Saturday, April 28, 2012

Oslo, Norway: 69 percent increase in rapes (76 rapes in 91 days). Share of non-Westerners among 'attack-rapists': 100 percent.

Jihad Watch has been reporting about the problem several times: "Western Muslims' Racist Rape Spree"; "Islamic cleric misunderstands Islam, issues fatwa permitting jihadis to kidnap, imprison, and rape infidel women"; "Stavanger, Norway: Nine out of ten rapists are 'men from minority groups'," etc.

The jihad on "uncovered meat" has just begun. Norway distinguishes two kinds of rapes: rape and attack-rape. In rapes, the rapist and the victim know each other beforehand, while an attack-rape is when the two do not know each other before the rape. In Oslo, 100 percent of the attack-rapes are committed by non-Western immigrants with a "view of women" that makes them rape, according to the leading police officer, Hanne Kristin Rohde.

With 76 rapes during the first 91 days of 2012, the number of rapes in Oslo has increased by an alarming 69 percent compared to the same period last year. Translated from Norwegian by Nicolai Sennels, Aftenposten April 16: "Alarming rise in reported rapes in Oslo":

 Last year, the number of reported rapes in the Norwegian capital rose by 30 percent. 2012 has only gotten worse.
- Overall, in the first quarter, there is an increase of 69 percent in reported rapes and attempted rapes. There are 27 more cases than in the same period last year.
Police Inspector Hanne Kristin Rohde does not like the stats she has extracted on sexual crimes in the Oslo police district.
- Very ugly numbers, she concludes.
- Is this a real increase, or are there others who choose to report rape?
- We do not know. But there has been a lot of talking about rape in the public, so we think that the increase is a result of people's willingness to report rapes to the police.

During this year's first 91 days, Oslo police have received reports on 76 rape cases, compared to 45 during the same period last year. The so called attack-rapes were included.

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