Wednesday, April 18, 2012

"Palestinian" Muslim sentenced to death for selling home to Jews

Jihad Watch

Hitler would be so pleased. "Arab seller of Hebron house said sentenced to death," from the JTA, April 16 (thanks to David):

JERUSALEM (JTA) — Jewish leaders in Hebron have called for international intervention to help the Palestinian man sentenced to death for selling a home near the Cave of the Patriarchs to Jews.

A letter on behalf of Muhammad Abu Shahala, a former intelligence agent for the Palestinian Authority, was signed by Hebron Jewish community leaders David Wilder and Noam Arnon, and addressed to, among others, the secretary-general of the United Nations, Ban Ki-moon; U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton; the president of the European Council of the European Union, Herman Van Rompuy; and the director general of the International Red Cross, Yves Daccord, among others. Shahala reportedly was sentenced to death for his part in selling what has become known as Beit Hamachpela (the Machpela House) to a group of Jews. He reportedly confessed to the sale after torture and was subject to a rushed trial, according to Arutz-7, which cited various news agencies. Palestinian officials said Shahala was not authorized to sell the home.

The death warrant still must be signed by Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas, according to reports.

“It is appalling to think that property sales should be defined as a ‘capital crime’ punishable by death,” the Jewish leaders write in their letter. ” The very fact that such a ‘law’ exists within the framework of the PA legal system points to a barbaric and perverse type of justice, reminiscent of practices implemented during the dark ages.

“What would be the reaction to a law in the United States, England, France, or Switzerland, forbidding property sales to Jews? Actually, less than one hundred years ago, such acts were legislated and practiced, known as the infamous ‘Nuremberg laws.”...

Comments to article: PCPCP | April 17, 2012 5:22 AM | Reply

Thank you JW for bringing this man's plight to light.
The opposite of love is not hate. The opposite of love is indifference. The world is indifferent to this man and the many many other victims of Islamic violence whether those victims are Christian, Muslim, male, female, young, old, whether imprisoned or killed outright, whether murdered en mass in a dramatic explosion or strangled quietly in her home.

We are not Islamophobes. We are islamospectators. It is the prerogative of the spectator the cheer and to boo. I cheered for Salman Taseer.
Author Profile Page Michelle | April 17, 2012 7:10 AM | Reply

And this is not the terrorist group Hamas, but rather the 'moderate' PA whom the US, the West, and the world has deemed a rational peace partner for Israel. PA, PLO, Fatah, Hamas- they are all the same in that they all call very openly and very publicly for Israel's destruction. They will never recognize a Jewish state or negotiate any kind of peace. The world is aware of the score and yet they continue with the lies in an attempt to demonize and delegitimize Israel. As the article points out, not that long ago, these same laws against Jews existed in Europe. Jew hatred is alive and well all over the world, anti-semites are just masking their hatred by calling themselves criticizers of an oppressive, occupying Israeli govt.
Author Profile Page gravenimage replied to comment from Michelle | April 17, 2012 9:19 AM | Reply

Shahala reportedly was sentenced to death for his part in selling what has become known as Beit Hamachpela (the Machpela House) to a group of Jews. He reportedly confessed to the sale after torture and was subject to a rushed trial, according to Arutz-7, which cited various news agencies. Palestinian officials said Shahala was not authorized to sell the home.

Torture, a "rushed trial", and a sentence *of death* for selling a property to Jewish people.

And—as Michelle notes—this is the "moderate" Palestinian Authority.


The death warrant still must be signed by Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas, according to reports.

By *Abbas himself*. He can't claim he didn't know...


“It is appalling to think that property sales should be defined as a ‘capital crime’ punishable by death,” the Jewish leaders write in their letter. ” The very fact that such a ‘law’ exists within the framework of the PA legal system points to a barbaric and perverse type of justice, reminiscent of practices implemented during the dark ages.


And yet, "activists" are *targeting Israel*. The world gone mad.

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