Saturday, December 17, 2011

Who Do You Believe?

My Right Word

Nathan Gutman writes in The Forward:

...Republican candidates [Gingrich; Bachmann; Santorum] have made the State Department a target of their attacks, portraying it as a bastion of pro-Arab sentiments in the U.S. government.

Current and former State Department officials forcefully reject the candidates’ accusations that the agency harbors an anti-Israel bias...Gingrich...told a candidates’ forum organized by the Republican Jewish Coalition that America is being “morally disarmed” by the State Department when trying to fight radical Islam...“Overhauling the State Department will be one of my first goals,” Gingrich said..
...The State Department issued a cautious response...“The department does not engage in the U.S. domestic political landscape,”...Retired diplomats...expressed their anger at the criticism being leveled by Republican candidates.

“It is a manifestation of self-hating Americans,” said Daniel Kurtzer...“This is dangerous stuff,” he said...“The idea that the State Department is run by ‘Arabists’ is a relic from the 1950s,” said Philip Wilcox, who formerly headed the U.S. consulate in East Jerusalem. Wilcox, president of the Foundation for Middle East Peace[!!!]...“The age of ‘Arabists’ is over,” he said.

Do you believe Kurtzer?

Do you believe Wilcox, who I know personally?

Do you believe the State Department spokeperson?

Doo you believe they believe they are telling the truth?


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