Sunday, October 28, 2007

Palestinians in Gaza form anti-sanctions committee, say economic siege must end

Comment: From an Arab media source-notice how they frame the argument-our troubles are the fault of ...

GAZA, (PIC)-- A new anti-sanctions committee headed by the independent Palestinian lawmaker Jamal Al-Khudari was established in Gaza city Saturday with the aim to break the unjust economic siege imposed on the Palestinian people for 20 months now. The US-Israeli led economic sanctions had inflicted tragic repercussions on the Palestinian people, especially children, women, and elderly people among other sectors, amidst unexplainable Arab, Muslim, and international indifference.
According to Khudari, the committee will be of no political color and that it will work for the good of the Palestinian people regardless of their political affiliations.
"The prime-mover that spurred us to form such committee was the serious level of suffering the great majority of the Palestinian people in Gaza Strip are having to endure as a result of the repressive sanctions amidst international community unawareness of the volume of the tragedy that was inflicted on the Palestinian people due to the blockade", affirmed Al-Khudari.
In this regard, Khudari called on all influential Palestinian foundations and sectors to positively react with the new committee in order to create a broad and united Palestinian front capable to confront the unjust siege that aims at weakening and discouraging the Palestinian people in their drive for freedom.
For his part, Rami Abdo, the spokesman of the committee asserted that his group will spare no moment in contacting concerned Arab, Muslim, and international organizations and personalities with the aim to rally as many people as possible and to create a popular momentum that could help in rescinding the embargo.
He also explained that the committee will publish daily and periodical reports on the status of the crossings of the Gaza Strip, and the detrimental results of economic blockade, in addition to supporting all organizations working for the lifting of the siege.
The USA and the Israeli occupation government incited their local, regional, and international allies to impose economic siege on the Palestinian people in Gaza Strip and the West Bank few days after they elected Hamas Movement to rule them in transparent, honest, and unprecedented clean elections in the region in January 2006.
Many Palestinian children and sick people had died due to the lack of medicine and food supplies as a result of those unjust sanctions.

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