Wednesday, November 16, 2011


Ben Gurion U , Hebrew U , Tel Aviv U, U of Haifa





Other Schools
Interdisciplinary Center (Herzliya) - Galia Golan (School of Government) - The "New History" Revisionism of Galia Golan

Once the PLO, in 1988, accepted the two-state solution, agreeing to a state only in the West Bank (including east Jerusalem) and the Gaza Strip, along with recognition and peace with Israel, the end of the conflict became possible....
Rabin exacted just one clarification and binding assurance for the future, the PLO's explicit recognition of Israel's right to exist.

We know what has happened since then - opponents, on both sides, by means of terrorism, settlement expansion, assassination, did what they could to prevent peace, leading to the collapse of Oslo. No wonder that Israel's rejection of the PLO's "historic compromise" led to the growth of rejectionist Hamas and its violence against Israel. Tel Aviv-Jaffa College - Ofer Cassif (Dept of Political Science), the publication-less "Academic" wonder

We tried to track down the academic publications of Ofer Cassif to see just what it was about him that inspired the Tel Aviv - Jaffa College to hire him to teach students in political science. Alas, we could not find any. All we could find were a handful of anti-Israel Op-Eds in the internet, mostly in Hebrew. Cassif claims to be some sort of expert on "Social Justice," whatever that is. But we could not find anything academic he has published about that either, anywhere.

... Cassif's main "academic contribution" seems to consist of an Op-Ed that claims that Israel's citizenship law, which requires an oath of allegiance to non-Israelis who apply for Israeli citizenship, is at least as bad as German Nazism. The fact that most other countries have similar oaths of allegiance does not convince Cassif that THEY are Nazi regimes. Only Israel is so honored in his writing.

For more details and to see the full original article, go here
Technion - Open Calls for Bloodshed and Violence coming from the Israeli Far Left

First, a few days ago, the leftist anti-Israel extremist, Professor "Judd" Ne'eman, who teaches film at Tel Aviv University, outdid himself and called for a civil war against the Israeli "Right." Ne'eman made it clear that he wants this civil war to break out as a tactic to aid the Palestinian campaign against Israel. He has a long, long track record of issuing violently anti-Israel pronouncements.

Actually, Ne'eman is not the only lefty tossing about the term "civil war" these days, when referring to something they would like to see happen because too many Israelis refuse to endorse the extremist Left. A.B. Yehoshua uses the term also. They do not mean a civil war in which people challenge one another to spelling bees or soap box debates. They mean a civil war in which lots of people get killed.

. But the calls for bloodshed coming from Comrade Ne'eman and his friends are tame compared to what just came out of the mouth of one Oded Regev, a faculty member in physics at the Technion ( . Regev published an internet article in response to Ne'eman's call for civil war entitled, "If you will have me, I am in." He adds there that if he would be permitted to lead a company of artillery he would gladly open fire at the evil side, meaning the Right and the religious Jews. He adds, "I also believe that there is only one way to overcome the religious extremists and that is through organized violence, through launching warfare in the full meaning of that term. Anyone who does not surrender in that war will be incarcerated." Regev went on to describe those rabbis arrested by Shai Nitzan and his friends as "those who continue in the tradition of Goebbels."

For more details and to see the full original article, go here
Open University - Yigal Levy (Dept of Sociology) helps to spread lies about "Jewish jihad" and "war crimes" during Operation Cast Lead

"We have reached the point where a critical mass of religious soldiers is trying to negotiate with the army about how and for what purpose military force is employed on the battlefield," said Yigal Levy, a political sociologist at the Open University who has written several books on the Israeli army.

The new atmosphere was evident in the "excessive force" used in the recent Gaza operation, Dr Levy said. More than 1,300 Palestinians were killed, a majority of them civilians, and thousands were injured as whole neighbourhoods of Gaza were levelled.

"When soldiers, including secular ones, are imbued with theological ideas, it makes them less sensitive to human rights or the suffering of the other side."

For more details and to see the full original article, go here
University of Haifa and Beit Berl College - Working from Within for a New Holocaust: Dalit Baum (Jihad Feminist)

Apparently, neither Haifa U nor Beit Berl mind having their names linked to the annihilationist efforts of Dalit Baum against Jews. Baum routinely breaks Israeli law by organizing money and supplies to the Hamas in Gaza and in general by calling for the end of the Jewish state. Her self-described "career" is devoted to working in support of "existing divestment campaigns" in the US, as well as helping to build new ones through "education." "Global Exchange" has been part of the "Viva Palestina Tours and Flotilla" campaign to aid Hamas since their inception.

. Dalit Baum admits she does not want Israel to exist at all, at least not as any Jewish state. "Palestine," all of Palestine including Haifa and Tel Aviv, is "occupied" by the Jews. In a lecture she gave in San Francisco for the benefit of the pro-terror "Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP)," an ISM group, she explained that while some might think her campaign pertains only to the West Bank and Gaza, she really does not distinguish at all between "occupation" within the state of Israel itself and that in the West Bank when she calls for the end to "occupation." What she really wants is the end to Israel.

. "Global Exchange" supports Hamas in its quest to destroy Israel and world Jewry. When Dalit Baum lectured the Berkeley SJP last year she boasted she had cost the Israeli economy billions of dollars through disrupting its ties with Europe. She also boasted about how she interfered with security checkpoints in Israel designed to keep out terrorists who kill Israeli civilians. Her new campaign in the United States seeks to promote the same agenda in America, particularly in US colleges. The officers of Haifa and Beit Berl should remove Dalit Baum from her teaching positions immediately.

Why not Contact them?

Rector of the University of Haifa
Prof. David Faraggi
University of Haifa
Mt Carmel, 31905 Haifa Israel
Tel: 972-4-8288094
Fax: 972-4-8342101

Director General of Beit Berl College:
Ruthie Gavri
Phone 972-9-7476302

For more details and to see the full original article, go here
Sapir College - Anti-Israel Film Lecturer Eyal Sivan Promotes Israel's Extermination on Al Jazeera

Later, in 2004, Sivan filed a libel suit in Paris courts against philosopher Alain Finkelkraut (Sivan vs Finkelkraut) for the latter's claim that Route 181 was a "call to murder Jews" and that Sivan himself was representative of a "particularly painful, particularly frightening reality - Jewish anti-Semitism". Finkelkraut also claimed that Sivan's film was a constant plagiarism of Claude Lanzmann's Shoah, a ten-hour innovative documentary about memory and the Holocaust, and called on Lanzmann, a former Israeli ambassador to France, to testify on Finkelkraut's behalf.

The presiding judge at the trial rejected Finkielkraut's conflation of criticism of Israel with anti-Semitism, and, according to court documents, dismissed Sivan's petition based on the argument that Finkielkraut's attack was part of a legitimate political disagreement. Following the trial, Sivan lost his teaching position at CLEMI (the French Ministry of Education's centre for information media) and the French television network, ARTE, decided to cease commissioning his films. ...

