Tuesday, May 06, 2008

From Israel: Who Knows?

Israel's internal crisis at this time re the Prime Minister should not be exacerbated by outside pressure which would have international repercussions and worsen an already dangerous situation.

Specifically, it is unconscionable for Sec'y of State Rice to demand more and more concessions of Israel at a time like this. She is clueless about the Middle East, pro-Palestinian, and is not the elected leader of Israel! Her expressions of exasperation with Israel are in direct contrast to her continuous acquiescence to the complaints of Abbas about Israel 'not doing enough' to appease a rapacious enemy. The immediate goal is the creation of a terrorist apartheid state where no other religion is tolerated. Israelis must do their own work here to rectify the government situation - without the pressure being exerted upon them. Anyone naive enough to believe that this is a 'Palestine/ Israel' conflict ought to think twice. Iran has no common border with Israel yet is involved in threatening the very existence of the country.

Israel is at the forefront of the same battle against radical Islam that is facing the free world today.
It is being played out all over the planet - militarily in some places and culturally in other spots. Boycotts and anti-Semitic demonstrations on campuses all over the world should be an indicator of the scope of the battle - and it is a battle for the establishment of a worldwide caliphate. This is the long range goal that is publicized - announced daily.

Anyone who thinks that Israel and Jews worldwide would be the only victims ought to get in touch with reality; it would be only the beginning! Remember that, although 6 million Jews were murdered during WWll, many more millions of other groups were killed.

If we do not all work together to fight and win this war we will all suffer the same fate. Peace-loving Christians, Muslims, Jews, and members of other faiths must stand together. The threat must be stemmed in the Middle East by keeping Israel strong and not demanding continuation of the already dangerous concessions that have been made.

The fight is not about territory; Israel already yielded large areas won in battle and uprooted 10,000 of her citizens for a 'peace process' that does not exist. Enough of the game that demands concessions from Israel while allowing the Arabs complete noncompliance to any demands made of them.

Please call the White House (202) 456-1111-and demand that the pressure on Israel stop immediately in the interest of the U.S. Call members of Congress and heads of Committees as well. Write polite and informative letters to newspapers. Volume counts. We can do this - together!

in beloved Jerusalem

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