Sunday, October 28, 2007

IDF launches massive training exercise

Training maneuver scheduled to take place in Golan Heights moved to Galilee to avoid increasing tension with Syria. Exercise to focus on decision making process Israel will commence a large-scale military operation in the Galilee on Sunday. The maneuver was originally to take place in the Golan Heights but was moved due to concerns that it would exacerbate rising tensions with Syria.

A similar drill was held a month before the Second Lebanon War and both list the participation of ground, air and naval forces as well as intelligence and S4 units. Troops will only be partially mobile and no live fire will be used.

The objective of the exercise is to synchronize the decision making process between the various military bodies in the midst of a crisis situation.

The maneuver will further pressure the decision makers by complicating the combat scenarios with various possible political developments as well as the opening of a new front in southern Israel.

In May the army held a large exercise opposite various political and State officials to better coordinate wartime cooperation.

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