The veil of democracy is being ripped from Israeli faces. This for me is a sign of weakness. When a state needs laws it does not mean it is strong, it means it is weak and afraid because it has no vision for the future. Still, there is great work being done by dissidents, and this is a new position. For many years there were just Israelis living outside, but there is a position of dissidence that they have voiced. People like Illan, they have a voice to contribute to the historical debate. In Israel, maybe there is not a political organised left, but there are so many open questions. Just today I received a magazine from Tel Aviv University that covers philosophy and politics, and the university is organising a seminar about the one-state solution.

For more details and to see the full original article, go here
Sapir College - Dingbette Galore! Julia Chaitin (Dept of Social Work) has a New Song for Passover:

We occupy Palestine
(Let their people go)
With checkpoints, sieges and arrests
(Let their people go)

Go up Bibi
Up north to Ramallah
Tell old Abbas
We'll let their people go

For more details and to see the full original article, go here
Sapir College - Julia Chaitin (Dept of Social Work) Responds to Rocket Attacks by Cheerleading for the Hamas

Julia Chaitin may be the leading pro-Hamas voice coming out of the Negev and the embattled town of Sderot, the regular target of Hamas rockets and bombs. She exploits her residence in the Negev to legitimize her anti-Israel activism. She recently organized a "Solidarity with Hamas" conference at Sapir College.

For more details and to see the full original article, go here
Bar Ilan University - Menachem Klein (Dept of Political Science) invents a new political theory: The fact that a handful of unelected Israeli leftists signed an "Accord" for Israeli capitulation with unelected Palestinians means Israel must abide by that "Accord"

"As opposed to earlier documents, the Geneva Accord is a signed agreement. The very fact of the signatures creates a personal commitment that differs from a document published by a host institution. Furthermore, the accord was not signed by a few individuals but by more than 20 persons on each side.... On the Israeli side, the signatories include Knesset members from the opposition parties, peace activists, writers, security personnel serving in the reserves, economists, and academics."

For more details and to see the full original article, go here
Sapir College - Julia Chaitin (Dept of Social Work) promotes "the nachba" and awareness for Arab refugee right of return

In Writing the Shared History, there are six Palestinian teachers, geography and history teachers, and six Jewish-Israeli history teachers. They met together a number of times. They meet every three or four months in East Jerusalem. . They chose a number of historical events to write about. For instance, they chose the Belfour Declaration of 1917, of course they chose the War of 1948, I think they chose the first Intifada. They've decided that the Palestinians will write a textbook. It's not really a text book, it's a booklet for 10th and 11th grade students. There, for instance the Palestinians will write their narrative of the 1948 War. We Israelis call it the "War of Independence" and the Palestinians call it nachba, "the Catastrophe." So, the Israeli teachers will write the Jewish-Israeli narrative of the '48 War, and the Palestinians write their narrative. These are translated into Hebrew and Arabic so each side can read it, and they have discussions about it. They're short narratives.

. Who settled Moshav or Kibbutz places that were once Arab villages or lands. They know the project is a joint Palestinian-Israeli project. They know how I've gotten to them. I tell them exactly what I'm going to ask them. . Then I ask them three questions: Do you know what was on this land before 1948? If a Palestinian was to come and say, I'm from here originally, would you like to meet him or her and what would you like to say to him or her? And, how do you see the solution or how do you see the Palestinian-Iraeli conflict and a possible solution to the Palestinian refugee problem.

. Sometimes I have to ask all three. Somebody will say, there was a village here, it was called Jesir, and once a family came and said this is my house. They just told the story without me having to ask the question. Many of them have had actual experience. Then they show photographs or documents that are important to them. We videograph them also. I ask each person to take me to a place in their community that has special significance for them and we go outside. Usually it can be sometimes just their farm. One man showed me all around his farm, and he also took me to the older village that they destroyed. The Arabs had gone, the Palestinians had left, but when they settled they left in '48, they settled in '53. But they took down all the buildings and he told me where everything was, because he had been in charge of taking down all the buildings.

. The Palestinians lived there for hundreds of years, some of them, that these villages existed, and they were there, and then they fled and then they were no longer there. Some 400, approximately 420 villages were destroyed, emptied, razed, whatever. The Palestinians do have a legitimate claim to the land, it wasn't that they showed up in 1940 and said this is ours. Some Israelis may not know that the Palestinians had lived there, their parents had lived there, their grandparents, their great grandparents, and the fact that they just hadn't lived there for 5 years, and we just kind of moved them to somewhere else. It is also important for Israeli-Jews to understand why they left and how they left, and what's happened to them since.

For more details and to see the full original article, go here
Sapir College is Turned into a Hamas Lobby for 4 Days

Among the organizations raising the ire of the Legal Forum for the Land of Israel are Zochrot ("Remembering"), the United Nations Relief and Works Agency, and Physicians for Human Rights-Israel. Zochrot is described on its website as "a group of Israeli citizens working to raise awareness of the Nakba, the Palestinian catastrophe of 1948."

In a letter to Education Minister Gideon Sa'ar, Knesset Education, Culture and Sports Committee Chairman Zevulun Orlev, local government heads and Sapir College itself, the forum opposed a state-funded college holding "one-sided political conferences at the leftist edge of the Israeli ideological spectrum" without permitting the participation of "balancing figures."

For more details and to see the full original article, go here
The IDI's Academic Swat Team - Carmon, Kremnitzer (Hebrew University) & Stern (Bar-Ilan University) - Stoops to McCarthyism in its Assault against the Freedom of Speech of Non-Leftists

This decision joins a series of proposed bills designed to inflame the volatile relationship between Jewish and Arab citizens. Similarly provocative bills include the so-called "loyalty oath," the "nakba" bill and the initiative to allow small communities to reject candidates for residency based on "incompatibility" with the community's social fabric. Although clearly targeted against one particular group, such bills inevitably create an opening for discrimination against others.
This talk of "loyalty" and "treason" invites violence. It is difficult not to recall the days prior to the assassination of Yitzhak Rabin. The populist exploitation of fear, suspicion and animosity toward Arab Israelis, asylum-seekers and others, all under the banner of patriotism, is eroding support for the principle of equality - a basic tenet of the Declaration of Independence.

For more details and to see the full original article, go here
Weizmann Institute of Science - Nir Gov (Dept of Physics) Organizes 155 Members of the Tenured Left to call for Boycott of Ariel University

The signatories state that Ariel was an illegal settlement whose existence contravened international law and the Geneva Convention. "It was established for the sole purpose of preventing the Palestinians from creating an independent state and thus preventing us, citizens of Israel, from having the chance to ever live in peace in this region."

The petition was initiated and organized by Nir Gov of the Weizmann Institute's Department of Chemical Physics. Unlike other such initiatives, over a third of the list's signatories are from the natural and exact sciences.

