Tuesday, December 20, 2011

The Solution Is Less Than Fifty Feet Away

My Right Word

It's reported:

Settlers Jewish residents from the West Bank Samaria outpost of Ramat Gilad and Defense Ministry officials are working on a compromise that will prevent the looming demolition of the outpost...the compromise will see five structures that are currently located on private Palestinian land shifted a few meters closer to the outpost itself...One of the sources stressed that no agreements has been reached as of yet, adding that the sides are still deliberating the matter. Arutz 7's version:

A Channel 2 report on Monday night said a deal had been worked out to legalize Ramat Gilad and prevent any future attempts at demolition. The report said five buildings slated for demolition would be moved several dozen meters, off land that Arabs dispute.

In return for moving the buildings the state has agreed authorize the area as part of the city plan of Karnei Shomron, effectively turning the area into a new neighborhood for the town. The plan was reportedly worked out between Minister Benny Begin and Yesha Council head Danny Dayan.

A report in Makor Rishon on Friday said that Begin had worked out the deal last week, but that Defense Minister Ehud Barak had decided to reject it – and raced to demolish the site.

My outpost, my outpost for fifty feet (with apologies to Shakespeare).

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