Friday, November 16, 2012


It is noon on Friday and I have scant time to post, and yet I must -- because I am enraged.  Enraged because the world does not want the Jewish State to defend herself, all the saccharine declarations to the contrary.  The world doesn't like Palestinian Arab dead and doesn't like strong moves by the IDF.
The issue must be clear:  It is not just a question of Hamas and Islamic Jihad temporarily stopping rocket launchings because that's in their best interest at the moment. It's a question of weakening or destroying their capacity to hit us again when the mood strikes them.  
Taking out their weapons -- pre-emption -- is defense.
Defense Minister Barak made that clear in his declaration of the goals of Operation Pillar of Defense. 
I have sat here for years at my computer, detailing what is being brought into Gaza -- the weapons of growing sophistication.  And all the time, horrified.  Now with Ghaddafi's weapons available to terrorists, it's even worse -- and make no mistake about it, those weapons are being smuggled into Gaza.
The world has not been concerned about the implications of this stockpiling of weapons by a terrorist group that is sworn to Israel's destruction.  It is content to look the other way and confer upon Hamas increased legitimacy.  I have had no choice over the years but to conclude that Jewish life does not matter.  It would be foolish to even imagine that the UN might have sessions in which the actions of Hamas are discussed.  It is too busy discussing that horrible danger, Israeli "settlements."
Now UN Secretary General Ban is coming to Israel to attempt to "restore quiet."  That's what we would expect of him.   
But in the JPost today I picked up this:
"US State Department spokesman Mark Toner said Washington has urged Cairo to take steps to calm the situation. 
"'We ask Egypt to use its influence in the region to help de-escalate the situation,' he said.
"Both US President Barack Obama and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton spoke to their Egyptian counterparts by phone on Wednesday in an appeal for partnership in de-escalating the tension.
"Obama told President Mohamed Morsi that Egypt had a 'central role in preserving regional security.'"
Regional security? What the hell is that? 
And partnership with a Muslim Brotherhood Egypt?
Of course, Obama then followed this up with a statement about Israel's right to self defense.  What hypocrisy.  Our "self-defense" precludes quiet at the moment.
Don't ever, ever tell me that Obama cares about Israel's security.
I am encouraged that our government is standing strong.  Prime Minister Netanyahu made a statement to the foreign press:  "Israel will continue to take whatever action is necessary to defend our people."
May the Almighty keep his spine stiff.
What I ask of you, before Shabbat, is to share this absolutely as broadly as possible so that people can understand.
And give a word of encouragement to PM Netanyahu at:
E-mail: and also (underscore after pm) use both addresses


Then let your elected representative in Congress know that you want Israel to be given the latitude to defend herself properly.

For your Congresspersons:

For your Senators:


Join me in my rage, my friends, and speak out on behalf of Israel.  Flood their offices with calls and e-mails.

And, as I always ask, make statements on talk shows, write letters to the editor.  Do what you can to help people understand what is really going on.


As I write, Israel has hit close to 500 targets in Gaza and is continuing.  Hamas and Islamic Jihad are still launching rockets, including Grads, and long range missiles.


See here for a series of pictures of damage done in Israel by the terrorists rockets, put out by The Israel Project:


© Arlene KushnerThis material is produced by Arlene Kushner, functioning as an independent journalist. Permission is granted for it to be reproduced only with proper attribution. 
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