[Could they be after the budgets granted to Ariel? Looking for 155 Ideas of people who should be Boycotted?]

For more details and to see the full original article, go here
Tel Chai College - Anti-Israel Student Appointment Calendars Distributed at Tel Chai College

Students at the Tel Hai Academic College discovered Wednesday that Nakba Day, Land Day and a day commemorating the Arab-Israelis killed during the October 2000 events are marked on the Student Union's calendar. . The outraged students returned their student cards as an act of protest and said, "It cannot be that in a community which symbolizes Zionism the symbols of Israel's enemies are sanctified."

For more details and to see the full original article, go here
Bar Ilan University - IDI Honchos come out against a Pledge of Loyalty in Israel

Bar-Ilan University professor and Israel Democracy Institute deputy president Yedidya Stern said he had no problem with the pledge of allegiance proposed by the government, but added that it was not necessary and was being introduced for the wrong reasons.

"The pledge raises no legal problems," he said. "In other words, a state may decide that whoever wants to become a citizen should be able to make a statement of loyalty. Moreover, the state can define itself according to the constitution...

"We should be proud that this is the definition we chose for ourselves. We have placed it in the top hierarchy of Israeli legislation. We shouldn't attack it. It is not against anybody."

Nonetheless, he continued, precisely because of its importance, it should not be exploited for political purposes.

"I think it's too serious for that," he continued. "It's too important to let people like Lieberman use it. It belongs to us. It's everyone's."

Stern warned that overusing the concept might harm Israel.

"We have to show ourselves and the world our self-confidence by not pushing it," he said. "[The fact that Israel is a Jewish and democratic state] is known. We don't hide it and we have nothing to hide."

For more details and to see the full original article, go here
Bar Ilan University - The Ultra Left rallies to Bemoan the Canning of Ariella Azoulay, whose entire academic record consists of collecting anti-Israel photographs and films

Among the books Azoulay has written is "Constituent Violence 1947-1950," an analysis of some 200 rare photographs whose purpose, the book says, was to recreate the formation of the Jewish regime while destroying Palestinian society.

She is coauthor with Prof. Adi Ophir, who is her partner, of "This Regime Which Is Not One: Occupation and Democracy between the Sea and The River - (1967 - )."

Among the films she directed is "I Also Dwell Among Your Own People: Conversations with Azmi Bishara."

"Few people dispute the fact that Ariella Azoulay is one of the most important researchers in cultural studies in Israel today," (Marxist anti-Israel) Prof. Yehouda Shenhav of Tel Aviv University, said. Shenhav also noted several recent cases of "persecution of lecturers in a political context" at universities, saying that "this is one of the crudest instances of preferring sectorial considerations over academic excellence."

For more details and to see the full original article, go here
Interdisciplinary Center (Herzliya) - Galia Golan (School of Government) pulls the following Orwellian Inversions:

Those who Challenge the Leftist Hegemony over Israeli Academia are like Marxists in the Old Soviet Union

Those who Maintain Leftist anti-Zionist Hegemony over Large Swaths of Israeli Universities have no Resemblance to Soviet Marxists at all

Challenging Leftist Uniformity of Thought amounts to demanding Zionist uniformity of thought

"One wonders, then, why has this witch-hunt begun against academia and civil society? One explanation may be that it is a reaction to the increasing criticism and delegitimization of Israel from outside, causing a drawing in of ourselves, xenophobia and fundamentalism that demand, as in McCarthyism, clear signs of loyalty lest the enemy gain from our weakness. It could, however, be something else, as in the Soviet Union perhaps, and that is a confidence and mania that comes from power."

For more details and to see the full original article, go here
Leftist Incitement at Beit Berl College

The exhibit is on display at the Beit Berl Art College's Tel Aviv gallery, and is named 'Evet' - which is Lieberman's Russian first name. All of the works on display relate to Lieberman.

. Attorney Adrian Aggasy, representing the Legal Forum [for the Land of Israel], wrote that the exhibition constitutes harsh incitement against the foreign minister and oversteps the bounds of good taste. "Despite the importance of freedom of expression and its protection," he said in the letter to the A-G, "it cannot be a refuge and an excuse for inciters, for those who hurt civil servants and for those who call for violence through the tools of their art."

For more details and to see the full original article, go here

A Review of the Bash-Israel Pre-Conference organized by Far-Leftist Academics prior to the Prestigious International Geographical Union's regional conference held in Tel Aviv

As happens so often, the ideological opinion offered by Israeli scholars, under the banner of free speech and pluralism, at these conferences was primarily monolithic, anti-Israel, and leftist. If scholars were somehow still able to leave these conferences with a neutral or positive view about Israel, it was in spite of the best efforts of Israel's academics who organized the pre-conferences, not because of them.

... For Newman, only one voice should be heard in a democratic society, the voice of critique and anti-state hatred. The only 'beacon of light' in Israel are the organizations and individuals who compare the country to a fascist state and the only "value" of democracy is the voice of extremism. On the other side democracy is having a "black day" when other organizations use free speech to critique those who critique.

For more details and to see the full original article, go here
Interdisciplinary Center (Herzliya) - Bernard Avishai (Dept. of Business and Government) questions Israel's sovereignty over Jerusalem; has already given away Jerusalem to any future Arab State.

Just to be clear, there is about as much evidence that King David's palace would be excavated by this project as evidence that Queen Helena actually found the grove from which the true cross had been cut in the Valley of the Cross. But like Helena's sites - she was said to be the greatest archeologist in history, because she never looked for something she didn't find - Barkat's City of David is actually meant to excite pilgrims - you know, guests of a bar mitzva who are looking for something to do on Sunday afternoon.
SILWAN IS the heart of the most heavily populated, impoverished and angry parts of the city, certain to be in any future Palestinian capital.

For more details and to see the full original article, go here
Sapir College - Julia Chaitin (Dept of Social Work) shills for the Gaza Flotilla Terrorists

The attack on the flotilla, and all that ensued (whether or not the citizens on board attacked first, second, or later is of no importance) has shown us, once again, how the blind perspective that force can solve the problem has made the problem uglier, deeper, more senseless. With all this darkness, the attack on the flotilla has had one good effect: It brought the blockade of the forgotten Gaza Strip, from the land, the sea and the air, into the homes of billions/millions of people around the world. More importantly, it brought this immoral and inhumane blockade into the homes of millions of Israelis, who, for the last three years, have chosen to ignore this destructive act that our government has inflicted on an innocent population. This may be the light at the end of the tunnel(s). This might be the beginning of the end of a government and military policy that was borne in vengeance, and has been carried out with a vengeance.

