Thursday, March 01, 2012

Since the end of Operation Cast Lead, 670 rockets and 404 mortar shells have been fired into Israel

Palestinian ceasefire violations since the end of Operation Cast Lead
MFA 29 Feb 2012 For details:

Dr. Aaron Lerner - IMRA: IMRA - Independent Media Review and Analysis

Yes, the 670 rockets and 404 mortar shells fired into Israel were a
violation of the "ceasefire", but the almost exclusive focus on the
"ceasefire" is a fundamental flaw in the Israeli approach.
Why "fundamental flaw"?
Because it essentially accepts the principle that the Palestinians can do
whatever they desire to increase the range, accuracy and payload of the "cocked gun" they have aimed at our collective temples - as long as they don't pull the trigger. And they have most certainly increased the range, accuracy and payload of the "cocked gun" well beyond any Israeli's imagination.

So what?
It is a terrible precedent for the future.
After all, we and the West maintain that a necessary condition for a
Palestinian state is that it be demilitarized.
But if today our policymakers essentially say that our problem is with the weapons the Palestinians in Gaza fire at us and not with what they have,
what message does this send about our true position regarding the enforcement of the condition that a Palestinian state be demilitarized?

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