Thursday, August 23, 2012

Abbas and PA used term "alleged Temple" at least 97 times in 2011 and 2012 in its ongoing campaign to deny Jerusalem's Jewish history

Mahmoud Abbas:
"No peace, security, or stability"
without evacuation of Jews from Jerusalem - "our holy city"

by Itamar Marcus

Palestinian Authority Chairman Mahmoud Abbas has again denied Jerusalem's Jewish history and the existence of the Temple, referring to the "alleged Temple" in a statement this week.

The use of the term "alleged Temple" to deny Jewish history has been Palestinian Authority policy under Abbas for many years. Palestinian Media Watch has documented that the entire Palestinian Authority leadership and the structures under its control actively and repeatedly use the term "alleged Temple."

"Alleged Temple" 97 times:
Palestinian Media Watch checked its archives and found that the official PA press reported the use of the expression "alleged Temple" at least 97 times by heads of the PA, its institutions and its media, just in 2011 and 2012. This number refers only to the use of this term. The PA has denied Jewish history in Israel and Jerusalem hundreds of times as part of its official policy, and has also fabricated an ancient Palestinian history in the land. Mahmoud Abbas himself in a speech that was read by his advisor on the eve of Israel's Independence Day, both denied Israel's history and falsely claimed the existence of a 9000 year-old Palestinian history, adding: "Netanyahu, you are incidental in history. We are the people of history. We are the owners of history." [PA TV (Fatah), May 14, 2011]

PA leaders cite "alleged Temple"
The following is a partial list of PA officials who used the term "alleged Temple," some of them numerous times, in 2011and 2012:
Mahmoud Abbas, PA Chairman
Ahmad Al-Ruweidi, Advisor to PA Chairman Mahmoud Abbas
Muhammad Hussein, PA Mufti
Mahmoud Al-Habbash, PA Minister of Religious Affairs
Ahmad Qurei (Abu Alaa), former PA Prime Minister, head of PLO Jerusalem Dept.
Tayseer Tamimi, former PA Chief Justice of Religious Court
Salim Al-Za'anoun, Chairman of the Palestinian National Council
Sheikh Yusuf Ida'is, Chairman of the Supreme Council of Islamic Law
Yusuf Salameh, speaker at the Al-Aqsa Mosque and former Minister of Religious Affairs
Mahmoud Al-Aloul, member of the Fatah Central Committee
Dmitry Dliani, member of the Fatah Revolutionary Council
Raed Salah, head of the northern branch of the Islamic Movement in Israel
Kamal Al-Khatib, Deputy Chairman of the Islamic Movement in Israel
Sheikh Ishaq Feleifel, columnist in the religion section of the official PA daily
Adel Abd Al-Rahman, columnist for the official PA daily
Al-Aqsa Institute for Islamic Trusts and Heritage (Israeli-Arab)
Islamic-Christian Council for Jerusalem and the Holy Places
Official PA TV news readers and reporters, many times
WAFA, the official PLO and PA news agency, many times
The PA's official daily Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, many times
To view complete texts and the many other explicit denials of Jewish history in Jerusalem, view the "Rewriting history" section on PMW's website.

The following is from Abbas' statement denying the existence of the Temple, demanding the evacuation of all Jews from East Jerusalem, and claiming Jerusalem to be the "eternal capital" of a Palestinian state:

Mahmoud Abbas:
"'[Israel's] purpose is to achieve its black goals: Destroying the Al-Aqsa Mosque, building the 'alleged Temple,' taking over the Muslim and Christian holy sites, and destroying its [Jerusalem's] institutions in order to empty it, uproot its residents, and continue its occupation and Judaization.' 
Abbas' statement also said that all of Israel's archeological digs and tunnels... will not change the reality of the city... and will not create a [Jewish] right based on fantasy and legends. The statement ended... 'there will be no peace, security, or stability unless the occupation [Israel], its settlements and settlers will be evacuated from our holy city and the eternal capital of our state.'"  
[WAFA, Aug. 21, 2012 and Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, Aug. 22, 2012]

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