For more details and to see the full original article, go here
The President of the Technion attacks Tel Aviv University professors Anat Matar and Rachel Giora for organizing defamation of the Technion in Boston

It was only the next day, as I continued on my way, did I start receiving telephone messages about a letter that had been sent to the Boston Science Museum prior to the event, at the initiative of Prof. Noam Chomsky from MIT, faculty members from two Israeli universities and other individuals. In this letter, Chomsky and his colleagues expressed a sharply worded protest against the fact that the museum was allowing the president of the Technion - "the university that prepares weapons of murder" - to deliver a lecture there. The letter went on to say that the event, which had paid tribute to Israel's tremendous contribution to world technology and science, was actually serving as a cover and camouflage for Israel's crimes against humanity.

For more details and to see the full original article, go here
Interdisciplinary Center (Herzliya) - Galia Golan (School of Government), Far leftist founder of Peace Now, denounces those who criticize the Israeli academic fifth column. Accuses us of being RICH!! (If only.) Calls for denying freedom of speech to critics of the anti-Israel Left!

The Knesset committee called upon the Council for Higher Education to take the report of Im Tirzu and investigate what Committee Chair Zvulun Orlev called "subversive and anti-Zionist." These (and more) are not isolated items. They add up to a policy, a campaign designed to cripple civil society, stifle criticism and eliminate opposition. They endanger the very essence of liberal democracy and of a free society, namely pluralism - of thought, deed, and expression.

For more details and to see the full original article, go here
The Defaming Duo - Adi Ophir (Tel Aviv University) and Ariella Azoulay (Bar Ilan University) - Two Israel Bashers for the Price of One

Pick one of the duo and you will always find the other hopping aboard. Start with support for the Palestinian "right of return." Then calls for Israeli soldiers to refuse to serve in the "territories." Then branding Israel 'an Apartheid state.' Then calls for an academic boycott of Israel. Then denouncing all acts of retaliation by Israel. Then dismiss warnings about the intentions of Iran.

Anti-Zionist petitions and articles always bear their two signatures. The duo of Adi Ophir and Ariella Azoulay seem to share everything, from a household to "books" churned out for the anti-Israel Far Left. They offer you.

IsraCampus Nepotism Update:
No sooner was Ariella Azoulay (one of the two members of the Defaming Duo described here) turned down for tenure at Bar-Ilan University when she was hired as an adjunct lecturer in the Faculty of the Arts at Tel Aviv University, the school where the other member of the Duo, her husband Adi Ophir, happens to be employed. Since universities in Israel generally do not employ married spouses in the same institution, IsraCampus invites the official heads of Tel Aviv University to explain this curious arrangement.

For more details and to see the full original article, go here
Weizmann Institute - Math and Computer Science Professor Oded Goldreich demonizing Israel and Zionism for the Ivy League

To Goldreich, Jews are not indigenous to Israel, only Arabs are. Even more amazing, Goldreich joined his fellow Stalinists and issued a call to grant terrorist Tali Fahima a Nobel Peace Prize. Fahima, an Israeli citizen, was found guilty of helping her Palestinian Arab boyfriend smuggle weapons to kill Jews in terrorist attacks. Fahima has since criticized even her ex-terrorist boyfriend (for being a sell-out to Israeli intelligence.)

For more details and to see the full original article, go here
Nathan Cherny (MD, other institutions, Shaarei Tsedek Hospital) insists that critics of the New Israel Fund are evil rightwing extremists undeserving of freedom of speech

'That the New Israel Fund has come under attack from all sorts of extremist, rightwing, anti-democratic, and anti-pluralist persons and interest groups is not new. Among its most severe critics are the sorts of people who attack Israel's judiciary, who defend a rigid Orthodox hegemony over Jewish life, promote Israeli annexation of the West Bank and the expulsion of the Palestinian community; elements that represent the "dark side" of the national discourse. The recent attacks by the rightwing organisation "Im-Tirtzu" (which prompted Danny Lamm's commentary on the NIF) is only the latest attempt to silence the voice of civil society in Israel.'

For more details and to see the full original article, go here
Sapir College - Ze'ev Tzahor (College President) claims Israel massacres children

'And were hundreds of Palestinian children killed? This time, Israel did not deny. How could it? However, "we found no evidence that would justify a criminal investigation." The same was true in respect to cases where the IDF fired at medical teams. According to Israel's response, the judge advocate general launched dozens of thorough investigation, but somehow everything and everyone turned out to be fine.'

For more details and to see the full original article, go here
Academic College of Tel-Aviv-Yaffo - Roy Wagner (Dept of Computer Science) Joins the Celebrations of the founding of the PFLP Terrorist Group

'He leads several "Queers against Israel" groups (their terminology), and is a leading advocate of worldwide boycotts of Israel. He was one of those Israelis who signed a petition declaring that Israel was about to commit Nazi-like atrocities the moment the allied troops invaded Iraq. That statement is still carried on Holocaust Denial web sites like Stormfront. Saddam was long ago toppled, but no apology from Wagner.'

For more details and to see the full original article, go here
Kiryat Ono College of Law - Amir Paz-Fuchs believes that "army service resisters" are "the bravest Israelis"

Israel has a long track record of law school academics ganging up to demonize and discredit the country. Among these are leftist attorneys who have played the game of citing "international law" and "social justice" in defending the indefensible, the quest to destroy Israel by any means necessary. . Israeli law lecturer Amir Paz-Fuchs is an example of someone who uses the courts in a similar manner. He also uses his Kiryat Ono classroom as an arena to smear and demonize Israel and Zionism. . Paz-Fuchs and his colleague argue that refusing to serve in the military for political reasons in a democratic country should be regarded as completely legal and valid, and mutineers even be paid veterans' benefits. The authors regard such people as the bravest Israelis.

For more details and to see the full original article, go here
Technion - Kobi Snitz (Dept of Mathematics) and Roee Harush (Seminar Hakibutzim), residents of "occupied Haifa," also support and actively participate in a "BDS campaign by the citizens of Israel"

Many of Haifa's Palestinians and some Jews participate in anti-Zionist activity on different occasions . as well as various forms of direct action against the occupation and the Zionist regime. . Through the various discussions, it was found that there is broad agreement that support by Israeli citizens, particularly Jewish-Israelis could be very useful to the international BDS campaign. . An important unresolved issue is the legitimate reluctance of many anti-Zionists in Palestine to identify as Israelis. . This is a long-standing question for the Jewish anti-Zionist movement in Palestine, and while it is an unresolved issue, it should not be allowed to become an obstacle to mounting an effective struggle against the apartheid regime. . The group is now at a stage of planning activities in Israel and abroad. At first, efforts will be focused on educating potential supporters. . For instance, one way in which Hebrew speakers can clearly be of use to the campaign is research into the corporations and institutions supporting and legitimizing Israel's apartheid system. Such research should not be done in an arbitrary fashion, but would be much more useful if done in coordination with the needs of the global campaign and the Palestinian BDS National Committee (BNC), the main reference point of the global campaign.

For more details and to see the full original article, go here
Technion - Kobi Snitz (Dept of Mathematics) does jail time due to Anti-Israel activity

His statement (from yesterday) is below:

Tomorrow I will start a 20 day prison term. It is a result of an attempt to prevent a house demolition in kharbatha. As you probably know 20 days is nothing compared to the time many Palestinian teenagers have to do.

