Friday, October 19, 2012

Obama, Oy Vey! American Jews Finally Have Had Enough

Stella Paul 

"Two Jews, three opinions" goes the famous joke. And every day, more of those opinions turn pro-Romney, as American Jews increasingly reject the collapsing presidency of Barack Hussein Obama.

Romney's surging poll numbers in the crucial state of Florida reflect his growing success with Bubbie Molly and her unemployed grandson Adam, who both thought their right hand would wither if it ever pulled the lever for a Republican.

The signs and portents are everywhere, beginning with the special election of a Republican in Anthony Weiner's heavily Jewish, New York congressional district one year ago. Now a startling new poll even has Romney performing the ultimate miracle: the parting of the blue states, winning the Jewish vote by a healthy 44% to 40%!
Florida activist Alan Bergstein described his recent experience advocating for Romney in the Jewish stronghold of Delray Beach. "Of about 100 entering and leaving the Bagel Tree eatery in that plaza, we ran into only two Democrats and loads and loads of Romney supporters. They stopped to talk to us, to congratulate us and to support us with their views of the Ryan/Biden debate. They were militant and fearless."

What's driving the Jewish exodus from the Democratic Party? Like everyone else, Jews are singing the bad economy blues. But they're also increasingly acknowledging the uncomfortable facts about Obama's hostility towards Israel and its Jewish supporters.
"Absolutely Uncertain," a 20-minute YouTube video starring 23-year-old Irina, a disillusioned Obama voter who analyzes the president's harsh treatment of Israel, racked up an astonishing 650,000 views in just three days. The Republican Jewish Coalition's video, "Perilous Times," is closing in on a million views, as anxious Jewish voters seek information outside the mainstream media to understand the accelerating nuclear threat to Israel from Iran.

And a new boldness is entering the Jewish conversation.  The Simon Wiesenthal Center just publicly requested that Obama cut off all contact with the Muslim Brotherhood and condemn its anti-Semitic calls for jihad against Israel. "[Supreme Guide Mohammed] Badie's rant confirms our long held view that Egypt's Muslim Brotherhood is the most dangerous anti-Semitic organization in the world today," said Rabbis Marvin Hier and Abraham Cooper, the Center's founder and dean and associate dean.

 "We are not dealing with a YouTube video or a lone extremist Imam, but a call to anti-Semitic violence by a man who has tens of millions of followers and leads the organization that controls Egypt's future. It cannot be business as usual in Washington when such an assault is launched against the Jewish people," they added.

Since Obama's foreign policy centers on courting the Muslim Brotherhood, he's more likely to leave Michelle and run off with Sarah Palin than he is to honor Wiesenthal's request. Nevertheless, a leading Jewish organization, founded by a survivor of the Nazi death camps to combat global anti-Semitism, has now publicly challenged the president on his dangerous foreign policies.

Because American Jews take huge pride in their role in the civil rights movement, rejecting Obama feels especially painful. Obama seemed to embody their dream of expanding opportunity to oppressed racial minorities, a goal for which two American Jews sacrificed their lives in the violent Freedom Summer of 1964.

But Obama's failures grow too blatant to ignore, and so does his public antagonism to the only Jewish state. As Jews enter the sacred privacy of the voting booth, here are some images that will influence their choice:

The Democratic Party booing God and Jerusalem: At their national convention, Democratic leaders attempted to do undo the political damage of stripping all mention of God and Jerusalem as Israel's capital from their party platform. But when they asked for a floor vote to add God and Jerusalem to the platform, the delegates loudly booed - three times. As the cameras revealed the hate-filled faces of the jeering delegates, some Jews felt frightened by the ugly scene.

Obama's open contempt for Prime Minister Netanyahu: From the beginning of his presidency, Obama has seemed to enjoy humiliating Israel's elected leader. He walked out on Netanyahu in the White House, claiming he had to eat dinner, and refused to pose for an official photograph with him. Now, as Iran races to complete a nuclear weapon, Obama rejected Netanyahu's request for a meeting in New York, choosing to appear on The View instead. And when Netanyahu spoke at the United Nations, Obama instructed both Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and UN Ambassador Susan Rice not to attend.

Fawning over the Jewish people's enemies: Obama bowed to the Saudi king, gave a high-profile speech in Cairo, apologizing to the Muslim world, and ordered NASA to make "Muslim outreach" its foremost priority. Over the objections of Congress, he gave at least $1.5 billion to the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood, which advocates for "holy jihad" against Israel. And when Muslim terrorists murdered our Libyan ambassador, Obama responded with a speech at the UN, in which he stated, "The future must not belong to those who slander the prophet of Islam."

Appointment of anti-Semites to high government positions: Obama just appointed a Muslim leader who blames Israel for the 9/11 attacks to serve as US delegate to a Warsaw human rights conference. Salam al-Marayati, president of the Muslim Public Affairs Council (MPAC), openly supports Hizbollah and Hamas. Al-Marayati is only the latest of Obama officials hostile to Israel, including foreign policy advisor Samantha Power and UN Ambassador Susan Rice.

Obama's long association with anti-Semites: Obama spent 20 years in the Chicago church of Reverend Jeremiah Wright, who maintains, "The state of Israel is an illegal," Obama's biggest contributor is George Soros, who is a prime funder of anti-Israel NGOs. And Obama's close association with Palestinian activist Rashid Khalidi is still being kept under wraps by the Los Angeles Times, which refuses to release a video of a reportedly inflammatory toast to Khalidi by Obama at a 2003 dinner. Breitbart News is offering a $100,000 reward to anyone with a copy of the tape.

Iran's Growing Nuclear Capabilities: Obama has seemed more interested in deterring Israel from defending itself than in stopping Iran. His Chairman of the Joints Chief of Staff explicitly stated he doesn't want to be "complicit" in an Israeli attack on Iran, implying such an attack would be criminal. Now counter-terrorism expert Reza Kahlili is reporting that Obama's emissaries have struck a secret "October surprise" deal with Iran, in which Iran will announce a halt to their uranium enrichment, in order to enhance Obama's presidential prospects. The deal reportedly was negotiated in Qatar with former Iranian foreign minister Ali Akbar Velyati, who's wanted by Argentina for the Jewish community center bombing in Buenos Aires in 1994 that killed 85 people. If Obama has lost the trust of Jewish voters, they may not dismiss these reports as completely impossible.

As every day brings another "Oy vey!," American Jews are finally fed up. It takes a lot or Democrats to lose their iron-grip on the Jewish vote, but this is one challenge Obama seems capable of meeting.

Stella Paul's new ebook is What I Miss About America: Reflections from the Golden Age of Hope and Change, available at Amazon for just $1.99.  You can find out more information at  Write Stella at

Page Printed from: at October 18, 2012 - 10:35:19 PM CDT

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