Monday, August 08, 2011

Honduras’ Palestine Gamble

Israel: Daily Alert

President Porfirio Lobo’s decision last week to vote in favor of recognizing Palestine as a member of the UN in September represents a major foreign policy reversal for Honduras that has clearly blindsided Israel and its principal ally, the U.S.

What many do not seem to appreciate is that, in many ways, Honduras has a more natural kinship to the Arab world than to Israel. Of Honduras’ population of 8.2 million, an estimated 200,000 to 250,000 are people of Arab descent – the great majority, Palestinian. The country’s powerful business class is dominated by Arab-Hondurans. Former President Carlos Flores Facusse (1998-2002) comes from Palestinian lineage. Honduras’ current foreign minister, Mario Canahuati, is part Palestinian.

The country’s wealthiest individual, Miguel Facusse Barjum – Palestinian. Top coffee exporter Oscar Kafati – Palestinian.

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