For more details and to see the full original article, go here
Technion - Yosef Rafiq Jabareen (Dept of Architecture) slams the new Israel Land Administration (ILA) legislation as an attempt to "Judaize" the Galilee and Negev; calls it a "clearance sale" that would complete the "Nakba"

The JNF thus seeks to expand the lands it holds by relinquishing lands in the existing cities and receiving lands in the Galilee and Negev (Naqab) as compensation. The implementation of the law would ultimately enable the JNF to enjoy new lands that would be transferred to it at the expense of state lands that are supposed to be for the benefit of the entire public and not only for one ethnic group. That is, it is prohibited for Arabs to touch the lands of the JNF and they are not allowed to enjoy them like the Jews. The legislation would eventually lead to the transfer of ownership, even without payment, to Jewish leaseholders and to a "clearance" sale of what remains of Palestinian property in many cities in Israel, such as Jaffa, Ramla, Lod, Be'er Sheva, Tiberias, Beit Shean, Haifa and Acre, as well as the Palestinian property in West Jerusalem. Thus, the Palestinian Nakba would be completed in these cities in the future when the Palestinian space that has existed for many generations would be finally eliminated and it would become a case of privatized real estate for the enjoyment of Jewish developers . Thus, the government would be able to carry out its plans to sell land and to Judaize the Galilee and the Negev in a more efficient way

For more details and to see the full original article, go here
The College of Management Academic Studies - Law Professor Orna Bar-Naftali uses "Law" to Bludgeon Israel

Orna Bar-Naftali has been working assiduously with leftist lawyers in Israel and abroad to suggest that Israel routinely violates "international law" and "human rights." An examination of the woman's background and legal discourse becomes quite revealing of an agenda to smear Israel and drown the Jewish state in a malaise of her legal "interpretations," as well as to provide propaganda against the Jewish state by certain NGO's that have an anti-Zionist and even anti-Israel agenda.

For more details and to see the full original article, go here
Bar Ilan University - Orna Sasson-Levy participates in a conference "Befitting Bir Zeit"

MK Aryeh Eldad blasted the conference in a letter to Bar Ilan University and Education Minister Gideon Saar. "The Council for Higher Education funds Bar Ilan University and not Bir Zeit because it believes that the university's syllabus is in accordance with the aims of the State of Israel," Eldad wrote. "From the look of this conference's program, it seems that it seeks to undermine the State of Israel. This is an out-and-out anti-Israeli conference and if a similar one were held in a university outside Israel, the Foreign Ministry would protest and organize counter-demonstrations."

For more details and to see the full original article, go here
Holon Institute of Technology - Dr. Diana Dolev of New Profile strives to be the Israeli "Tokyo Rose" against the IDF

Of course, Diana Dolev is another example how the Israeli taxpayer unwittingly doles out sinecures for whacko subversives and traitors who, once they get tenure and an office, can then spend most of their time working diligently to bring down the Jewish state by organizing groups like New Profile. It could be said that as New Profile's spokesperson, Dolev's main themes, are "peace" and "feminism", but Dolev uses these words only to mask her attacking the Zionist state. ... Today, she tours abroad, not as an architect, but most notably as a mouthpiece for the International Solidarity Movement talking anywhere she can to attack Israel and present a false image of the state as another apartheid South Africa. ... Back home Dolev works with the Association for Civil Rights in Israel and strives to accuse Israel of atrocities against innocent Arabs. ... The ACRI holds fundraisers along with the New Israel Fund in the US where they invite Jews to think they are promoting democracy in Israel, when they are in fact enabling the Arabs to undermine Israeli self-defense and morale back home.

For more details and to see the full original article, go here
Interdisciplinary Center (Herzliya) - Galia Golan (School of Government) tries to stifle dissident voices; doesn't believe that Israel has the right to defend its citizens

The "steering committee" to discuss the Gaza events included as members Prof. Galia Golan, a founder of Peace Now, a radical leftist, and a faculty member at the Herzliya Interdisciplinary Center in "government" . Most of the Israeli contingent willingly signed the conference's proclamation asserting that Israel had just carried out massacres in Gaza and calling for the international community to crack down on Israeli sovereignty and its exercise of its right of defense. . Golan and Chazan tried to nag the Israeli dissidents into abandoning their position that any IWC statement should denounce ALL acts of violence, even those directed against Jews. .The rest of the Israeli delegation supported the one-sided denunciation of Israel and the endorsement of the "right" of the Palestinians to murder Jews.

For more details and to see the full original article, go here
Bar-Ilan University Sociologist Orna Sasson-Levy smears the IDF on Pro-Terror Al Jazeera

So amidst the attempt by the Palestinians to obliterate southern Israel in a rocket blitz, triggering Operation Cast Lead to stop the Qassams falling on Sderot and Ashkelon, Sasson-Levy and the other "leftists against tee-shirts" decided to paint the IDF as a bunch of bloodthirsty warmongers and cutthroats. The Al Jazeera report about the "tee shirt atrocity" was produced in English so that it has the look of a CNN report. Al Jazeera expressed no shock or remorse when the Arabs were firing thousands of Qassams at children in Sderot and Ashkelon. But a tasteless cartoon on tee-shirts trumps that as a human rights abuse! Or at least it does so according to Orna Sasson-Levy.

For more details and to see the full original article, go here
Holon Institute of Technology - Diana Dolev's colleagues at "New Profile" get arrested for incitement to "evade military service" and to "obtain an exemption by deceit"; complain about treatment usually reserved for "settlers"

The investigation of New Profile began on September 15, 2008, a week after an expose on "New Profile" appeared in the Jerusalem Post (which was also brought to the attention of readers). . the investigation did not focus on actions perpetrated by the suspects but on the opinions they had expressed on the site, allegedly including in the organization's charter. This was a violation of the fundamental right of freedom of expression.

According to a statement issued by the Justice Ministry spokesman at that time, the Web sites of New Profile and Target 21 were suspected of preaching evasion of military service, thereby violating Article 109 of the Penal Law. They were also suspected of helping those slated for military service to obtain an exemption by deceit or by knowingly submitting false information, the ministry said.

For more details and to see the full original article, go here
The College of Management Academic Studies - Orna Ben-Naftali (Dept. of Law) performs the anti-Israel legal work

Focusing on the continued Israeli occupation of the Palestinian territory conquered in 1967, the article argues that this occupation has become illegal both intrinsically (that is, in terms of the normative regime of occupation) and extrinsically (that is, in terms of the international legal order which generates the normative regime of occupation as an exception to the normal order of sovereign equality between states: the situation is exceptional due to the severance of the link between sovereignty and effective control).

