Friday, November 30, 2012

Lethal Shiite Iranian Jew-Hatred, Despite Abject Dhimmitude

Andrew Bostom

I have written repeatedly and at length (here, here 1,2,3,  and here) about the visceral, najis ("infidel impurity")-inspired, intermittently apocalyptic (and certainly at present) Islamic Jew-hatred that has pervaded Iranian Muslim society since the nation became a Shiite theocracy ~ 1502, under Shah Ismail.

Despite being only a vestigial, vanishingly small minority that lives in abject, crushing dhimmitude, here is a pathognomonic contemporary example of how Iranian Jew-hatred manifests itself at present-past as prologue.

As reported by UPI, today (11/29/12):

A Jewish woman was stabbed to death in Isfahan, Iran, in what her family said was a religiously motivated crime....[The] 57-year-old woman, identified as Tuba N., was killed Monday, allegedly by her Muslim neighbors, who had been trying to drive the family from their home and confiscate their property, which is adjacent to a mosque..."The religious radicals even expropriated part of the house and attached it to the mosque's courtyard. The Jewish family appealed to the courts ... despite the threats to their lives. Thugs broke into her home, tied up her two sisters who were living with her, and repeatedly stabbed her to death.
The attackers then removed her hands. [emphasis added]
The killing occurred while the woman's husband was in Tehran.
...[M]embers of the city's dwindling Jewish community fear further bloodshed. Isfahan, the third largest city in Iran, was home to some 1,200 Jews in 2009. Now, however, ... estimates [are] fewer than 100 families remain.
... Iranian authorities attempted to cover up the killing and have yet to return the woman's body to her family.

Page Printed from: at November 29, 2012 - 10:36:14 PM CST

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