Friday, August 05, 2011

NRA Chief LaPierre: Eric Holder Must Go

Wayne LaPierre

Patience is a virtue that Americans practice perhaps better than any other civilization on earth. However, when our own Attorney General is at the forefront of a criminal scheme so unbelievable that you would only expect to see it in a B-level mobster movie, the time for patience is over. Now is the time for all Americans to demand Eric Holder’s immediate resignation, firing, or impeachment.

Recall that two years ago, Attorney General Holder embarked on an anti-gun PR blitz that blamed the Second Amendment and law-abiding gun owners for violent drug crime and murder in Mexico. According to Holder and the Obama administration, 90 percent of the guns used by Mexican drug cartels were being supplied by American gun dealers. For its part, the mainstream media shouted Holder’s propaganda from the rooftops, without ever bothering to do its homework and check the facts. But the facts surfaced anyway in the form of leaked communications from Obama’s State Department, which proved beyond any doubt that the main source of guns and artillery for Mexican drug cartels was Central America and not the United States.

Holder’s lie was exposed, but the Obama administration had another trick up its sleeve: An operation dubbed “Fast and Furious” which established an illegal pipeline for funneling guns into Mexico.

Officials at the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATFE), an agency under the direct purview of Eric Holder’s Justice Department, forced American gun dealers to sell guns illegally to straw purchasers who would then supply the guns to Mexican drug cartels.

Over 2,000 illegal guns in all were permitted to “walk” across the border under this scheme.

Law-abiding Americans were blamed for drug crime and murder in Mexico, meanwhile, our own government was putting guns in the hands of known Mexican drug cartels. Now, more than 150 Mexicans and U.S. Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry are dead as a result of this criminal enterprise.

Carlos Canino, Acting BATFE Attache in Mexico, called Fast and Furious “The perfect storm of idiocy.”

“We armed the [Sinaloa] cartel,” says Canino. “It is disgusting.”

House Oversight Committee Chairman Darrell Issa (R-Calif) and Senate Judiciary Committee Ranking Member Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) are relentlessly trying to uncover the corruption and conspiracy behind this scandal, and it hasn’t been easy.

When questioned by Sen. Grassley about how these illegal guns ended up at the murder scene of Brian Terry, Holder responded, “I frankly don’t know.”

Whether Holder knew about “Fast and Furious” or not, he continues to stonewall Congress’s investigation into the matter by refusing to turn over any documents that could give insight into how such a monumental scandal was allowed to flourish. Even worse, at least two witnesses scheduled to appear before Congressman Issa’s Oversight Committee have received intimidating letters from BATFE officials warning them to limit their testimony.

Either Holder is truly incompetent and had no idea about the massive, illegal gun-walking operation that was taking place right under his nose, or he’s lying to protect the Obama administration. Either way, he must cease to be our nation’s top law enforcement official immediately.

When NRA first began our campaign to fire Eric Holder we were one of just a few voices in the wilderness.

Now, over 100,000 Americans have signed NRA’s petition to President Obama, the U.S. Congress, and the disinterested mainstream media demanding Eric Holder’s “immediate and unconditional removal from office.” If you have not yet signed the petition, please click here and do so now.

I have no doubt that if the mainstream media was doing its job and simply reporting what is easily the biggest, deadliest and most despicable government scandal to take place in the past two decades, Eric Holder would not be Attorney General today.

But we know the media won’t do its job, so it’s up to every freedom-loving American to call for Eric Holder’s immediate termination from his post as Attorney General. It is our duty to keep up the pressure.

Holder needs to go before one more brave American law enforcement officer ends up dead…before one more law-abiding gun dealer is forced against his will to make an illegal gun sale…and before one more illegal firearm is allowed to “walk” into the hands of a murderous Mexican drug dealer.

We as a nation can no longer afford to be patient. Eric Holder must go. I urge you to sign the petition today.

Wayne LaPierre is the executive vice president and chief executive officer of the National Rifle Association of America.

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