Friday, September 21, 2007

Resources to help you debate the so-called Jewish lobby

Roundup of the Walt/Mearsheimer Israel Lobby Controversy Reviews of the Book
1. The Israel Lobby and the Second Holocaust Debate: An emblematic error in a controversial book (Ron Rosenbaum, Slate, Sept. 19, 2007)
2. Israel’s Lobby as Scapegoat (Tim Rutten, Los Angeles Times, Sept. 12, 2007)
3. Anti-Semitism and the Anti-Israel Lobby (Jeff Robbins, Wall Street Journal, Sept. 9, 2007)
4. Unfair Charge vs. Israel lobby (Steve Huntley, Chicago Sun-Times, Sept. 7, 2007)
5. A Prosecutorial Brief Against Israel and its Supporters (William Grimes, New York Times, Sept. 6, 2007)
6. Inside Track: Missing the Point (Ben Fishman, The National Interest online, August 27, 2007)
Links to CAMERA's Critiques and Analysis
1. Mearsheimer’s Blunder – Contradicts Book’s Central Charge in an Interview Sept. 5, 2007
2. Study Decrying “Israel Lobby” Marred by Numerous Errors March 20, 2006
3. Harvard Backs Away from “Israel Lobby” Professors; Removes Logo from Controversial Paper March 22, 2006
4. Will the real John Mearsheimer please stand up? March 30, 2006
5. Tony Judt, The New York Times, and the anti-Israel bandwagon April 19, 2006

Links to research papers and blogs
1. And Now For Some Facts (Prof. Benny Morris, New Republic, May 8, 2006)
2. Was the Recognition of Israel Contrary to U.S. National Interests? (Dr. Judith Apter Klinghoffer, Rutgers University, History News Network, May 1, 2006)
3. Debunking the Newest – and Oldest – Jewish Conspiracy Theory: A Reply to the Mearsheimer-Walt “Working Paper” (Prof. Alan Dershowitz, Harvard Law School, April 2006)
4. Israel and the Iraq War (Prof. Martin Kramer, Sandstorm, April 12, 2006)
5. The British Lobby and U.S. Foreign Policy (Prof. Barry Rubin, reprinted in Judith Apter Klinghoffer's History News Network Blog, March 24, 2006)
6. Stephen Walt’s War with Israel (The American Thinker, March 20, 2006)
7. The Basis of the U.S.-Israel Alliance (Dore Gold, Jerusalem Issue Brief, JCPA, March 24, 2006)
8. Stephen Walt’s World (Prof. Martin Kramer, Sandstorm, March 17, 2006)
9. Stephen Walt’s War with Israel (Little Green Footballs, March 20, 2006 – with links to other blogs)
10. Walt, Mearsheimer and Academic Malpractice (Jewish Current Issues, March 22, 2006)

Links to some of the media coverage and columns
1. Ferment Over 'The Israel Lobby' (Philip Weiss, The Nation, May 15, 2006)
2. Yes, It's Anti-Semitic (Prof. Eliot Cohen, Washington Post, April 5, 2006)
3. Harvard posts rebuttal to paper (Charles Radin, Boston Globe, April 6, 2006)
4. 'Israel lobby' critique roils academe (Charles Radin, Boston Globe, March 29, 2006)
5. America takes side of Israel (Jeff Jacoby, Boston Globe, March 26, 2006)
6. A nation like ours (Jeff Jacoby, Boston Globe, March 29, 2006)
7. An Unfair Attack (David Gergen [Kennedy School faculty member], US News and World Report, April 3, 2006)
8. Policy analysis -- paranoid style (Max Boot, Los Angeles Times, March 29, 2006)
9. David Duke Claims to Be Vindicated By a Harvard Dean, (Meghan Clyne, New York Sun, March 20, 2006)
10. Kalb Upbraids Harvard Dean Over Israel, (Meghan Clyne, New York Sun, March 21, 2006)
11. Harvard's Paper on Israel Called 'Trash' By Solon, (Meghan Clyne, New York Sun, March 22, 2006)
12. A Harvard School Distances Itself from Dean's Paper, (Meghan Clyne, New York Sun, March 23, 2006)
13. The Belfer Declaration, (New York Sun, March 23, 2006)
14. Harvard's Paper on Israel Drew From Neo-Nazi Sites, (Meghan Clyne, New York Sun, March 24, 2006)
15. Duke 1, Harvard 0, (James Taranto, Best of the Web, OpinionJournal, March 20, 2006)
16. Harvard attack on ‘Israel lobby’ is actually a targeting of American public, (Prof. Ruth Wisse, Wall Street Journal and Jewish World Review, March 23, 2006

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