Wednesday, December 28, 2011

FA Monitors Incitement and Racism in Israeli Media

RAMALLAH, November 27, 2011 (WAFA) - Palestine News and Information Agency (WAFA) monitored incitement and racism against the Palestinians and Arabs published by the Israeli media between December 16 and 22.

NRG website published an article by the Israeli journalist Kalman Libeskind, in which he defended the Hilltop Youth attack, when around 50 settlers and right-wing activists entered a key West Bank military base, threw rocks, injuring an Israeli officer, and vandalized military vehicles. He described their actions and assaults against Palestinians as “unjustified”, but blamed “the Palestinian terrorism” for the youth attack. He stressed that settlers are being attacked and stoned by Palestinians in the West Bank amid media blackout in Israel, leaving only one way to struggle, that is rocks.

“The press in Tel Aviv is more concerned with a Palestinian olive tree than a bleeding Israeli toddler,” said Libeskind, adding that the Hilltop Youth watched the Israeli media tolerating Arab riots in Israel, and demanded to be treated the same.

Israeli professor in the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Yitzhak Reiter, published an article on NFC website inflaming sectarian strife between Muslims and Christians by the spreading false allegations to terror Christians in Nazareth.

He alleged that Muslims rose banners with verses of Qura’an inciting against non-Muslims, especially Christians, in protests against the settlers ‘Price Tag’ attacks in Nazareth.

“What scares me most that Muslim activists attempt to control the public and Islamize the Christian character of Nazareth,” he said.

Yedioth Ahronoth newspaper published an article by the Director of the Settlements Council in the West Bank and Gaza, Naftali Bennett, in he claimed that the Israeli tactical propaganda for its right in the land of Israel failed because it lacked biblical (Torah) and historical references.

“The problem is that Palestinians claimed for years that this land is theirs, and we agreed saying ‘it is true, but we need security,’” he added.

Israeli journalist Amos Oz said, “If Israel acknowledges that the land of Israel belongs to Palestinians, and we have the right to take part of it only because we were in an ordeal then we will certainly fail.

He added, “No wonder the world thinks of Israelis as thieves.”

He called on the Israeli government to declare the simple truth that the land of Israel belongs only to Israelis.

NRG website published an article by the Israeli right-wing activist, Moshe Feiglin, in which he incited against Arab Knesset Member, Ahmad al-Tibi, and accused him of supporting terrorism and murder in Israel.

Feiglin accused al-Tibi of “losing his mind,” when he said: “I am the owner of the house here,” during a televised debate between them.

“I do not need to remind you that al-Tibi was the close advisor and assistant of Yassir Arafatn, the man who killed more Jews than anyone else since the Second World War, God damn his soul!” said Feiglin.

He addressed al-Tibi saying, “If you hope to establish an Arab state to replace the Jewish state, we’ll show you the way out.”

YnetNews website reported on statements issued by the office of the Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu condemning President Mahmoud Abbas meeting, in Turkey, with Amneh Muna, who was convicted of the murder of an Israeli in 2001 and released in the Gilad Shalit swap deal between Israel and Hamas.

Netanyahu’s office said, “It is awful that Abbas, who pretends wanting to achieve peace with Israel in front of the whole world, goes to Turkey to ‘meet a killer.’”


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