Wednesday, December 05, 2012

Annexation and Withdrawal: A Modest Proposal


Map of Ancient Israel

When is enough really enough? For the State of Israel, apparently, still not yet.
Israeli military occupation over the “West Bank” is a 45-year-old mistake and must now end with Israel’s official annexation of the Jewish heartland. There should also be a withdrawal, not from any land but from the United Nations.
For the sake of Jewish identity, heritage, and history – and of Israeli security and survivability – Israel should immediately assert sovereignty over Judea and Samaria (Judah, Benjamin, Ephraim, and west Menasheh), granting Palestinian Arabs the dignified options of permanent residency status or emigration with compensation.

Those Arabs who wish to remain should be allowed to do so and enjoy the rights of permanent residents while fulfilling the attendant responsibilities. Those who wish to leave should be paid fair market value for their property, plus a reasonable sum to cover moving expenses to Jordan (Palestine) or elsewhere. Those who insist on violence should be dealt with accordingly.
Israel should also withdraw immediately from the United Nations (whose full name seems more accurately to be UNAI, the United Nations Against Israel) and help found a robust league of democracies, a new body where human rights violators don’t preside over human rights councils and where blocs of Islamists and communists don’t dictate to progressive republics. The UN might have arguably been the greatest endeavor man ever embarked upon; instead, it is a tiresome farce run by malevolent circus clowns. This is one club to which the Jew, and the Jewish State, should not belong and not wish to belong.
These are no extreme measures; rather, they are reasonable and moderate propositions representing nothing more than common sense. Such steps ought to have been taken long ago.
Whatever Israel does or does not do, it will face global condemnation. Therefore, it only stands to reason that it should do what is necessary and proper for its fundamental needs as the Jewish national home, and act both domestically and internationally with self-respect and determination on behalf of all its citizens and residents, Jewish or otherwise. Acting with halfheartedness and trepidation invites the world’s contempt like nothing else.
Israel, you are not the world’s piƱata; end the masochism. It’s enough already.

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