Tuesday, February 21, 2012

50 American Chalutzim Leave for Palestine


The first American group of "chalutzim," which sailed yesterday on the "Mauretania" for Palestine, was honored by the Zionists of New York City Tuesday night at a farewell reception in the Jewish Club. The group consists of fifty men and women. Several hundred people were present at the reception.

The principal speakers were Dr. Shmarya Levin, Rabbi Stephen S. Wise and Rabbi Gold. Dr. Levin, in the course of his talk, expressed the opinion that six million Jews of Eastern Europe are doomed to perish. He advised the American "chalutzim" to "write good letters home, though without exaggerations," assuring them that no matter what hardships they may have to endure in Palestine as pioneers, they will nevertheless feel happy. Dr. Wise expressed confidence that England has already recognized its mistakes in Palestine and will soon rectity them, and said that the Jews will not surrender under threats of force. "Palestine is not only a refuge for the Jewish homeless, but also, and more so, for Jewish homelessness," he said.

Judge Bernard Rosenblatt presided at the reception.

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