATIKVAH program: www.hatikva.org.il/en.

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