Friday, September 21, 2007

Israel to pardon dozens of gunmen

Palestinian sources tell Ynet Israeli military has agreed to pardon dozens of Fatah gunmen from Nablus, as well as dozens more across West Bank Israel has agreed to pardon dozens of wanted terror suspects affiliated with President Mahmoud Abbas's Fatah movement, Palestinian sources said Thursday.

The sources said that the IDF approved a list of 41 gunmen from Nablus as well as dozens of wanted terror suspects in the West Bank affiliated with the Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades, Fatah's military wing.

Israel has yet to confirm the decision.

About 300 wanted suspects were granted amnesty by Israel in late August in a goodwill gesture to Abbas.

A Palestinian security official told Ynet that IDF commanders said that these would not be chased by the military if they surrender to Palestinian security forces.

Israeli forces arrested three Palestinians on Thursday who were planning to carry out a terror attack in Israel. The arrests were part of an anti-terror operation in Nablus that was launched three days ago.

On Tuesday, an IDF soldier was killed in exchanges of fire with Hamas and PFLP gunmen in the Ein Beit Ilma refugee camp in the city.

About 36 Palestinian terror suspects have so far been arrested in the operation.

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