Thursday, November 01, 2012

Obama's Libya Fail Brings More Conflict

A.M. Mora y Leon

Right under the radar of news of Hurricane Sandy and the election itself, Hillary Clinton is in Algiers, trying to coax Algeria into a planned military action in Mali to hose out al Qaida's latest nest.

The terrorists have taken over another country in Mali -- as they did with other failed states in Somalia and Afghanistan, but this one was probably preventable.

Had the US not intervened as it did in Libya, leading from behind without much plan or intelligence, it's likely that the weapons from Gadhafi's arsensals and the denizens of Gadhafi's prisons, both of which are fueling this conflict, might have been secured. Instead, they made their way to Mali and now we have to fight it all there - again.
As Donald Rumsfeld said: Weakness is provocative

Page Printed from: at October 31, 2012 - 11:58:04 PM CDT

Comment:  Yet another example of the failed Obama's Administration with regards to foreign policy.  So many "thinkers" in the USA who respond emotionally to a subject of such magnitude it is astounding at their simplistic discussions.  Their ignorance of how the world works  has to be the result of their education both in public school and at university. So many have bought into an ideology that is based upon revisionist history as well as outright historical distortion. As someone once said, "we have identified the enemy and it is us."

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