Thursday, August 30, 2007

Kassam Slams into Sderot; Damage and Shock

A Kassam rocket fired from northern Gaza into Israel smashed into the city of Sderot, causing damage and sending people into shock.

The rocket was fired around 11 AM Thursday.
Another Kassam rocket was fired Wednesday, landing harmlessly near a kibbutz in the Shaar HaNegev Regional Council.

The IDF took action against Kassam rocket launching equipment Wednesday afternoon, knocking out five units. Two Arab teenagers and one child were killed in the process. Israel announced that the deaths were "the result of their being there as a way of aiding the terrorists."

The IDF announced its "regret that terrorist organizations make frequent use of children and youth to execute attacks against Israeli civilians and soldiers."

Young Suicide Terrorist Caught
The IDF announced Thursday that it caught a would-be suicide bomber in northern Gaza late Tuesday night. The 15-year-old boy was found to be carrying two explosive devices, which he apparently intended to detonate in a suicide bombing attack against Israeli troops. He was taken for questioning by security forces.

List Grows
Two more fatal casualties of the decades-long Arab war against Israel have been added to the rolls over the past several days. A Galilee-based Israeli-Arab terror group claimed earlier this week that it murdered 68-year-old Upper Nazareth resident Michael Ronkin outside his home just over two weeks ago. Ronkin was stabbed repeatedly, but the investigation and circumstances of his death were originally prohibited for publication. His family had claimed all along that it was a terrorist attack.

The murderous organization, which has taken the name Galilee Liberators Organization, says the murderer was Ahmed Khatib. Khatib was shot to death three weeks ago in the Old City of Jerusalem after stealing a gun from an Israeli security guard and shooting wildly.

It has also been reported that the Second Lebanon War has claimed its 161st victim: Hamoudi (Don) Salum of Haifa. The Israeli-Arab citizen died from wounds he sustained in a Hizbullah Katyusha attack on August 6, 2006. Though he was hit by shrapnel, he attempted to rescue his mother and sister - and was further hurt when a gas canister exploded in his home. Three others were killed in the same attack

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