Sunday, August 21, 2011

Hamas Cancels the ’Calm’ That Never Was

Hamas officially cancels of the “calm” that never was and continues attacks early Sunday – this time on Jewish farms and towns near Gaza.
by Tzvi Ben Gedalyahu
Published: 21/08/11

Hamas officially cancels of the “calm” that never was and continues attacks early Sunday – this time on Jewish farms and towns near Gaza.

Two pre-dawn mortar shell explosions rocked the Eshkol region, northwest of Be’er Sheva, around 4 a.m., and three rockets woke up residents south of Ashkelon two hours later. All of the blasts were in open areas, and not serious damage or injuries were reported. Since Thursday, terrorists have attacked southern Israel with more than 80 rockets and mortars. At lest one rocket exploded on the highway near Kiryat Gat . half-way between Be'er Sheva and the southern edge of metropolitan Tel Aviv.

Hamas announced Saturday night that it has cancelled its previously proclaimed “ceasefire” that in fact was n effect for only two months after Israel’s counterterrorist Operation Cast Lead campaign in the winter of 2008-2009.

“There is no longer any truce with the enemy,” said a Hamas statement.

Mainstream media have repeatedly referred to the “calm” even while reporting hundreds of mortar shell and rocket attacks since then.

During one 48-period in April, Hamas and other terrorist organizations in Gaza attacked Israeli towns and cities with more than 120 Grad missiles, rockets and mortar shells.

The Arab League said Saturday night it will hold an emergency meeting in Cairo on Sunday to discuss the latest escalation of violence between Hamas-controlled Gaza and Israel. The League said the meeting will be held at the request “from the Palestinian state,” said Mahmoud Abdel Aziz, spokesman of the Arab League.

Thousands of Gaza Arabs vowed revenge on Israel while attending funerals for Jihad commanders killed by the IDF following the deadly attacks north of Eilat on Thursday.

The Israeli Security Cabinet is to discuss Sunday what steps the country will take in the wake of the latest attacks.

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