Sunday, January 27, 2013

His timeline may not be exactly correct, but his reading of the regime certainly is.

An Iranian diplomat who defected in Norway in 2010 warned Israel on Friday that if the Iranians got the bomb they would use it against the Jewish state.
In an interview with Israel’s Channel 2 TV, Mohammad Reza Heydari, the former Iranian consul in Oslo who resigned and obtained political asylum there three years ago, said that ”If Iran is given more time, it will acquire the knowledge necessary to build a nuclear bomb within a year.” Asked whether it would use the bomb against Israel, he said: “If Iran gets to the point where it has an atomic bomb, it will certainly use it, against Israel or any other [enemy] country.”
Regime leaders “believe that when they acquire a nuclear bomb, [others] will start to behave toward them as they do toward North Korea,” said Heydari.
…so in essence the Clinton Admin’s pandering to North Korea, much of it perpetrated by John Kerry, has actually paved the way for Iran’s rush to acquire the bomb.
“They are busying themselves with ideological preparations for the arrival of the hidden Imam and are preparing the ground for that in a practical way; for this purpose, they are willing to spill much blood and destroy many countries.”
Cheerful news.
Heydari, who was previously stationed at Tehran’s Imam Khomeini International Airport as the representative of the Iranian Foreign Ministry, said that while he worked there he noticed that Hezbollah groups would come to Iran, acquire knowledge and send it back to Lebanon, under the auspices of the Revolutionary Guards. He said that Hezbollah had contacts with terrorist outfits in Iraq and Afghanistan, as well as the Taliban and al-Qaeda, with which it had close ties.
Heydari, who went on to serve as an Iranian diplomat in Georgia, Germany and finally Norway, said he knew of civilian airplanes from South America arriving with no passengers but with weaponry and material for the nuclear program. He spoke in the interview of uranium purchased for and transported to Iran by Venezuela.
It’s a small world and few degrees of separation between Chavez and Bin Laden.

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