For more details and to see the full original article, go here
College of Management Academic Studies - Orna Ben-Naftali (Dept. of Law) gives legitimacy to the International Community to interfere in internal Israeli judicial affairs

. the implication of such policy is twofold: first, it might transform 'conduct unbecoming' - which as a matter of law is a war crime - into a crime against humanity; second, it may well be construed as an invitation to the international community to intervene through the exercise of universal jurisdiction.

For more details and to see the full original article, go here
Other Schools - Yeela Raanan - Promotes the legitimatization of Land-Grabbing by Negev Beduin

The Government of Israel does not view the Arab-Bedouin citizens of Israel as deserving the right to utilize the Negev lands. The government will take extreme measures to prohibit this right. The reasoning: *Making the Negev Bloom - only with Jewish crops.*

For more details and to see the full original article, go here
Galilee College - Hannah Safran - the Hamas' Hannah Montana

A few days ago Safran had a column in the leftwing Neo-Nazi web magazine Counterpunch, published by Alexander Cockburn and his band of jihad cheerleaders. The title of her rant is, and I am not making this up: "Ready to be Traitors: The Israeli Resistance." ... In it she calls for Israeli "resistance" against Israel, the code word used by leftists for terrorism. In it she also hails the violent "anarchists" who attack police and soldiers in their efforts to sabotage Israel's security wall and so allow the Palestinian mass murderers to enter Israel.

For more details and to see the full original article, go here
When it Does not Add Up: Anti-Israel Mathematicians at Israeli Universities

Israeli far-leftist anti-Israel academics in the mathematics field may have their own abstract ways of looking at things, but they are paid by the Israeli taxpayers, and then promote an anti-Israel agenda that sometimes involves terrorist attacks against those same taxpayers.

For more details and to see the full original article, go here
Galilee College - Hannah Safran calls for Israeli "resistance" against the existence of Israel on the anti-Semitic Counterpunch web Site

'We, the resistance movement in Israel, will continue our struggle against the war in Gaza and the racism that prevails within Israeli society. We will continue to grow, we will connect to other social and environmental protest groups, and we will hopefully help change our society for the better.'

For more details and to see the full original article, go here
Bar Ilan University - Ultra-Moonbette Ariella Azoulay denied tenure at Bar Ilan

Let us be clear - she was not evicted because of her extremist politics but because she is a laughingstock of a "scholar." But that is what makes this newsworthy. AT any other university, including my own, someone like her would have sailed through to tenure, all on the BASIS of her "sensitive progressive political ideology." She has essentially an empty academic publishing record (I found one paper in a French journal). It is only at Bar Ilan that being a leftist is neither a sufficient nor a necessary condition to getting tenure!

For more details and to see the full original article, go here
Bar Ilan University - Professor Yafa Zilbershatz - Even at Bar Ilan there are anti-Israel extremists working for the enemy

Professor Yafa Zilbershatz of Bar Ilan University said in an interview with Israel's Channel 7, that in view of the legal situation in Europe, Israel's acts in Gaza can be considered war crimes in that continent, and even "rank-and-file soldiers" may be prosecuted. The actions of the IDF in Gaza are likely to be considered war crimes in the USA as well. Currently, a private suit is now being conducted in a US federal court against Avi Dichter, the former head of the Israel Security Agency (Shin Bet - Shabak) for bombing innocent civilians in Gaza.

Prof. Zilbershatz' cynical solution to the problem is to propose that the State of Israel apply pressure on European countries to change their laws. It is shocking that Professor Zilbershatz blames other countries for having laws that apply the doctrine of universal jurisdiction. Attorney Leibowitz and Journalist Elam propose a solution to this problem that is the only lawful, realistic and ethical solution: refuse to commit war crimes.

For more details and to see the full original article, go here
Dr. Dalit Baum and the Academic Lesbians for Jihad

Back in Israel these days, Baum is teaching (if that is the right word) at the "Community School for Women," a lesbian feminist "school" she helped found. Baum, a loudly self-proclaimed lesbian, has managed to connect her anti-Israel animus to support for the greatest homophobes and persecutors of homosexuals in the world, the Arab Islamofascists and the Muslim states. There homosexuality is often a capital offense. She is a leading member of a group calling itself "QUIT," which stands for "Queers Undermining Israeli Terrorism," a homosexual anti-Israel anarchist/Marxist group set up to demonize Jews and Israelis while excusing Arab homophobia and persecution of homosexuals. Dalit Baum embraces and supports the very same people who would kill her for being gay!! Perhaps that explains why she has never ventured into any Muslim country to preach her ideas.

For more details and to see the full original article, go here
Other - Sapir Academic College - Sapir President Zeev Tzahor Lobbying for "Talks" with the Hamas:

Zeev Tzahor is the President of Sapir College, supposedly a historian of Israeli history. Sapir College is located in Sderot and his been hit repeatedly by Hamas shells. At least one Sapir student has been murdered (see here). Zeev Tzahor is also an academic for capitulation and appeasement. He was on the TV this evening (January 03, 2009) urging Israel to desist from attacking Gaza and to enter negotiations with the Hamas. Just what does he think Israel can obtain from such negotiations? At most, a meaningless, empty piece of paper that the Hamas will violate before the ink is dry. Not to worry, Tzahor is convinced. If that happens Israel can call a policeman to complain or file a protest!

Sapir College has been in the news in recent years in part because of its employing an Arab faculty member who refused to allow an Israeli reserve soldier in uniform and a woman wearing a Jewish star into his class. Tzahor back then came out against the Arab, but we suspect it was to gather some credibility so that he can promote his Peace Now agenda.
Other - Sapir Academic College - Julia Chaitin (Dept of Social Work), senior lecturer, lobbies for capitulation to Hamas demands

'This war is wrong. It is wrong because it cannot achieve its manifest goals -- long-term "normal" life for the residents of the Negev region.... Since the Israeli air force began bombing Gaza, it has been almost impossible to speak openly against the war.... We will know peace only when we accept the fact that the Palestinians in the Gaza Strip have every right to lives of dignity. We will know peace only when we recognize that we must negotiate with Hamas, our enemy, even if we are devastated that the Palestinians did not elect a more moderate party to lead them.'

For more details and to see the full original article, go here
Other - Beit Berl College - Yehiam Sorek, who teaches history at Beit Berl College, finds a murdering war criminal and enemy of mankind - Bar Kochva!

'Not all these facts were known to those that sanctified the Jewish national concept when they turned Bar Kochva into the idol of the Zionist renaissance, and even if they had their doubts about his personality, they closed their eyes, because the ancient, heroic rebel sells Zionism very well. They sought to fan the flames of the tribal bonfire with ethnocentrism, and to draw from Jewish mythology a fighter of the kind that challenged the greatest superpower of ancient times, and by his power-driven, crude, insolent and selfish light to educate the children of Israel to emulate him. They seemed to be advocating: Fight the bad guys (the nations of the world, the Turks, the British, the Arabs) to win what you seek, and damn the price. That is how Bar Kochva, among the other myths and symbols, was turned into yet another quasi-militaristic element that elevates any physical action to attain "sacred" goals. Sadly, Bar Kochva became a brand name, a national legend, which served national-Zionist goals. He was internalized and absorbed into the national bloodstream, took on the same sanctity as the other myths - and anyone that tries to pose questions about the commander of the revolt, his character and path, is perceived as a saboteur, a vandal.'

