Sunday, December 04, 2011

CJHS Calls on White House To Renounce Belgium Ambassador Who Blamed Israel For Muslim Antisemitism

Doris Wise Montrose

Children of Jewish Holocaust Survivors (CJHS) condemns in the strongest terms the recent statements by US Ambassador to Belgium and Obama donor Howard Gutman, who said last Wednesday that global and Muslim Jew-hatred were the result of Israel's policy toward the Palestinians. CJHS calls on President Obama and the White House to renounce the Ambassador and his statements. "As an organization devoted to making sure that the West upholds its promise of 'Never Again' by recognizing the genuine causes of genocidal Jew-hatred and the Holocaust" said CJHS founder and President Doris Wise Montrose, "we'll remind the Ambassador that Muslim antisemitism stretches back centuries before the creation of the modern state of Israel and is explicitly advocated by the Koran."

Ambassador Gutman is a noted donor to the Democratic Party and President Obama. His statements echo those made in 1999 and 2003 by George Soros, another significant Obama backer widely seen as hostile to Israel and to the US/Israeli relationship. Soros has repeatedly gone on the record insisting that Israeli behavior is responsible for antisemitism, and
urging Israel to weaken itself in the face of Arab hostility.

"Apparently the Obama administration has found something new to blame on Israel. Whether it's Palestinian terrorism or Iran's nuclear program, there seem to be an endless list of problems caused by the tiny Jewish State," continued Montrose.

"Ambassador Gutman's wild theories are particularly troubling given the ongoing campaign by the White House to undermine Israel," she concluded. "Everyone is baffled by why President Obama would again and again pressure Israel while letting the Palestinians literally get away with murder, and nobody can come up with a good explanation for what he thinks he's accomplishing by undermining the US/Israeli relationship."

"Let's hope this isn't why he's doing it."


Ambassador Gutman's remarks:,7340,L-4156355,00.html
US Defense Secretary Leon Panetta's remarks:,7340,L-4156340,00.html

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