Friday, March 23, 2012

Eurabia, Leftists Have Blood on Their Hands

Ted Belman

Laura: The blood of that Rabbi and those three precious children are on the hands of the leftist media, academia, western governments and the various NGO’s and other anti-Israel, pro-fakestinian activists, BDS movements, campus anti-Israel hatefests throughout the western world. They all have collaborated in disseminating blood libels, vicious lies, historical revisionism regarding the Jewish state. Whether it be for political ideology, geopolitical or economic purposes, various forces in the west have collaborated in spreading the big lie that the Jewish people are usurpers, colonialist occupiers in their native land which they have a 5000 year history in.

To keep the oil flowing, the west chose an unholy alliance with the Arab-muslim world, made the Jewish state a sacrificial lamb and unleashed a global jihad and the prospect of another holocaust against the Jewish people. Yet still the treachery continues as Israel is pressured to make more concessions to genocidal enemies and the west continues to allow the massive influx of muslims into their countries, endangering its citizens lives and destroying their freedoms with the introduction of sharia and blasphemy laws. The blood of the Rabbi and those three children are on the hands of those who have welcomed the savages into their countries in the name of multiculturalism and tolerance. Tolerance towards those who harbor genocidal hatred. And the blood of those victims is on the hands of those who continue to deny that islam is at war with us and politicians who proclaim that islam is a peaceful religion which has been hijacked by a few extremists. This is pure nonesense and they must know that. No one can be that oblivious. It is not “extremist” or “radical” islam nor is it “islamism”, a phony term if there ever was one. A word wholly invented by westerners who want to avoid being called islamophobic or racist so therefore create an artificial distinction. There is only islam. And that murdering jihadist monster in France simply carried out the acts prescribed by authentic islam.

Laying the groundwork for the Toulouse massacre

By Melanie Phillips

When the Toulouse school massacre happened, the media rushed to say that the perpetrator was a white far-right racist. The lone gunman had mown down at close range a rabbi and three children at a Jewish school, wounding several others. He was thought to be the same killer who a few days earlier had murdered three black French paratroopers in two separate attacks. A killer who targeted Jews and blacks – must be a far-right white racist, right?

Massacre: Three children were gunned down at a Jewish school in ToulouseMassacre: Three children were gunned down at a Jewish school in Toulouse

Wrong. The suspect who the French police have now cornered turns out to be a jihadi Islamic terrorist with self-declared links to al Qaeda, who has made trips to Afghanistan and Pakistan in the past. Well, there’s a surprise.
Jews throughout the world are all potential targets for attack in a terrifying manifestation of global incitement to murder. Many Islamists regularly declare their intention to kill Jews wherever they can find them. Hundreds of rockets fired from Gaza at southern Israel over the past couple of weeks bear out daily the frenzied attempt to murder as many Jews as possible. In the Mumbai massacre in 2008, it turned out that the attack on the tiny ultra-orthodox Lubavitch centre was for the Islamic perpetrators of that atrocity the most important target. There have been repeated terrorist attempts on Jewish targets around the world. Oh – and Islamists have been murdering black people in Libya because they are black.

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