For more details and to see the full original article, go here
Other - Tel Hashomer - Raphael Walden participates in a-Dura fraud, produces "expert opinion" without examining patient and is based on medical report from October 2000

But there is one aspect of the case that has NOT been widely exposed. That is the collaboration by Prof. Raphael Walden with the French television station's fraud and cover-up. Walden is a far-leftist anti-Zionist medical doctor with specialty in surgery, at Tel Hashomer hospital. He is active in the pro-terror anti-Israel propaganda group "Doctors for Human Rights," a group once run by anti-Semite Neve Gordon and which does not believe that Jews should be entitled to any human rights. He is also the son-in-law of Shimon Peres and often described in the press as Shimon Peres' personal physician. He signs all the usual leftist proclamations . His email is .

Ben-Dror Yemini this week described the role of Walden in the French forgery in his weekly column. Walden prepared a professional medical report that backed the lies and fabrications of the French TV station and the attempt to "prove" the Arab propaganda version of the a-Dura shooting, based on the injuries to a-Dura's father. Only problem is that the good doctor never examined the a-Dura father and based his expert conclusions on some paperwork he got from a Jordanian office. A different Israeli doctor who DID examine the poppa, Dr. Yehuda David, discovered that all the injuries the father was claiming to have suffered when his son was pretending to be shot were in fact injuries from at least 8 years earlier.

For more details and to see the full original article, go here
Bar Ilan University - History Professor Ariel Toaff goes from Medieval Blood Libels to Collaborating with a Jihadi Web Site

Toaff should be ashamed at his collaboration with a jihadi web site, being used to spread his "research." Bar Ilan University should be ashamed to have employed such a person, because academic freedom should not be a cover for deception and lies against the Jewish people to hasten the destruction of their national homeland.

For more details and to see the full original article, go here
College of Management - Yossi Nehushtan (School of Law) Expresses Neofascist Ideas about Freedom of Speech and Restricts it to Those Whose Views He Likes:

In an article published in Hebrew, Yossi Nehushtan objects that the State of Israel wants to refuse to grant permission to a flag-waving parade in Um el-Fahm based on the possible civil disorder that might ensue. In his opinion, the State of Israel should refuse to grant permission based solely on the ideology of the petitioners.

Nehushtan invalidates the ideology of Itamar Ben-Gvir and Baruch Marzal and thus they should not receive the protection of the law. The State should reject their claims due to illegitimate values.

Nehushtan goes further and states that if the Supreme Court does allow the demonstration to take place in Um el-Fahm proper then there will no longer be any "logical" reason not to allow demonstrations for alleged Tzahal war crimes next to Memorial services or for Holocaust-deniers to protest in front of old age homes populated by Holocaust-survivors.

For more details and to see the full original article (in Hebrew), go here
Other Schools - Another (ex-) Israeli Academic Hater of Israel: Daniel Boyarin of UC Berkeley

His resume is quite impressive, because he is a Talmudic scholar and has written works about Judaism, its history and scripture, generally demolished as pseudo-scholarship by serious academic reviewers. A US-born citizen of Israel, he once taught at Ben Gurion University and Bar Ilan University and is currently a professor of Near East Studies at UC Berkeley. Since UC Berkeley is a campus that, although it has a large Jewish population, is home to many an anti-Israel Arab and leftist, one might not be surprised that Daniel Boyarin has as negative opinion of Israel's self-defense as is found among so many of Israel's intelligentsia working in Arab dominated US Middle East Studies programs. In fact, Boyarin pretty clearly does not think Israel should exist at all. Daniel Boyarin is notorious for how he displays a virulent hatred for the Jewish people of Israel whose Talmud he studied for so many years, particularly towards Israelis who practice self-defense against Arab irredentism. In addition, Boyarin's overlooking of anti-Semitism and his embracing of anti-Semites at UC Berkeley and elsewhere make him particularly difficult to comprehend for most rational people.

For more details and to see the full original article, go here
Elitist Bar Ilan University Poli Sci Lecturer Menachem Klein never says die to a "peace process" while rubber stamping the views of avowed anti-Semites

The pondering question is "Is Klein being just an opportunist here or a quisling for anti-Semites, or is he really so naïve?" View the CNI video yourself in its entirety and see the answer is most likely the former. Klein's appearance with the CNI is like a Jew speaking out in support of the goals of Nazis during World War II. Israelis who appear at similar symposiums worldwide claiming to talk peace, but secretly booked for pushing the Palestinian agenda are plentiful, but Menachem Klein seems to be among the most skilled of them all. That the CNI is revered in America by neo-Nazis and funded by the Saudis, something that isn't revealed in the video, but something Klein must know forces us to ask what more would Menachem Klein need to divorce himself from such an organization, even if he really was just a starry-eyed peace activist? And to think former PM Ehud Barak used this guy as an adviser!!!

For more details and to see the full original article, go here
Other - Holon Institute of Technology - Diana Dolev Degrades the Image of the Israeli Soldier to Further Her Political Goals

Our soldiers aren't tidy soldiers. They're very schlumperich [unkempt], which creates this image of a soldier that is half civilian. One of the hevre. Not a "soldierly" soldier. But I think this is a sort of cover. I think that actually, in a more concealed way, this image contributes to militaristic ideas filtering into civil society without our noticing it.

For more details and to see the full original article, go here
Open University - Mustafa Kabha (Dept. of History) quotes the imaginary "massacre" fabricated at the University of Haifa by Ilan Pappe and Teddy Katz: "Tantur .. The worst Zionist massacres in Palestine"

He (Historian Mustafa Kabha) said: "The massacre left in the Al-Tantur great impact on the Palestinians in the neighboring villages and paved the displacements."

In return the Israeli historian Teddy Katz - who suffered a defamation lawsuit by the unit after Alexander detect the circumstances of the massacre in Al-Tantur Masters study at the University of Haifa in 1998 - that the testimonies received by recalling the fall of 230 Palestinians in the massacre.

For more details and to see the full original article, go here
Bezalel Academy artist and lecturer David Tartakover uses art to attack his fellow Israelis

As mentioned, Tartakover has enormous contempt for religious Jews, something that also colors his hatred for Jews who reside in Yesha. He expressed this artistically when he defaced the memorial of assassinated Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin with the words, Killed by a Kippa wearing Jew! thus lumping all religious Jews (no doubt to him, all those in Yesha are religious too, when many are not) into the same group.

