Monday, March 19, 2012

Tarek Fatah Claims White House Conceals 3 Muslim Brotherhood Advisors to Barack Obama

Glenn H. Ray

Why are establishment Americans, both conservative and Lefty, so Establishment? Because they all graduate from the same universities and are trained to be Established and Mindless. One group, the conservatives question America’s slippage into oblivion on Sunday, Wednesday and Friday and occasionally on Saturday.

The other group, the Obama Lefty Society, never questions anything Lefty established……most contemporary American Marxists use Islamofascism as an ally to destroy Western Civilization and its liberty…

But not MARXIST, TAREK FATAH, a Muslim who was raised in India, and now, as I understand it, lives in Canada.

Non-Establishment, Marxist, but apparently not anti-democrat, Tarek Fatah, gives in the video below, an absolutely superb call for awakening by all democrats who believe in Western Society, to defend their world against the cancer now spreading across the Western world called Islamofascism.

Tarek Fatah insists that the religion of Islam is being used as a political force by Islamofascists. Regarding the conflict, he convincingly argues that “the sponge-like spine that we are displaying could lead to the end of civilization as we know it!”

Mr. Fatah is convincing…….He is exceptionally concerned about the Islamists’ infiltration into the American and Canadian governments.

He asks questions…..Why the exploding anti-Semitism now being practiced at University? Why the over-all protections afforded Islamist despite all of their terrorism? Why did it take only 4 years to defeat the world’s greatest military force in defeating Nazi Germany, “and in ten years we couldn’t beat Osama bin Laden? Why doesn’t anyone pay attention to the terror trials which come up every few months? Because…..


We make noise at our sport events but are silent in defending out prescious Wester culture.

Tarek Fatah seems to respect Western culture and is extremely concerned that 3 FASCIST Muslim Brother infilatrators have infiltrated “right up to” Obama’s White House. He identifies one as Rashad Hassain, a pro jihadist.

In an article at the American Thinker, Feb. 18, 2010, J. C. Arenas wrote:

“A quick look into Hussain reveals that he has the background of a typical Obama administration official: Ivy League education, career in public service, and an added bonus, a connection to the Soros family.

In 2003, Hussain was named a Fellow to the Paul and Daisy Soros Foundation:

RASHAD HUSSAIN was born in 1978. He earned his JD from Yale University and his MPA from Harvard University. His parents are naturalized citizens from India and live in Plano, Texas. Elected to Phi Beta Kappa, he holds bachelor’s degrees with highest distinction in both philosophy and political science from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, which he completed in two years. He received highest honors for his philosophy thesis, “Assessing the Theistic Implications of Big Bang Cosmological Theory.” Rashad also holds an MA from Harvard University in Near Eastern languages and civilizations. He finds his heritage central to his identity as a Muslim American and his career goals, especially in light of events in recent history. Rashad has worked extensively on Capitol Hill, both as an intern in the office of former House Democratic Leader Richard Gephardt during the summer of 2000 and as a legislative aide on the House Judiciary Committee, where he worked for a year and a half between his time at Harvard University and Yale University. Rashad sees his varied academic interests converging and feels that his study of international affairs, law, and security can form a salient combination for addressing many contemporary legal and public policy issues. He finished a clerkship for Judge Damon Keith on the US Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit in Detroit, MI and was a Trial Attorney at the US Department of Justice. Now he is deputy associate counsel to President Barack Obama.

Paul Soros is the elder brother of George Soros, the anti-capitalist billionaire who drives the Democrat Party–and an early supporter of Barack Obama.”

Tarek Fatah speaks with passion and apparent accuracy. See and hear him by clicking below:

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