Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Just because media is not reporting it, the terror still goes on

The Hamas-controlled Gaza Strip continues to be a focus for terrorist activity against Israel A recent important incident was the prevention of an attempted killing attack at the settlement of Netiv Ha'asara, north of the Gaza Strip, by two terrorist operatives who managed to scale the security fence. Rocket fire aimed at western Negev settlements also continues. During August (as of August 29) 68 rocket hits were identified, compared with 55 in July. The attacks slightly wounded several civilians and caused property damage. On August 28 Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert met with Palestinian Authority Chairman Abu Mazen. They discussed ongoing security issues and the formulation of an agreement on principles which would be presented to the international conference in Washington this fall. Both sides are making an effort to find the broadest common ground for international support.

Prevention of a killing attack at the settlement of Netiv Ha’asara

On the morning of August 20 IDF forces prevented an attempted killing attack at the settlement of Netiv Ha'asara, north of the Gaza Strip. At approximately 7 a .m. two terrorist operatives exploited the heavy fog in the region and managed climb a rope ladder up the security fence on the Palestinian side and slide down a knotted rope in the Israeli side.

Rocket fire into Israel

During the past two weeks rocket fire aimed at the western Negev settlements continued. A total of 34 rockets were fired, bringing the month's total to 68 identified hits as of August 29. The more serious incidents included a direct hit on a residence in Sderot on August 24, after which two women were treated for shock. On August 25 a car went up in flames as a result of rocket fire. On August 28 there was a rocket directly hit a bedroom. A Sderot resident standing nearby was moderately wounded, and several neighbors were treated for shock.

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