For more details and to see the full original article, go here
Bar Ilan University - Menachem Klein (Dept of Political Studies) Participated in Conference that promotes "ending the Occupation"

The following Israeli academics participated in FFIPP-International Conference that promotes "ending the Occupation":

Menachem Klein, Bar Ilan University - Dept of Political Studies
Kenneth Mann, Tel Aviv University - Dept of Law
Eyal Wiezman, University of London - Dept of Visual Cultures

It has been almost two years since the last FFIPP conference in Ramallah.
Since then, the situation in the Occupied Territories has deteriorated with the
rapidly worsening conditions in Gaza, the continued construction of the Wall
and the settlements, continued violence- mainly against the Palestinians- and
the lack of any progress in the 'negotiations'. The tensions between Hamas and
Fatah continued as well and the isolation of Hamas contributed to the general
deterioration. The Annapolis conference has failed to produce any positive
change in the region and the occupation of Iraq is now threatening to escalate
into, potentially, a major confrontation with Iran.

For more details and to see the full original article, go here
Open University - Yossi Dahan (Dept. of Philosophy) Uses the Term "Social Justice" Selectively

Thus for Yossi Dahan, "social justice" apparently means anything that Israel does is socially unjust, at least in terms of dealing with surrounding violent Arab entities that have an undying mantra to kill Jews, and ultimately to destroy Israel. He helps Arabs claim Israeli land that may not belong to them; he also defends the "proletariat" (communists in Israel want the state replaced with a new dictatorship of the proletariat and for good measure, the Arabs dominating) that includes foreign workers inside Israel illegally.

Nearly 30% of Israel's children and elderly are forced to eat in soup kitchens because of poverty. 13,000 Israeli children have been added to the ranks of those who must eat in soup kitchens. But in my research about Yossi Dahan, I could not find an equal dedication to "social justice" for these people. He seeks to help Arabs who want to take what little land Israel has while 22 surrounding Arab countries call for her destruction with a land ratio of 650 to 1. Where's the social justice in that for Jews?

For more details and to see the full original article, go here
Interdisciplinary Center (Herzliya) - Bernard Avishai (Dept. of Business and Government) denounces Israel once again

'In his ire at Israel's religious Jews, Avishai makes all manner of unsubstantiated claims about them. Their commitment to democracy is, he asserts, opportunistic; they engage in voter fraud, shirk taxes, justify male brutality against women, admire 'obscure' rabbis, engage in 'bizarre' rituals, are raised on hatred of the goy. Their eyes 'burn through you.' Several times he entertains the notion that Judaism is a racist and even a blood religion.'

Bernard Avishai is Dean of the Raphael Recanati International School and a professor of business and government at the Interdisciplinary Center, Herzliya, Israel

For more details and to see the full original article, go here
Technion, University of Haifa, and Hebrew University - For Professors Jacob and Tamar Katriel and their children, bashing Israel is a family affair - by Lee Kaplan

"Jacob Katriel is in fact a Stalinist communist ideologue who has been a central figure in Israel's communist party that is mostly dominated by Arab-Israeli members who are irredentists against Israel's Jews. If it has anything to do with smearing the Jewish state, Katriel will do it while reaping the rewards of his tenured retirement sinecure paid for by the Israeli taxpayer and donors to Israeli universities. His wife and children are equally close allies in damning Israel any way they can. Among Katriel's major efforts, supported equally by all members of his family, are attempts to compare Israel with apartheid South Africa in order to promote worldwide divestment making a false comparison with what was a genuinely racist South African regime back in the 1980's."

For more details and to see the full original article, go here
Bar Ilan University - Kobi Snitz (Dept. of Mathematics) calls for another "nonviolent" demonstration

Bethlehem - Palestine - Friday January 18, 2008 - The Popular Committee against the Wall and the Settlement in Al-Khader is organizing a nonviolent demonstration to protest the construction of the annexation wall in the town of Al-Khader south of Bethlehem.

For more details and to see the full original article, go here
Bar Ilan University - Kobi Snitz (Dept. of Mathematics) representing violent "Anarchists Against the Wall"

Anarchists Against The Wall (AATW) is a pro-violence Israeli group that supports the popular Palestinian struggle. The proximity of the struggle on the ground to Israeli cities presents an opportunity for intense involvement by many Israelis. At the same time, the physical risk in such activity is quite high. It goes without saying that the risks for our Palestinian partners are much higher. As a small group with an aversion to... Kobi Snitz is a member of Anarchists against the Wall. His political involvement started when he joined CUPE local 3902 as a teaching assistant in Toronto. He continued being active as a graduate student in the United States, working on teaching assistant union drives, and to oppose U.S. aggression. His work with AATW started when he returned to his native Israel in 2003.

For more details and to see the full original article, go here
Bar Ilan University - Kobi Snitz (Dept. of Mathematics) in Amherst claims Israel has no right to build a defensive wall to keep out terrorists

Several weeks ago, Rateb Abu Rahma and Kobi Snitz, members of the group "Faculty for Israeli - Palestinian Peace," visited the University of Massachusetts and the surrounding area. Their talk was titled "Bil'in, Village of Resistance," and referred to a town where non-violent resistance led to an Israeli court ruling to redirect a portion of the wall that goes through the area. The event was poorly attended at UMass but nevertheless proved to be very informative and was greatly appreciated. It was a privilege to have people who have experienced Israeli crimes firsthand come speak for the sake of spreading knowledge and nurturing concern for innocent people on both sides of the conflict. The speakers' message was clear: the separation that Israel has built along the West Bank is a hindrance to people's lives in the region and must be torn down if peace is desired.

For more details and to see the full original article, go here
Sapir College - Naama Shefi (Head of the School of Communications) endorses the anti-Israel Arab lecturer at her school who refused to allow a reserve soldier to enter the classroom

'It should not be overlooked that Hassan used one of the few platforms available to him as an Arab-Israeli intellectual. He did so as a director who is training young directors, and as usual he challenged them with his harsh statement. But Hassan did not perceive that he violated the trust placed in him as someone who is supposed to fight for the freedom of ideas and a high standard of ethics.'

To complain: The President of Sapir College is Prof. Zev Tzahor, whose fax is 972-8-6899412. His email is

For more details and to see the full original article, go here
Forty Israeli Academics back the Arab lecturer who barred Jewish soldier in uniform from his class

Nizar Hassan, the filmmaker who instructed a student at Sapir College in Sderot not to come to class wearing his army uniform and carrying a gun, "is a talented and courageous artist whose only sin was his attempt to maintain universal civic values" and whose action "pointed to the serious phenomenon of the great involvement of the army in campus life."

These statements are in a petition of support for Hassan signed by dozens of Jewish and Arab university teachers. Hassan was suspended by the college until the disciplinary committee reaches a decision in his case. After a hearing last Thursday, the committee could recommend a punishment ranging from an official reprimand to dismissal.

1 comment:

  1. the truth is emerging, the arab terrorists imported into Israeli soil are exposed daily
