Friday, August 31, 2007

EU Shows Again Whom It Supports

''The European Parliament has decided to host the conference of civil society for the support of Israeli-Palestinian peace Organized under the auspices of the UN committee for the exercise of the inalienable rights of the Palestinian people", the European parliamentarians Frederique Ries and Patrick Gaubert have said. They continue, "Created in 1975, this body has until today been the spokesman of unilateral propaganda aimed at removing all legitimacy from the State of Israel, a UN member and of nurturing a feeling of hatred between the Palestinian and Israeli peoples, harming the efforts of the UN and of the international community for the settlement of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, in total contradiction to the values of peace and appeasement that this organization represents. Does not the European Parliament, by hosting and giving patronage and credibility to this event, risk endangering the honest commitments of the EU in the Middle East peace process ?"

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