Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Bahar Abbas resolutions violate Palestinian law

Acting speaker of the Palestinian Legislative Council (PLC) Ahmad Bahar said Monday that the latest resolutions taken by Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas violate the Palestinian amended law. Gaza, September 3, 2007 (RNA) – Acting speaker of the Palestinian Legislative Council (PLC) Ahmad Bahar said Monday that the latest resolutions taken by Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas violate the Palestinian amended law.

In a press conference held in Gaza, Bahar denounced Abbas' latest resolution concerning Election Law, which obliges each candidate for PLC to abide by the PLO platform. "This means recognizing Israel and condemnation of Palestinian resistance," he said. He added that such resolution is unfair because it excludes a wide part of Palestinians, who don’t adopt Oslo Accord, from participating in the elections." Bahar said. Bahar appealed on President Abbas to "think wisely" about his resolutions and meeting with Israeli PM Ehud Olmert. "This will not be useful for the Palestinian cause; we should be back to the national dialogue table," Bahar insisted. Concerning charities, closed by Fayyad Government, Bahar said: "this comes in the preplanned campaign by America to stop these societies from serving the Palestinian people." Last week, Fayyad Government shut down 104 NGO's in the West Bank. Official sources said that the said NGO's for legal reasons.

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