Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Michigan: the Islamic capital of the US

By Sher Zieve

As of 2005, Michigan held the largest and still growing Muslim population in the United States and the second largest Arab population outside of the Middle East. Outside of Muslim-run countries, Paris — which still experiences nightly vehicle torchings and mayhem in its Islamic neighborhoods — has the largest. It is estimated that eight million Muslims now live in the US and their numbers are continuing to grow. Islam is now the second-largest religious body in the United States and is said to be its fastest growing religious movement.

Although hundreds of long-time residents of Hamtramck, MI protested the city allowing the five-times-per-day Muslim call to prayer to be broadcast over Hamtramck's loudspeakers, the city council voted unanimously in April 2004 to allow it. Prior to the city council making its decision, public input from any citizens (except Muslims) had not been allowed. This continues today. Hamtramck resident Bob Golen was outraged by the city council's actions and said: "So they had made up their mind before any public meeting and it's been five-nothing ever since. This is only the beginning. They're going to use Hamtramck as a precedent. This is coming to your town, to the town down the road, and to the [next] town down the road." Golen added that, after the city council voted to allow the calls to prayer, one of the city councilmen said that he was "proud to set a precedent in this country."

Note: The most dangerous element of this "precedent" appears to be a US city council making a unilateral decision. No input from non-Muslim US citizen-residents was required — or permitted. Sound a bit like Shari'a law (which requires only Islamic clerics to make decisions) to you? It should. Only one-third of Hamtramck's population is Muslim. However, it is the group that appears to now wield the proverbial sword when and where its religious practices are involved. Hamtramck's Christians and Jews need not waste their time protesting, as this pro-Muslim (to the exclusion of other religions?) city council now firmly appears to be in control of matters relating to Islam.

Just outside of Detroit, the city of Dearborn, MI (the tenth most populated in that state) holds the second densest Arab community outside of the Middle East. In a show of force, Dearborn's largely Shiite Muslim population took to the streets in celebration after the execution of former Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein. Considering Hussein's atrocities perpetrated against his own people, their reaction seemed appropriate. But, many Muslims living in the United States and enjoying the freedoms and opportunities it offers them, were outraged. And these, of course, blamed the country to which they immigrated. One example is from the publisher of US-based "The Arab American News" Osama Siblani who said: "The execution might bring some amusement and accomplishment to the Bush administration, but it will not help the Iraqi people!" He blames the US for the correct decision made by the Iraqi courts. Note: From his comments, I'm taking it for granted that Siblani votes Democrat. His statement sounds eerily like those made by our new Democrat leaders. Blaming President Bush for all perceived ills has become a worldwide phenomenon and passion.

Terrorist Hezbollah is also firmly established in Michigan and in 2006 the owner of the La Shish chain of 15 US restaurants, Talal Chahine, fled to Lebanon rather than facing federal charges that he had both evaded paying taxes and funneled $20 million in profits to Hezbollah. This is but one case and there is little doubt other terrorist-supporting activities continue to occur right under our radar. Dearborn's Al Mabarat "charitable organization" has also been named in providing funds to Hezbollah and on 31 July 3,500 Dearborn Muslims marched in support of Hezbollah and shouted: "Jews are diseased!" The assertions by many that Michigan is the capital of Hezbollah in the United States, seems an appropriate assessment. But, Hezbollah is not the only Islamic terrorist organization that has a stronghold in Michigan. Terrorist groups al-Qaeda, Hamas, the Muslim Brotherhood and al-Gama'at al-Islamiyya are also firmly entrenched in the state. And it is not only in Michigan that these terrorists have gained a foothold — their presence is now spread throughout the US. We continue to allow the presence of those within our country who have stated and are bent upon overthrowing and destroying it. Too many tolerance-advocates continue to act in an insane and self-destructive manner by allowing these incursions to exist — placing the rest of us not only at risk but, at the mercy of our destructors. And it is now happening not only on our soil but, in our backyards.

If we persist with our consent to allow the terrorists to remain in our country and plot our annihilation, we will not even have a decade left for the USA. Our existence will be measured in a few years — or perhaps months. Considering the results of angry Republicans and conservatives, as exhibited by the 2006 midterm elections, I'm not as confident of our survival as I once was. Like Democrats and other leftists, our brethren chose to ignore the real peril that now exists, for many, right-next-door. We the people appear to have set upon a perilous path that has every indication of leading to our end — which is precisely what the named terrorist immigrants to our country have vowed. It has been said before and I'll say it again: Certainly, not all Muslims are terrorists. But, easily, 90+% of all current terrorists are Muslims. The bed has been made and the only decision that currently appears available is if we choose to lie in it.,_Michigan

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